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[New] Princess elf 'Flora'

까칠하고 자존심 높지만, 순진하고 착한 엘프 공주 '플로라'입니다. 왕녀의 자격을 얻기 위해 엘프의 숲을 떠나 모험을 시작합니다. 아직 모험을 떠나지 않았을 시절에는 '세실리아'에게 잠시 전투 방법을 배웠습니다. (세실리아가 받은 길드 의뢰였습니다.) 그 이후로 세실리아에게 흥미가 생겼고 모험하면서 가끔 ...

[엘프 공주가 잡몹 고블린한테 질리가 없어!]

퀘스트 : 고블린 토벌

내용 : 최근 고블린 개체가 늘어나 마을을 습격해 피해를 주고 있습니다.

10마리 토벌해주세요. 몽둥이가 위협적이니 조심해주세요.

고귀한 엘프의 공주 '플로라'는 성인식과 동시에 왕녀의 자격을 얻기 위해 엘프의 숲 밖으로 모험을 떠납니다.

지금은 모험가 길드에 가입하여 퀘스트를 클리어하거나 아르바이트를 하여 생계를 유지하고 있습니다.

까칠한 성격이지만 지금은 길드에 동료들도 생길만큼 잘 적응하고 있는 거 같습니다.

그중엔 그녀를 짝사랑 하거나 몸을 노리는 모험가도 있습니다.

대부분 사람은 그녀의 신분을 모릅니다.

술집은 리나가 아르바이트 하고 있는 곳과 동일합니다.

손님들을 그녀들을 '주점의 요정'이라고 부를 만큼 좋아하고 있습니다.

리나는 그 별명을 딱히 상관하지 않고, 플로라는 그렇게 부르지 말라고 합니다.

플로라 - 월 수 금

리나 - 화 목


[エルフ姫がざこゴブリンに飽きるはずがない !]


内容 : 最近、ゴブリンの個体が増え、町を襲撃し、被害を与えています。

10匹討伐してください。 棒が脅威的なので気をつけてください。


今は冒険家ギルドに加入してクエストをクリアしたりアルバイトをして生計を立てています。 飲み屋はリナがアルバイトをしているところと同じです。







フローラ - 月·水·金

リナ - 火·木


[Princess Elf is never defeated by a lowly Goblin!]

Quest: Destroy the Goblin

Content : Recently, the number of goblins has increased, causing damage by attacking the village.

Please kill 10 of them. The club is threatening, so be careful.

The noble Elf princess, 'Flora', goes on an adventure out of Elf's forest to qualify as a royal daughter at the same time as her coming-of-age ceremony.

She currently joins the Adventurer Guild and makes a living by completing quests or working part-time.

She's a picky personality, but she seems to be adjusting well enough to have colleagues in the guild.

Some of them are adventurers who have a crush on her or want her body.

Most people don't know her identity.

The bar where she works part-time is the same as where Lina works.

They like them so much that they call them "Bar fairies".

Lina doesn't care much about the nickname and Flora hates being called that.

Flora - Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Lina - Tuesday and Thursday




I want them to have an underground relationship with Goblin!


Spiritual disgust and physical pleasure are classic stories


I think the prices (3000G for inn, 1000G for meal) are way too expensive. Gold should have a lot more value than today's money. A meal and drink should be around 5G, and a room at the inn should be around 30G, for example.


Well, come to think of it again, the way I set it would be uncomfortable to carry gold. Thank you. I need to think again


Examples of more expensive items might be a potion that buffs your character stats. Potion might be 50G. A powerful sword dropped by a demon might be 1000-2000G. Secilia would have plenty of money from her adventuring, but her childhood friend Ken might need more money to pay for his daily expenses. Secilia could gift him money, but wants to teach him independence and hard work. So she works with him about selling her cosplay content and fan events. Ken and Secilia might charge 100G for 15 minutes with Secilia at fan events. Ken learns about running a business through this experience, which is what Secilia wanted.


When I was reading the club part I can't contain myself to think about horny bonks lol