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[엄마의 품속 + 작업과정]

현재 작업중이여서 미완성 그림이긴한데, 한가지 알려주고 싶어서 8월 되기 전에 어서 보여주고 싶었습니다. 늦었지만…

[ママの懐の中 + 作業過程]

現在作業中で未完成の絵ではありますが、一つ教えたくて8月になる前に早く見せてあげたかったです。 遅れたが···

[Mom's embrace + process of working]

It's an unfinished painting because I'm currently working on it, but I wanted to let you know one thing, so I wanted to show it to you before August. But I'm late…

상호작용을 더욱 실감나게 하기 위해 파트너의 커스텀을 각각 적용할 예정입니다.

모든 파트너가 엑스트라 대머리라면 분명 몰입이 안될 수 있습니다.

무슨 뜻이냐면




To make the interaction more realistic, we will apply each partner's customization.

If all partners are extra bald, you can definitely not get immersed.

What it means is

이렇게 각각 그림 파츠를 나눠 그립니다. 저 그림은 세리아의 몸,손,가슴,파트너 이렇게 나뉘었습니다.

このようにそれぞれ絵パーツを分けて描きます。 あの絵はセリアの体、手、胸、パートナーに分けられました。

So, I'm going to draw part by part. That painting was divided into Seria's body, hands, chest, and partners.

그렇게 해서 파트너가 '세이마'가 될 수 있고


So her partner could be 'Seima.'

'마스'가 될 수 있고


Or 'Mas.'

혹은 '또다른 NPC'가 될 수 있습니다.


Or 'Another NPC.'

'과연 세리아의 품 속은 누구의 것이 될 것인가…'

다양한 커스텀 변경이 가능하게 작업하고 있기 때문에 작업량은 늘어나지만 분명 의미 있는 시간이 될 것입니다.

그리고 게임 크기에 맞는 대각선 앵글도 적응하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

다음 시간에는 완성된 그림을 가져오겠습니다. 이번 달도 잘 부탁드립니다.




次の時間には完成した絵を持ってきます。 今月もよろしくお願いします。

'Who can enjoy Seria's hug…'

I'm working on a variety of custom changes, so the workload will increase, but it will definitely be a meaningful time.

And I'm also trying to adapt the diagonal angle that fits the size of the game.

Next time, I'll bring the finished drawing. I look forward to working with you this month as well.




세이마 앞에서 아기인척하는 아저씨나 노인도 있으면 좋겠습니다


세리아의 커다란 맘마통과 따뜻한 슴골은 누구의 것이 될지 기대가 잔뜩이군요...ㅎㅎㅎ




What is the name of Seria’s red hair student? I believe he deserves a name.




It would be nice to see a scene like this in game- Seima returned home from training and went to take a bath. But when he opened the door, he saw Mas rubbing his penis on his sister's breasts and mouth. Si: "Sister! What's going on!?" Sc: "Um, I'm just cleaning Mas. Is something wrong?" She thinks if she plays dumb, Seima won't think much of it. M: "Phew bro, you are lucky to have a sister so skilled at cleaning!" He says this while rubbing his tip on her nipples. Before Secilia can stop Seima, he runs out of the house to clear his mind. He stops at the cliff over his house. And happens to see Secilia and Mas having sex in the bath. Which drives him further into despair.


Much later, Seria finally takes her bath, and is surprised to see her son sulking. Sr: "Ara, Seima-darling, what are you doing here so late?" Si: "Sister doesn't like me anymore. She likes Mas." They talk about his feelings, and she notices his erection. Sr: "She's so cruel! I'll talk to her. And you are always welcome to bathe with mama." While cleaning Seima, Seria is sure to skillfully jerk him off to release his frustrations. She sees it as healing his emotions, so it's not naughty. Sr: "It's okay, let it all out.." As he is ejaculating. In this route, Secilia causes Seima a lot of pain, which is healed by Seria.


This a good scenario. It would be nice to see Seima and his Mother interact more.


His name is 'Redin' He is brother to a boy with blue hair. His name is 'Blun.' It takes its name from 'red' and 'blue' for ease of memorization. They have a crush on Seria and Secilia, respectively


それなら、そのNPCを牽制する選択肢を選べばいいです。 あなたの選択によって、そのそのNPCと何でもない関係、深い関係になるよう製作する計画です。




That’s funny Redin and Blun are brothers. I imagine they might argue about which woman is prettier. They are nice and kind like Seima, so are they all friends with each other? They might want to hang out with Seima a lot to be near the girls they like. I think Seria and Redin already have a route (lv 99 breast level up lv1 penis), but I don’t think we’ve ever seen a Secilia and Blun route. Blun likes to give Secilia a lot of flowers, gifts, and letters. Secilia knows he likes her and thinks it’s cute. B: “when I get older, I’ll make sure to marry Secilia!” S: “well, I’ll be waiting!” She’s not sure what marriage entails. Blun is jealous when he hears from Redin the type of things he does with Seria. He wants the same with Secilia. S: “Happy birthday Blun!” B: “thanks! I’m one year closer to marrying you.” S: “yes, that’s right. Is there anything you want for a gift?” B: “..yes, but you have to promise you won’t reject it.” S: “Of course I won’t reject it.”


B: “well..” Blun explained he wanted them to marry and be husband and wife for the night. Secilia doesn’t understand marriage so she’s not sure what might happen, but agreed to make Blun happy. They bought a cake to act as their wedding cake, and she helped him make wedding rings out of grass and flowers. After eating the cake at Secilia’s, they put the rings on each other. B: “Now we’re husband and wife!” S: “Yes we are.” B: “I may kiss the bride!” Secilia let him kiss her lips as much as he wanted. B: “Hi Seima! We are brothers now.” Sei: “Hm?” Secilia let Blun sleep over because spouses sleep in the same bed. She woke up to Blun taking off her tank top. B: “I’m your husband, so I can touch your chest whenever I want.” She managed to fall asleep while he was kissing her and touching her breasts. She woke up again to Blun struggling to take her panties off. She helped take it off while he explained, “We have to do this to make our marriage official.”


It was dark so she couldn’t see, but she felt something rubbing against her. S: “What is that?” She felt strange. Once her lubrication was sufficient, Blun automatically slipped inside. B: “ughh” He wasn’t able to last long before he finished inside and fell asleep. After he slipped out, Secilia felt the wet stuff come out, thought it was weird, but ended up going back to sleep. In the morning, she woke up to Blun already having sex with her. There’s a lot of semen on her butt and thighs. S: “Umm, Blun, it’s morning already so you can stop.” She patted his head to calm him down. B: “NO. It’s my job to satisfy my wife” S: “.. it’s morning so we aren’t married anymore.” She started to push him away but stopped when he started to cry. B: “NO! Once we do this, we are married FOREVER!” Sex feels too good and he won’t throw it away. Secilia sighs and lifts her leg to let him penetrate deeper. Now, Blun insists on sleeping over multiple times a week for to do their marriage duties.