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Please see below the content links for a summary of the current state of affairs.

This post provides the password for www.kawaiidetective.com, an alternate host for work posted here. To use it, simply input the password in any of the post fields and all posts will unlock. You do NOT need to be registered on the site to use this password.

password: newmonthnewme

If you wish to contact me or be updated when things I am doing occur, the best way is via Discord. Please be aware that there is no content, nor links to content, posted on Discord, it is merely the most expedient way both contact me and be updated on what I have been doing.

Discord invite link: https://discord.gg/9qYnAC75mV

WiP Folder - any Works in Progress I create go in this public folder. You can check it periodically, when you find out I have updated it, or not at all it is entirely up to you, it simply provides some additional info on what I am doing, without spamming additional posts.


What a fun couple of weeks. So things should be back on an even-ish keel. This is just some info if you care, otherwise, the details above should be all you need. I have cleaned out a bunch of the posts to clean up the feed and will clean out temporary archive posts when the new one is up.

New archive links will be going live in a day or so. The current host of the archive (hyperdistro) never got back to me on the viability of some content types, so I found a host that is true freedom of speech focused, and 100% fine, legally protected, and onboard for some of the more fringe content types. Page links here have been updated, and the new archive links posted in a day or so will point to this new archive as well. For VPN people, you will want to be in Europe.

The most important outcome of this is the death of the zip system, and we are back to direct video links that can be downloaded. So all videos should now be explicitly named for what they are, and available as a direct video download.

For now, I have removed all secondary hosts. The new server should be up to the job and provide acceptable speeds, however,, be aware that again under heavy loads it may experience some slowdown. All my testing so far has been fine, and the server passes all security/ssl checks, if it grows to be an issue I will reconsider secondary hosts.

I have made a new Discord, however be aware that there are no links from that Discord to any content that is outside the ToS of Discord. If you are after a general porn discord, this ain't it. However Discord remains the best way to contact me, and I want to keep that ability for you guys.

I am continuing to monitor things, but hopefully, we should be mostly back to normal. I am taking a couple of days, then will be back into making stuff. The last week has been a fair bit draining.


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