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3 minutes again... once more I failed (I will reign these in aaar). But length aside this was just a nightmare. A friend loaned (gave?) me the model and it was just a nightmare to work with, not really their fault was just missing some stuff I am used to/fixes I usually make. Result is that despite the length, it actually wasn't a total burden to animate in general, but detailing was next level annoying/difficult. When I use her again will rebuild my own one.

At any rate here it is...


Substar has implemented a link masking feature to stop people from stealing work. But this means you have to click on the link directly - you cant open it in a new tab or right-click it or it just jumps back to this page. It isn't ideal but I have no control over it sorry.

Gofile alternate (will no doubt be deleted within a few days, just to help with initial load)

Spent a fair amount of this month doing VN type stuff. Been a bit burnt on just animations - if you've been around for any amount of time you know that I really prefer some kind of story, and while the still's technique is ok, I have had great fun just diving back into a game engine and over-engineering stuff. For the Unicron guys, I should have a "final" build of this section (Sarah in the bathroom) out in a couple of days - I really needed to get some dedicated testers to help me out and just hit bugs, it wasn't fair to rely on you guys to do it and it resulted in frustration in trying to play it. So sorry the one provided atm is a bit jank, I will have the better version soon, and assuming it doesn't crash for a ton of people then release it to the other tiers. Just quietly I have also started another one that is much simpler and should have a build out in a couple of weeks (no one voted for Victoria so I guess I will have to just make stuff for her myself) But for now I need to get back into spending more time just animating. I appreciate that while I like VN stuff not everyone does (and no one likes an adult VN where it's just walls of text to click through....).


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