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[퍼펙트 프린세스] 왕자의 방문 6일째, 아리아와 크리스는 함께 정치 공부를 하고 있다. 현재 그들을 방해하는 것은 아무것도 없다. 왕자가 방문한 그 날, 아리아는 촌장에게 채찍과 당근으로 그를 조용히 만들었다. 이튿날, 그녀는 주변 노숙자들을 모든 성욕을 해소시켜주었다. 완벽한 아리아의 조치 덕분에 그 누구...

왕자의 방문 6일째의 밤.

촌장은 아리아의 방문에 노크한다.

촌장 : 공주님. 왔습니다. 무슨 일이신가요?

아마 아리아가 촌장을 부른거 같다. 하지만 방 안에 어떠한 반응도 없었다.

촌장은 그녀가 걱정되어 방문을 살짝 열었다.

그리고 그 앞에는…




村長 : 姫様。来ました。 どうされましたか?

おそらくアリアが村長を呼んだようだ。 しかし、部屋の中には何の反応もなかった。




Sixth night of the prince's visit

The chief knocks on the door of Aria's room.

Chief : Princess, I'm here. What's going on?

Maybe Aria called the chief. But there was no response in the room.

The chief slightly opened the door of the room because he was worried about her.

And what he saw was…

[로열 허니 트랩]

촌장 : ?!

이불로 상반신 전부를 덮은 채, 음부를 활짝 벌린 그녀의 모습이 있었다.

그녀의 음부는 빨갛게 상기 됐고, 애액이 넘쳐 흘렀다.

촌장 : 공주님 지금 무엇을 하시는 건가요…?

아리아 :

아리아는 아무 대답도 하지 않았고 음부를 더욱 펼쳐보였다.

마치 '나는 지금 전부 눈감아줄테니 마음대로 해라'라는 식으로…

촌장은 마른 침을 꿀꺽 삼키며 지금까지 참은 성욕이 폭발할 직전이었다


촌장 : 그렇군요. 이것은 공주님에 대한 저의 충성심을 시험하시는거죠?

알겠습니다. 저는 공주님의 명령대로 계속 참아보겠습니다!

아리아 : …?!

그녀는 무언가 잘못됐는지 안절부절 못했다.

촌장은 천천히 방문을 닫았다…



村長 : ?!



村長 : 姫様、今何をしているんですか…?

アリア :





村長 : そうですね。これは姫様に対する私の忠誠心を試すものですよね?


アリア : …?!




[Royal Honey Trap]

Chief : ?!

She covered her upper body with a blanket, and was opening her vagina.

Her vagina was red and overflowing with love juice.

Chief : Princess, what are you doing now…?

Aria :

Aria did not answer anything, and widened her vagina further

It seemed to mean 'I'll overlook whatever you do, so do as you please'.

The chief swallowed his dry saliva, and the sexual desire he had endured so far was on the verge of exploding


Chief : I see. Is this a test of my loyalty to the princess?

I got it. I will continue to endure as the princess ordered!

Aria : …?!

She flinched when she heard it. And was restless.

The chief closed the door slowly…


물론 촌장이 방문을 닫은 이유는

그녀와 사랑을 나누는 순간을 누구도에게도 방해받지 않기 위해서다.

그들은 요 며칠간 모인 성욕을 서로 힘껏 부딫혔다.




Of course, the reason why the chief closed the door was so that no one would interfere with the moment he made love with her.

They smashed together the libido they had gathered for several days.

성욕이 폭주한 짐승들의 교미에 피임을 할 여유는 당연히 없었다.

그녀가 지키왔던 소중한 선이 끊어진 것처럼 보였다.…



Of course, there was no room for contraception for them who had beastly sex due to the explosion of sexual desire.

It looked like the precious line she had kept was broken…

※이번 달은 이 팬박스가 3년째 되는 날입니다. 항상 후원 감사합니다.


※This month is the 3 year of this fanbox Thank you for supporting me.




벌써 3년이라니... 축하합니다.




おめでとうございます。 これからも支援します。


3周年おめでとうございます🎉 これからも応援し続けます。


https://www.fanbox.cc/@kishi/posts/3074383 Much like this update, an explosion after a long wait!


In addition, congratulations on the third anniversary of your debut, I will continue to support you!


리미트가 깨진 아리아의 모습이 기대되네요


Congratulations on 3 years. I was hoping that Prince would be the one to satisfy Aria's sexual urges. Is he not attracted to her?


아마 이 시나리오의 속편을 그리게 된다면 선을 넘은 상태의 아리아를 그릴 거 같습니다.



Night Killer

a work of art, as I love the story of the princess and the old mayor <3


That possibility exists. Maybe he wanted to have sex with her. But Chris doesn't know she has a lot of libido. He's only had sex with her once. And he thinks she's into studying politics now. So he can't approach her easily. but you can see from the progress of this route, she's corrupted by libido. The prince has low sex skills. So it is highly likely that he will not be able to satisfy her who is corrupted by sexual desire. First of all, she had more sex with the chief(or homeless) than with the prince. Now that she's lost her mind to sexual desire, I think she has a good chance of finding the most familiar Man(chief or homeless.) Well, and a lot of people wanted Chief Root. Of course, there is a possibility that Aria will choose Chris. She tried to spend time with him (So far, the prequel is proof). The scenario of Chief and Chris you wrote is also possible. I didn't think about a love triangle, so it's interesting. You really think of a variety of possibilities.


I respect your interpretation. Because you wrote that scenario in the comments. That is the possibility of a scenario and a route. It will be a new parallel world. I never deny it. I need to draw the most popular route.So my route may be limited. But like you, readers can freely create new and diverse routes with comments. Yeah, like you write a new scenario in my comment every time. And I want everyone to enjoy it. That's why I leave it to the reader to interpret. (Of course, I would be happy if the readers enjoyed the scenario I wrote.)


Ok. I think love triangle adds more emotional and dramatic tension to the sex. And makes all the characters and their relationships more interesting. But I respect your judgement as the artist.


팬박스 3주년 축하드려요! 앞으로도 꾸준히 잘 되시길 바래요!


3周年おめでとうございます!(*^ω^*) [中国語版] 王子访问第6天某夜。 村长来到艾丽娅房间前敲了敲门。 村长 : 公主殿下。我到了。 您叫我来是有什么事吗? 看来是艾丽娅主动叫村长过来的。 但是,屋内并没有任何回应。 村长有点担心房间内发生了什么,便顺势打开了门。 随后摆在眼前的是… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [皇室美人计] 村长 : ?! 眼前的是上半身裹得严严实实,但阴部暴露无遗的艾丽娅的身姿。 她那粉嫩的小穴不停滴落着爱液。 村长 : 公主殿下,您这是在做什么啊…? 艾丽娅: … 艾丽娅没有回答,随后用手撑开了小穴。 就如同在暗示对方「我现在任你处置,不管做什么都会被原谅」一般…。 村长咽了口唾沫,至今为止强忍着的性欲即将爆发。 但是… 村长 : 嗯。这是公主殿下在考验我的忠诚心吧? 我明白了。我会好好遵守公主殿下的命令继续忍耐的! 艾丽娅 : …?! 她被这意料之外的话语动摇了。 在她踌躇不决之际,村长缓慢地关上了房门… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 当然村长关上房门的理由,是为了不让任何人打扰她与艾丽娅做爱。 他们通过激烈的交合来发泄这几天持续累计的性欲。 因为性欲而暴走的男女如动物一般交合,自然没有余力去做什么避孕措施。 艾丽娅那守护至今的不可越过的底线,如今也荡然无存。。。 ※本月是我开设Fanbox的第三年。感谢您一直以来的支持。