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[M]Treasure of Mas 1

※The content was long, so I divided the posts according to the language.I was late because it took 5 hours just to translate. Currently, Secilia and Mas are in a relationship where sex is taken for granted. So what was their first meeting like? Time is when Secilia takes a walk in the woods aroun...

Cecilia unbuttoned her shirt in front of Mars' eyes.

Soon after, the green bra that supported her big breast was completely visible.


Mas swallows saliva.

Originally, he would cheer just by looking at her underwear,

But there's a bigger event than this, so Mars concentrates as calmly as possible.


The sound of undoing the front hook of Secilia's bra was heard.

She folded her bra finely and put it beside her, and unfolded her dress shirt.

Now Mas' second dream comes true.

Secilia : Is this okay?

Mas : ……!

Her large raw breast shook defenselessly in front of Mas' eyes.

Perhaps speechless admiration, he just breathed heavily and appreciated her breast.

Her breast was so beautiful that the adult book, which was his treasure, was overshadowed.

Secilia : ? Are you all right, Mas? Your face is red and breathless.

Is there something wrong with my chest?

To Secilia's question, Mas answers whether he has finally come to his senses.

Mas : Oh! …Well, I-I'm not sure yet. …can I touch it?

Mas stutters as if he is still agitated, but Cecilia calmly.

Secilia : Yes, you can.

Mas touches secilia's breast with his trembling hand. The girl's breast was softer than he imagined.

The shape of the breast changed when he grabbed her breast.

And as he opened his palm, her breast was resilient and restored to its original shape.

He seems to be getting used to it.

Mas played with her breast as if playing clay.

He basically presses or pulls her breast,

Sometimes he puts his palm up and plays with her breast like a ball,

observed the shaking with a slight slap.

Mas : WOW…

Secilia : ……

Mas admired each time he touched it in a new way.

In fact, the way Mas touched his chest was a rude way of not caring for his opponent.

Nevertheless, Secilia only looked at him quietly.

No, she looked at him with sister's eyes, who saw her brother play with clay or balls.

Mas, who not only saw the breast of the woman he had dreamed of, but also touched it.

But human desire was endless.

Mas : S-Secilia, can I suck your breast?

Secilia : …Are you gonna suck my chest?

There was a moment of silence. It was a very tense and long time for Mas.

I heard her answer when he thought, 'Did I make a mistake?'

Secilia : Okay, but There's no milk.

Mas : It's okay! I'm just checking your breast!

Secilia : Well, please.

Secilia took off her shirt and placed it next to the bra so that Mas could check her breast more easily.

Then she grabbed her own breast with her hand and held it out to him so that it could be easily sucked.

She feeds the deliciously prepared food herself. There is no need to decline this.

Mas made a dirty noise and sucked in one of her nipples.

Nevertheless, he did not stop rubbing her other breast.

An ordinary person may have felt very disgusted at the sight.

But Secilia did not push Mas away.

She sympathized with Mas' poor environment and wanted to help.

'He just misses his mother.'


'It's just a little prank'

She may be thinking like this.

Secilia : …!

However, she also slightly flinched as if she was not used to this stimulus.

Mas sucked her nipples and licked them.

Increasingly, Secilia's beautiful breast was covered with Mas' dirty saliva.

Without stopping, Mas even bit her breast.

But Secilia allowed him to do everything.

As time went by, their bodies began to heat up and sweat began to flow.

Secilia raised her arms to cool her armpits, and tied her head with her hands for a moment to cool her neck and back.

The female pheromone excited Mas even more.

Of course she talks calmly, not knowing that.

Secilia : So, is there anything wrong with my chest?

Mas : Sorry! But I think I'll know soon!

Secilia : Is that so.

…For about 20 to 30 minutes afterward, Mas enjoyed her breast



Breast check time seems to be over.

Secilia is wearing a bra on her breast with a large amount of saliva, and she is wearing a shirt and locking her buttons.

Secilia : Thanks for checking, Mas.

Mas : Y-Yeah…

It looked as if they were chatting after sex before leaving the hotel.

and Mas looks a little sullen.

As a result, it turned out that there was nothing wrong with Secilia's breast.

Mas tried to deceive her with another excuse,

But he could tell no more lies before her tenderness and beautiful breast.

She got up to leave the tent with all her clothes on.

Mas : But I know one thing!

You don't have to show Seima your breasts or nipples!

Secilia : …You mean cover my chest?

Mas : Yes! Cover your body when you run into him naked and he'll be easy to talk to you too!

Secilia : Is that so, I'll try it out if I have a chance. Thank you. I'll be back.

Mas : ?! Are you coming again?!

Secilia : Yes, Because you look lonely.

Mas : Welcome! It's fun to go around with you! Come every day!

…But, is it true that I can touch your breast anytime? I'm gonna touch your breast and suck it

Mas reaffirms this dreamy situation.

Secilia : Yes, if you want

Mas, excited, praised Secilia's chest wildly, and Cecilia listened quietly.

Secilia then left the tent with the words "thank you."

As soon as, Mas began to jerk off, thinking about what had just happened.

He glances at the adult's book next to him, but he no longer needs it...



Speaking of what happened afterwards, Cecilia returned home and immediately took a shower because there was a lot of liquid on her body.

She ran into Seima in a naked state while wiping herself after a shower.

Seima : ?!

Seima was surprised as usual,

Secilia immediately covered her body with her hands because she remembered Mas' words.

And she went back into the shower and only put her face out so as not to show Seima her naked body.

Seima was surprised by the unusual response, but this eliminated his reason to avoid this place.

Secilia : Are you here to take a shower, too?

Seima : Yes, because I sweated after training. I'm sorry, I didn't know there was.

Secilia : I just need to wipe my body, so could you come back later?

Seima : …? O-OK…!

Seima left the shower room and stood by the door.

Seima will know.

Originally, she would have wiped herself in front of him without hesitation even with Seima.

But that's not the case now.

He thought she was considerate of him.

And this situation is easier to talk to than usual, Seima continued.

Seima : Come to think of it, if you don't mind, can we do morning training together?

I want to train with you!

Secilia : …! Of course. Does it start at 6 in the morning?

Seima : Yeah! Thank you!

As a result, friendly conversations were possible, They made an appointment for morning training

…and she mistook this situation for being accomplished by the advice of Mas.

Secilia : (As Mas said, I didn't show Seima my naked body, so I had a good conversation with him. I have to reciprocate mas.)

This led to further progress in the relationship between Secilia and Mas.

And this led Secilia to no longer show Siema her naked body.

And this is going to be a situation where Secilia later shows Mas naked but she doesn't show SeIma naked. Because Mas loves her naked body.

This may make Seima mistake her sister for being a little cold.




So Secillia grew a little closer because of Mas advice. That's interesting, in the beginning Seima and Secillia were able to talk to each other but now further on it seems like they've started growing apart which is sad to see. I hope Seima apologizes soon so he can be with his family.


Thank you for this scenario. I'd prefer it if Secilia still didn't mind showing Seima her nude body - I'd be really sad if Seima could no longer enjoy the sight of her body. The following route is an idea where both Mas and Seima get to enjoy Secilia. [Secilia-Mas-Seima route]: Secilia looked at Mas curiously as he played and sucked on her breasts for the first time. M: (Fuck, she's looking at me strange! I need to think of something to continue doing this..) Mas understood that Secilia was only interested in him because he knew Seima, so he thought of a trick. M: *slobbering on her nipples* "I think I know why Seima is ignoring you. You said you were gone adventuring for the past few years, right?" S: "Yes..?" (why is he licking so messily) M: "You know the saying, siblings are close through blood? Well, the same is true for other things - siblings are close through skin, siblings are close through bodily fluid." S: "..?"


M: "Well, it's natural for siblings to share these sort of experiences, and you've deprived that from Seima these past few years." S: "..!" M: "You've been so busy fighting, that you've lost your sibling skills. I can teach you how to be a good sibling again, and in return you can be my big sister as well!" S: "You had a sibling?" M: "No..but I have this book that teaches how siblings should act together" It's just a sex book. S: "Ok..well I'll be in your care then." Secilia is curious how she needs to act to get close again with Seima. M: "We're close by skin already..now I just need to get some milk out to share some body fluids." Mas is just a child, so doesn't know that women only produce milk after pregnancy. S: "There's no milk." M: "What?!? Well..we'll have to share some other body fluids, then.." Mas's heart is beating so fast at the thought of tricking Secilia further. Secilia looks at Mas curiously as he moves his lips from her nipple toward her mouth.


S: "!!" Mas greedily kissed Secilia, sucking the saliva from her lips, gums, and tongue. Mas was elated that Secilia didn't immediately push him away, but accepted his kiss. M: "Sister Secilia!" S: "Why do you kiss like that?" (His breath tastes so bad..) Mas doesn't brush his teeth. M: "You kiss Seima on the lips, right?" S: "Yes..but not like that.." M: "That's exactly why Seima doesn't accept you..You have to be willing to share yourself completely with him." Mas isn't thinking about Seima right now, and only cares about getting more intimate with Secilia so he will say anything. S: ".." Secilia accepts Mas's stinky kiss, if it means she will get closer to Seima again. While they kiss, Mas takes off his pants and rubs the tip of his erect penis on her nipples. His precum and saliva mix to lubricate the rubbing. S: "!! Why does your penis look like that?" Mas got scared that Secilia would reject him, but he thought of another trick.


M: "When it gets big, that just means my love for you as my sister is very big. Does Seima ever get like this?" S: "..yes?" M: "Is it as big as mine?" S: "..no" M: "Well, that just means my sibling love for you is much greater than his.. You'll accept my sibling love, right sister?" S: ".." Mas wanted to cum in Secilia's mouth so bad. M: "It's time for you to accept my sibling love!!" He grabbed her hair to drag her mouth down to his penis. Secilia looked at him with odd eyes as Mas pushed his penis in and out of her mouth repeatedly. S: (His penis tastes even worse than his breath..) M: "Accept it!!" He came thick rope after rope into her mouth. Mas was stunned that his first sexual experience was with the most beautiful girl in the village. S: "His love tastes the worst of all.." Secilia wanted to vomit, but each time she tried to vomit, another rope of semen shot into her throat. After Mas confirmed that she swallowed all his love, he tried to take off his panties next.


But Secilia felt odd, and wanted to leave. M: "Okay sister! Come back soon so we can train some more!" S: "Okay.." M: (Fuck.. she isn't coming back, isn't she?) Secilia quickly put on her clothes and left. M: "Wait, you forgot your bra!" But she already left. M: (Hehe, this just means that she'll be back soon.) Mas smelt deeply from the girly smell from the bra as he continued to jerk off to the memory of Secilia. At home, Secilia felt odd about Mas, but noticed that Seima continued to ignore her trying to hug him and hold him in the bath. S: (His private part is hard like Mas said..but it isn't as big..does he not love me as much as Mas does?" After being frustrated for a week, Secilia returned to Mas. She thought (only Mas could help me). Mas was so happy to see Secilia again M: "Sister! I thought you abandoned me!" S: "Seima is still ignoring me even after our training.."


M: (Thank god! Secilia is my woman) "Of course, you're still new to sibling love! There's so much I need to teach you before yo u can approach Seima." They started training again with titplay, titfuck, and deep kissing. Eventually, Secilia found herself laying on her back while Mas kissed her and fucked her cleavage. M: "You need to hold your breasts tightly together or else Seima won't like it." S: "Okay." M: (Her breasts feel so good!) "Accept my love!" Secilia kept her mouth open like an idiot while Mas sprayed his semen into her mouth. S: (still tastes just as bad as the first time..) Mas sweetly spoke to Secilia as he used her lips and tongue to clean his dirty penis. M: "You know, you've been a greedy sister." S: "..?" M: "I've been giving you all of this love, while you haven't given me any love! In the form of body fluids." S: "I told you already I don't produce milk. Isn't saliva enough?"


Mas said nothing as he crawled back down Secilia's body, unbuttoning her skirt and peeling off her green panties. His heart beat so fast, scared that Secilia would reject him. S: "!!" Mas was mesmerized by the sheer beauty of seeing Secilia's vagina for the first time. Her pussy lips were chubby, soft, smooth, and slightly darker than her surrounding thighs. Thick vaginal discharge stuck to the panties as Mas peeled it off. M: "See, you do have sibling love for me!" Mas greedily ate her discharge off her panties. As Mas continued to take off her panties off, both her legs lifted toward the air, revealing her pussy better to Mas. M: "It's the most beautiful thing I've seen.." As Mas took the panties off her ankles, her legs naturally spread apart, peeling open her pussy like a flower, making all her pink, wet anatomy visible to Mas. M: "I'll accept your sibling love now."


Secilia looked at him curiously between her breasts as Mas gently kissed and licked her pussy, paying attention to both the soft fleshy outside and the moist, delicate inside. Secilia felt strangely good. (Is this how siblings are supposed to feel towards each other..?" Secilia imagined Seima doing this for her, and when her imagination broke and she saw Mas, she freaked out inside. (That's not my sibling!! Why is he doing things that only siblings should do!!) Secilia confused sexual love for sibling love now. As Mas got up to ready his penis to rub against Secilia's pussy, she got up and started getting dressed. S: "That's enough for today." M: "What..?" This time, Secilia only got her shirt and skirt on before exiting, leaving behind her bra and panties for Mas again. The next few times Secilia visited Mas were the "warm up period." Each time, they would kiss, titfuck, perform oral sex on each other.


Mas made Secilia feel really good, and each time this happened Secilia associated sexual pleasure more and more with sibling love. But each time Mas tried to start vaginal sex by rubbing on her, Secilia would eventually stop him. (This type of pleasure should be kept between Seima and me) she'd think to herself. But even the stubborn Secilia would slowly be worn down by sexual pleasure, and over a period of weeks Mas slowly got to get closer and closer to vaginal sex. Secilia would start off by only allowing him to place his penis on her butt over her panties. And then on her pussy over her panties. And then allowed her to fuck her buttcheeks. And then allowed him to place his penis over her closed pussy lips (no rubbing). And then allowed nude slapping but no rubbing. And then nude rubbing on closed pussy lips. And then allowed him to spread her pussy lips and place it on top. Then allowed rubbing into her spread pussy lips. Then allowed cumming between her pussy lips.


And then allowed rubbing the tip around her entrance. And then allowed cumming into her entrance (but no insertion). One day, Mas was rubbing his tip into her entrance. M: "Cmon sister, let me put just the tip in! Don't you love me?" S: "Yes." (But I love Seima more). Secilia was afraid that if they he put it in fully, she would come to love him more than Seima. S: "I need to train some more before I'm ready for that.." M: "I'm your trainer! I say you're ready!" Mas tried pushing his tip in but Secilia closed her legs to reject him. S: "No." M: ".. fine" Mas held his tip against her entrance and jerked off, ejaculating into her hole. "Accept my love!" Because Mas forced Secilia to associated sexual love with sibling love, Secilia came to desire that from Seima. During these "warm up" weeks with Mas as they prepared for sex, Secilia desperately tried to get closer to Seima.


So that it was Seima she had sex with instead of Mas. The boys didn't know it, but it was a race between Mas and Seima for Secilia's ultimate love. Secilia slowly incorporated Mas's teachings with Seima. She would start off by holding him against her bare breasts in the bath or while cuddling in bed. Sei: "What are you doing.." He's annoyed but excited at the same time. Sec: "We're siblings, aren't we? This isn't anything weird" (Yay, his private parts are hard! That means he loves me!) When she'd kiss him on the lips, she'd kiss him longer and longer and slowly start opening his mouth and using her tongue. Sei: "Ugh! What are you doing?" Sec: "What? It's just a kiss.." Seima pretends to be mad but secretly likes it. In the bath when Secilia would wash his front, Seima would turn away or close his eyes to not stare at her breasts. Sec: "Okay, keep your eyes closed." She would wash his penis with her hands, breasts, and mouth until he came. Sei: "!! What is this?!"


Sec: "Huhu, so much.." (And Seima's love tastes much better than Mas's..does this mean his love for me is more pure?) While warming up the bath water, Secilia would turn her back away from Seima to reveal her butt. She'd shake her butt or spread her butt for Seima. Sec: "He's looking my way..Oh he averted his gaze when he noticed me looking! So cute ♥" Secilia would force him to wash her body, and make him spend extra time washing her genitals. Sec: "He's so gentle..♥" They would wash each others' genitals by sitting side by side, Secilia stroking Seima while Seima rubbed his sister. Sec: "Hey, wash this too.." She pressed her breasts against his mouth until he accepted her nipple into his mouth. Sec: "You are my baby brother, right?" Sei: "Shut up.." But he enjoyed the whole experience. To save time on genital washing, they started rubbing genitals together. Secilia would get on top and gently rock against him. He'd ejaculate between her lips and onto her belly.


She so badly wanted to help him slip inside, but she remembered what Mas said - M: "If you accept your brother's love when you are not ready, the experience will be bad and he will hate you! That's why you need to keep training with me!" During this time of genital rubbing, Secilia started sleeping naked with Seima too, to grow his tolerance of her body. While Secilia started getting more and more sexual with Seima, she started visiting Mas less and less. Mas wanted to badly to take Secilia's virginity, so he ended up getting frustrated and visiting Secilia's house at night. M: *knock knock* "Secilia! No one's home? Guess it's late." The door was unlocked, so he invited himself in. M: (This must be Secilia's room). He opened the door, but no one was inside. He heard some light snoring nearby. M: (What's this?) He opened the door to Seima's room, and found two bodies under the covers. He wanted to wake Secilia so she could join him next door for sex.


M: (!!) When he opened the covers, he was surprised to find both Secilia and Seima naked hugging each other. He was enraged by Secilia betraying him, and felt incredibly aroused to see Secilia's creamy pussy once again. M: (Well, if she's asleep..) He got into the bed and rubbed his penis on her pussy to lubricate it. Sec: (Seima..?) Her eyes were closed but she was excited that Seima was playing with her on his own. Mas held her butt to steady it as he pressed his tip inside. Her wet lips gladly accepted him. This was as far as he's gone in the past. Then he pushed further, her pussy making a squelching sound as Mas reached places no one has been before. Sec: (Mm..he feels bigger today..his love must have grown♥) Mas reached a third of the way in when he felt resistance from Secilia's virgin vaginal muscles. Sec: (Wait..this isn't Seima..Mas?) Mas was elated that Secilia felt so tight, and started fucking her with the first third of his penis to loosen her up a bit to take the rest.


Secilia felt pleasure she's never felt before, and her vagina started to relax to take Mas in. Half of his penis is in now. M: (She's accepting me!) Her pussy wrapping around Mas gave him immeasurable pleasure, and he already was at his limit. Sec: "What are you doing?? Not here!" M: (What? She's not accepting me?) But even though Secilia's words were cruel, her pussy started relaxing, taking in more of Mas. Now he's 75% in. M: "Just accept my love and I'll leave! Aren't you supposed to be my sister??" Mas was starting to cum as he was approaching 80% and 85% of in. Sei: *yawn* "What's that noise, sister?" With this, Secilia cruelly pushed Mas off the bed, who continued to cum into carpet. Secilia's vaginal muscles snapped back into place. Sec: (He's shown me that I'm ready for this. It doesn't count if he didn't put it all the way in.) Even Secilia herself is unsure whose penis she wants. Silently, the siblings started their ritual of kissing/nipple sucking and genital rubbing.


When Secilia felt ready, she moved her hips a bit further forward than normal, allowing Seima to slip inside smoothly. Her pussy accepted him more readily where it rejected Mas at first. Sei: "!! Sister?" Sec: (we did it..!) "Seima! I love you!!" After taking each others' virginities, the siblings had messy sex on the bed, while Mas masturbated under the bed to the noises. Secilia accepted Seima's cum into her uterus. Sei: "Ugh! Sister you feel too good!" Sec: "This feeling represents our sibling love♥" Secilia allowed Seima a lot of breaks while he regained his strength and restarted sex. When dawn came up, the siblings went to the bath to clean up before training. Mas took this opportunity to climb out the window, leaving behind his semen on the floor and under the bed. The next week of sibling sex was pure bliss - the siblings had sex in the morning before training, during training (as a break), after training, during bathtime, during the middle of the night.


They treated it as a way to not only train their bodies, but show their love for each other. They grew closer together and loved each other deeply and freely. But then after a week, Seima disappeared from the house. Secilia and Seria looked all over nearby villages, but could not find him. A few weeks went by, and Secilia recruited many adventurers all around the world to look for her beloved brother. She was heartbroken, and she was also extremely frustrated sexually. The truth is, Mas had found Seima when he was not with Secilia, and told him a lie. Mas showed him many pictures of Secilia naked, many of them with penises rubbing on her and with semen on her. Secilia had allowed Mas to take pictures of her earlier, for his own study. Mas lied to Seima, and told him that this is an adventurer from far away who is trying to steal his sister, and he would have to fight him to get her back.


Seima wanted to ask Secilia about it, but Mas said that if he did that, Secilia would know that he isn't a man and wouldn't love him anymore. Seima, frustrated, took the photos and went far away to find this nonexistent adventurer to fight. Being trained by Secilia, he was good at hiding from everyone who tried to find him. Secilia kept touching herself to try to pleasure herself, but it was nothing compared to a penis. In fact, she became more and more interested by Mas's giant penis, which dwarfed Seima's. One day after she couldn't hold it, she went to search for Mas at his tent. S: "Mas, have you heard from Seima?" M: "No, sister. He's been missing for weeks, right?" S: "Yes.." M: "I'm worried about him. And I'm worried about you too." S: "?" Mas lifted her skirt, revealing the skimpy thong she was wearing. S: ".." M: "You know, you really broke my heart when you kicked me out of Seima's bed. Aren't I your sibling too? Aren't you supposed to love us both equally?"


S: ".." M: "Are you going to apologize or not?" S: ".." Mas led Secilia into his tent.. Mas stripped Secilia down. In addition to the skimpy thong, she was wearing a tiny see-through bra that didn't cover her nipples. M: "You know, if you don't practice your sibling love, you'll lose it." S: "!!" Secilia knew this wasn't true, but listened to it because she was lustful for penis. M: "I'll train you again while Seima is gone, so you are ready for him when he gets back." After warming each other up with oral sex, Mas started rubbing genitals together missionary position. M: "I'll begin now." S: ".." Mas circled her entrance with his tip before sliding the tip in. Secilia's pussy unconsciously rejected this penis because it was not Seima, and fought it every 10% of the way. So when Mas got in 10% of the way, Secilia gripped around him and Mas had to work it slowly to 20% of the way. And then 30%. And then 40%.


This took hours of agonizing pleasure and pain until Mas was 90% of the way in, working his way to 100%. S: "!!" She has never felt this type of pleasure before. Seima's sex is pure love, but Mas's sex is pure pleasure. Each thrust made Mas want to cum, but he wanted to stretch Secilia's walls to his fullest extent. M: "Feels good, sister?" S: ".." M: "Say it feels good or I'll stop." S: "Feels good.." As she said this, her pussy relaxed further to allow Mas all the way in, 100%. They both sighed deeply as their genitals tested each others' limits. M: "I'll show you that my love for you is greater than Seima's." S: "..♥" This made Secilia's heart jump. Mas fucked Secilia slowly, steadily, and powerfully. Like a piston churning a machine or a farmer churning milk into heavy cream. S: "..!!" The sex was so good that she could convince herself she would love a boy as ugly and smelly as Mas.


S: "!!!!!" Secilia orgasmed for the first time, her urethra spurting out clear discharge and her vaginal walls spasming around Mas. Mas was waiting for Secilia's orgasm before he ejaculated. Her walls pushed him over the edge. M: "Ugh..." He shot rope after rope into Secilia's uterus. He was waiting months for this pleasure. He spoke to Secilia as they both had the best orgasm of their lives. M: "Ugh..can't you see..that I love you..ugh..more than Seima does??" S: "!!♥" As their quivering hips started to quiet down, they spoke again. M: "I'm your sibling just like Seima, right? You promised me that." S: "..yes" M: "Then love me like a true sibling.." S: ".." M: "How many times as Seima cummed inside you?" S: ".." M: "Say it!" S: "50 times.." M: "!!" Mas started to fuck Secilia again. S: "!!" M: "To apologize, you have to let me cum inside 500 times! You can't leave this tent until I cum inside 500 times!" S: "♥!!" Her heart fluttered at both Mas's words and sex.


A week of sex in the tent later, Mas has ejaculated over 200 times into Secilia. Besides taking a break to drink from the creek outside, all they did was sex. Secilia was slowly corrupted by Mas's skillful penis. One early morning, they were having sex despite being exhausted. Secilia laid on her back, her legs in the air. Mas cuddled her from the side, sucking on her nipples while fucking her. M: "Accept it sister!" S: "Ah..ah..that's 230.." As Mas's penis slipped out and endless semen dribbled out, the light from the tent entrance fluttered. After a month or so of searching, Seima couldn't find the adventurer and returned to Mas to get more information. Sei: "Sister..?" He had an erection at the sight of Secilia's pussy with semen dribbling out, but was angered by the sight of Mas holding her. Sec: "Oh.. Seima.. You are back.. Welcome home." Sei: "That penis.." He recognized it from the photos.


He angrily masturbated to the photos while he was away, and didn't realize that it was Mas's penis the entire time. Mas looked prideful about this situation. Sec: "Seima, why don't you come join us? We're all siblings, after all." M: "!!" Sei: "!!" How would Secilia defuse this situation? Would she be able to keep both Mas and Seima as her brothers?


It's not that she doesn't want to show Seima her naked body. She thinks it's for Seima. If Seima says, 'I don't hate your naked body,' Secilia will act as usual.


That's right. If Seima expresses her feelings honestly and apologizes quickly, things will be solved.


I see. I wish Seima communicated more with Secilia. If he did, he wouldn't have to suffer as much. Regardless, I would enjoy it if Secilia and Seima had more interactions before Secilia accepted Mas's sex. For example, if Secilia kept rejecting Mas's sex, wanting to try Mas's techniques with Seima first. And when Secilia and Seima are about to have sex (they think it's just sibling love), Seima can't get hard to put it inside, which saddens Secilia. (Seima is too excited to do it properly). And then Secilia says "why doesn't he love me?" Because she thinks sex means love. While Mas is taking her virginity. "If he doesn't love you, I will love you instead!" Secilia's body is enjoying Mas but his mind is thinking of loving Seima. And maybe down the line, there might be a Seima-Secilia event, but Secilia might be disappointed by Seima in comparison to Mas. I think such a scenario would be a lot more exciting than a straight Mas only route, which might be a bit boring in comparison.


I like that idea. I also like the idea of Seima having a big penis, the same as Mas, and him trying to hide it from his Sister because he would think she might find it disgusting. Secillia would show that she still loves him and would introduce Seima to sex but it would be different from Mas. Seima is more sweet and passionate but, Mas is more carnal and brutal.