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So quick note that discord got banned (both personal and the account that owned the KDE server). So if you get a flag on the server that's why. At this point it's pretty clear it is a person targeting me so I wont be remaking it at the moment. Not like it did much except allow me to announce releases.



People are idiots. Where's the harm in letting an artist express him/herself?


It is sad, watching all this unfold. Especially, as one remembers the times, when you could express yourself without fear. Now? Just... I feel sorry for all artist, that have to go through this.


Really sorry to hear this shit happening to you KDE. I wish we could go back 20 or 30 years, where sure there was offensive shit but you know what? People had fucking spines and could realize if they didn't like something to just ignore it and move on. Instead we have a bunch of spoiled brats who get hurt over the stupidest thing and think that the world needs to bow to them.


There's a push to remove erotic art from the internet. Freedom of speech and expression isn't acceptable anymore. The only hope in my imo is encrypted websites and servers. I'd ditch your Gmail for starts and use encrypted email.