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Possibly a repost of this, but the version that will go to other tiers assuming it isn't broken. I will be the first to say I kind of fucked up the older version and it should have been tested more before releasing it to more people.

There isn't any new content here, if you played through the old one without it crashing or bugging out this is close to the same (it just has non-placeholder icons/fixes a few graphics/background music/general polish) - it also shouldn't be as unstable as the old one and without the host of spelling mistakes.

Currently, there is a Mac/PC/Linux builds - the link just links to a folder where you can choose the one you want.

VN Game Folder

I get VN's aren't for everyone, but I have been very burnt out (especially after the Alice thing) on just animations for the last month or two and felt the need to do some stuff that is more straight narrative-driven (there is another more straightforward one with Victoria coming). I feel this is a good compromise between just taking some time off to not burn out, vs doing content for you guys in a form that isn't so taxing atm.

Let me know if it gives issues/crashes.



Will there be any anal in the next version?


I'm not a fan of rape but this is tastefully done.


This is so good more VN content