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“Whoa! Ooooh!! I'm cumming! I'm gonna cum, master!!”

 Inside the domed cave. The walls are covered with shiny green moss and beautiful crystals. Thanks to them, the area is well lit day and night, and there is even a huge subterranean lake nearby, with water so clear that fish can live in it. The temperature and humidity were just right, so good that one would suspect that they were regulated for human habitation. It is called a 'safe zone' among adventurers, where no monster, no matter how ferocious, can approach due to its sacred power. In such a place, a wild moaning sounded like a rumbling of the earth.

“Cumming!! I'm cummingーーーー!!”

 In the center of the cave, a strong warrior was leaning against a rock by the water's edge, his arms and legs spread wide apart. His fearless face was contorted in pain and pleasure as his huge body convulsed violently. Between his legs, his huge cock was erected toward the sky, dripping with his pre-cum. His anus was rolled up by repeated penetration by the huge cock, revealing a glimpse of the pomegranate-red intestinal wall.

 He had a magnificent face, muscular armor without an ounce of flab, and a huge cannon dangling from his crotch. A man who is perfect in every way is displaying his body in an unbecoming manner. But the man who was violently attacking his anus was in such a good mood that he seemed to be whistling, and was pumping his huge cock in and out with such intensity.

“Gahaha! That's good, that's good~! Your asshole is so tight. As usual, it's at a level that no other woman can compete with!”

“Aagh! Aaagh!! Oh, noooooooooooooo……!!”

“Hey, stop making such a pathetic sound and put some more effort into it, horny warrior!!”

 The warrior, wearing only the minimum amount of armor to protect his vital points, exposes his tanned skin as if to show off his well-trained muscles. His hard, dark hair is somewhat disheveled, and his equipment is tired.

 The man who is raping him, on the other hand, has taut skin and tightly coiffed blond hair. He wears expensive full-body leather armor, and even underwear with unnecessary glittering decorations. His cock, which is even bigger than his normal size, is more than twice as big due to the enhancement magic he has been given, and he pummels the strong warrior's intestines with a piston as if a huge block of iron were being repeatedly pumped in and out of him. His anus, violated by its overwhelming presence, was now transformed from an excremental organ into an obscene whore's tool for receiving a man's cock.

 The warrior's cock, which has been enchanted with a weakening magic to prevent it from ejaculating, has a plug placed over the outlet of the testicles. Only a trickle of pre-cum is trickling out from the tip of the rod, though it is no longer clear whether this is a reaction to pleasure or pain. Never in his life have he ever wanted the pleasure of having a man play with his body. But after more than a decade of living as a slave, his body had become a thing to please them, reacting shallowly whenever his master inserted his cock into his body.

“GGGHHH! Ggghhhh!! Aagh……, agaagh~!!”

“Phew……, you're so annoying! 'Shut up'.”

 The man, fed up with the warrior's wheezing voice, which was almost grating on his ears, muttered so annoyingly. Then, as if in response to his voice, the pattern on his abdomen began to glow faintly, and immediately after that, the warrior's voice suddenly stopped, just as the man had ordered.

“……!? ……!!”

 The warrior made his eyes roll. But in the next instant, he gritted his teeth and began desperately sucking in air through his nose. His face turned red as if he was having difficulty breathing, his strong muscles tensed, and beads of sweat poured out from his entire body. Since he is not allowed to bathe by his master, an ugly, beast-like body odor rises from his damp body, clouding the surrounding air.

“Gah-ha-ha! Yes, keep it up. Fugohgo, fugohgo. You're like a pig! Keep breathing like a pig.”

 Laughing hysterically at the warrior's ineptitude, the man begins to move his hips even more vigorously. The man is not as strong as the warrior, but his whole body is covered with muscles that are suitable for a high-level adventurer. Every time his huge manhood was pulled out and inserted, an obscene sound of water echoed through the cave, and as if in response, the warrior's whole body continued to convulse, he almost rolled his eyes back.

 No matter what the circumstances, the warrior cannot speak while the command to 'shut up' is still in effect. How many times has he had his intestinal walls gouged out by a man's cock? No matter how many times he has been gouged by a man's cock, dozens or hundreds of times, he will never get used to the reality of having his insides violated. On the contrary, a sensation that was more than just agony and pain was gradually beginning to develop, and it was eating away at the warrior's body in a different way.

“Hey! I'm going to cum, you perverted pig! Catch every drop in your asshole!!”

──Byururururu!! Dokudokudokku! Dop-dop-dop-dop!!!

 The man's hips stop moving and a large amount of cum is released from his cock. The amount was extraordinary, and in no time at all it filled the warrior's bowels. His insides were being violated by the hot cum. His pride as a warrior was trampled on, and even his dignity as a human being was taken away from him. But even so, the warrior was not even allowed to speak out, and could only accept the reality of the situation.

“Phew……, It felt good. 'Speak up and ejaculate.'”

 As the man murmured that, as if the time that had stood still had begun to move, the warrior's mouth once again began to overflow with loud moans and gasps.

“Aaagh! Aagh!? Cumming!! I'm cummingーーーー!!”

 The sperm was spewed out with great force. Tears streaming with humiliation, face flushed and drooling, the warrior unleashed his sperm as his master had ordered. Under the influence of the lifting of the restrictions, the cum that had been building up was sprayed out like a fountain. A large amount of white cum hit the ground, making a messy, dirty sound. The sight of the warrior, nearly 20 years older than the man, unceremoniously shooting his cum was nothing short of pathetic.

“Ah~……, you're so good! After all, you're the best bitch I've ever had!”

“Ooooh…… ooooh…… ooooh……!!”

 The man gave a satisfied smile and began to move his hips again.


 Darius is a warrior who has risen to the rank of captain as a warrior of the kingdom. It was when he was over 30 years old that his life, which had been smooth sailing, began to go awry.

 The 'Demon King's Army' suddenly appeared in the kingdom. In the blink of an eye, they spread throughout the country, and their overwhelming power caused cities to fall one after another. Under such circumstances, the Royal Army to which Darius belonged continued to fight the good fight. However, the battle against the powerful demons became extremely fierce, and finally the unit led by Darius was annihilated.

 Darius somehow managed to escape, but was unluckily caught by slavers when he fainted near the border with the enemy country and was kept in their custody. He had been through the battlefield as a warrior, and now he had a slave's crest carved on his belly and an annoying cockring on his groin. Despite the humiliation he endured, Darius had no choice but to accept life as a slave.

 A little more than ten years later. He was waiting to regain his strength and was taken in by the Goldwyn family, a powerful family. The master took a liking to Darius at first sight and began to treat him with care, unlike the other slaves. Darius was not comfortable with the idea of just being kept, so he took the lead in taking care of his personal needs and working as his escort. After a month or so.

“I've always wanted to fuck a sexy guy like you.”

  Darius was told that by his master and was forced to indulge in his hobby. The master has made a fortune in his own lifetime. For him, a homosexual who had entered into a loveless marriage to achieve success, Darius was his favorite looking man.

 From that day on, he was summoned almost everyday to his master's bedroom. If he had been treated roughly, he might have resented it. But his master was always a gentleman to Darius. He caressed Darius' body with tender loving care, and carefully loosened up his asshole.

 “There is no man with a more beautiful body than yours”, he would always murmur. Whenever he whispered so in his ear, Darius, who had only ever loved women, would lay his body against him, his head in debauchery. His master seemed to like Darius' body so much that he invited him to his bedroom every now and then, and Darius could not hate his master.

 The end of those days came. Suddenly, the master fell ill. And he had two sons. Drake and Lucas. Brothers who had been instilled with a distorted love by his wife, who was not loved by her husband.

 They had been secretly spying on their father's sexual activities, and from that day on, Darius was trained by them as a 'bitch'.

“Nmm……! Nnooohh……!”

 It was late at night when his master had gone to bed. Darius was forced to get on all fours on the bed. A huge foreign object had already been inserted into his asshole and was being pumped in and out violently. The ringleader was one of the master's sons, a man nearly twenty years younger than Darius, and who found thrill and pleasure in turning Darius, his father's favorite, into a slave.

 The young man──, Lucas, the second son began to devour Darius' body every night while his father slept. He uses slave crests and cockring to deprive him of his physical freedom and fucks Darius to satisfy his own sexual desires.

“Hmph, fuuuh……!!”

 Darius desperately stifles his voice as he presses his face against the bedsheets. His anus has been relaxed to the extreme by a weakening magic, and a dildo the size of a horse has been inserted into his anus. The base of Darius' cock is constricted by a custom-made cockring with a spell that increases sperm production, and he is constantly on the verge of ejaculation.

“Hgg……! Ohh, gosh~……!!”

 He wants to cum, but he can't. His cock moved back and forth violently, but Lucas' order did not allow even a dewy drop of juice to splash from the tip of his cock. The pleasure of having his asshole fucked in such a state was hell for Darius. When he squeezed his anus, the dildo wriggled violently inside his ass, and the stimulation made his testicles rise up. Inside, sperm was being produced in overflowing quantities, and it looked as if it would burst out of the bell mouth at any moment, but he was unable to do so because his urethra was blocked. The situation went on and on, and Darius' body and mind reached their limits.

“Aaargh! Aaah……! Stop, stop it……!”

 He exclaimed involuntarily. The image of a strong warrior contorting his fearless face and begging for forgiveness. It satisfies Lucas' need for aggravation and domination even more than before. Knowing that Darius was reaching his limit, Lucas vigorously pulled out the dildo and thrust his raging cock into his asshole instead.

 Darius' wide-open asshole swallows the thick man's rod without hesitation. Lucas felt the warmth of the intestinal wall. The pleasure that comes from violating a man who is more than one size larger than himself, a toy that his father, whom he had respected and despised, had treated with great care, as he pleases. Drooling from the corners of his mouth, Lucas slammed his hips down hard until Darius' asshole took the shape of his cock.

“Gaahhhh! Aaagh! Ooooh……!”

 Darius screamed as he clutched the sheets. For him, the pleasure of being held on the verge of climax was almost violent. His testicles are so swollen that they feel as if they are about to burst. But because of the cockring, he was unable to ejaculate, and his cock just kept twitching and twitching.

“Hey! How dare you talk to your master that way?”

 Lucas grabbed Darius by the hair and violently piston fucked his intestinal wall. Lucas' cock was sliding in and out of Darius' asshole. His thick cock crushes Darius' prostate, stimulating it with a sticky thrust as he tries to find the most sensitive spot. His cock pulsated in Darius’ belly, and Darius, realizing that he was about to ejaculate, begged Lucas for forgiveness, tears streaming down his face.

“Please cum! In my ass……! Aaahhh! Master~!!”

 The stern face of the warrior, broken by sweat, tears and snot. The magnificent body gives in by Lucas' cock. The comical sight of that man's body was even more arousing to Lucas. He lay his body on Darius' back, pinched both of Darius' nipples as hard as he could, and whispered in Darius' ear.

“'You can cum', Warrior Chief Darius♥”

“Aaah! Aaahhh!! I'm cumming~~~!!!”

 In response to Lucas's voice, the cockring on Darius' crotch loosened, and with a scream, he shot a large amount of cum into the air.

──Dop-dop-dop!! Bbuuurrrrrr……! Bbuuuutbuuuut!!!!”

 “Argghhhhhh……!” Darius grunted and continued to ejaculate, nearly rolling his eyes back. The cum that came out of the tip of his cock was so thick that it created a thick puddle on the bedsheets.

“Ahhhh~……, that's the best♥”

 Darius continues to release his semen, tears and snot dripping down his nose. The man who was once feared on the battlefield was now writhing in pleasure beneath Lucas. Excited by that pitiful sight, Lucas also ejaculated vigorously inside Darius. Inserting his cock all the way to the base, he poured his cum into Darius' asshole. Be become intoxicated with the pleasure, Lucas continued to fuck Darius.

“Are you all right, Darius?”

 Darius, who had been cum inside his anus several times by Lucas in the cave, was holding the potion in his mouth with an empty expression on his face. Jay, a slave like Darius, looked at him with worried eyes. Jay is as stout as Darius, who used to be a warrior. And he is a born slave. He was born by forcing a male and female slave, who were physically and ability-wise superior, to have sex with each other. His entire body was covered with great muscles, and he was a young man with a handsome face that enhanced his physical beauty.

 He and Darius, who turned forty-three this year, were about the same age as father and son, and Jay had learned fighting skills, minimal conversational skills, and absolute loyalty to his master from Darius ever since he could remember. Perhaps because of that, there is a subtle distance between Darius and Jay, like that of a parent and child, or like that of a teacher and student. And being the master's favorite each other, they have been working together for some time.

“Oh, I'm…… all right. Ha-ha-ha~! I was just thinking about getting my ass muscles in shape. Well, that son of a bitch's little dick didn't do my proud ass any favors.”

 Darius replied as if there was nothing to worry about, while grabbing his buttocks with his thick, rugged fingers. The cum flowed out of his twitching hole with a gurgling sound. Jay could see the anger and frustration on Darius' face, but he didn't know what to do. It should have been Jay's turn to be raped just now, but Darius covered for him. Jay never knew his parents existed. It was often heartbreaking to see Darius, who could be called a father to him, struggling.

“Jay, I'm good. Here we go, the fucking masters want to see you!”

 Darius noticed Jay's gloomy expression and patted him on the back as he said so in a cheerful tone, trying not to worry him. The two men got up, carried their heavy packs on their backs, and followed their masters to the back of the cave.

 The air is damp and uncomfortably cold. As they move deeper into the cave, the darkness becomes deeper. Lucas's light magic secures their vision, so they don't have to strain their eyes to see, but they still can't shake off the eerie atmosphere.

“Hey! Walk faster!”

 Lucas's yell echoes from behind Darius and Jay, who are leading the way as tanks. He swung his whip at the slaves and ordered them to hurry up.

“Don't be slow! You're a piece of shit!”

 Just as he yelled that, his feet sank unnaturally, and a clatter echoed through the air. Immediately, the ground began to glow brightly and a magic circle emerged. The light grew stronger and stronger.

“Lucas! That's a forced transfer magic circle! Grab on to the slaves so we don't get transferred to pieces!!”

 The eldest Drake, who had noticed something unusual, turned around and shouted to Lucas behind him. At that moment, a fluffy floating sensation began to hit them from under their feet. The faces of those who had experienced the sensation instantly paled. A magical circle of shifting traps. If they could be transferred out of the dungeon, the damage would not be too great, but if the destination was the lair of demons deep in the dungeon, and the party was scattered, there was no guarantee that even they, as A-level adventurers, would survive.

“Darius, come here!!”

 Lucas pulls Darius into a feathery stranglehold as he sees Drake hugging Jay, who was nearby. As Lucas' cock hit Darius' ass in reaction, 'Nnnngh!' and Darius' muffled voice leaked out, the bodies of the four men were enveloped in a shimmering light, and the moment the light converged, their figures disappeared from the scene without a trace.

“Hmmm……, what happened to……? Oh by the way, where the hell have we been transferred?!”

 He hears the sound of water in his ear. After regaining consciousness and brushing off the coarse dirt that clung to his skin with his thick palms, Lucas looked around. His perspective wobbled, as if he had a hangover. The surrounding walls were covered with multicolored crystals, and a thin, glowing lake lay nearby. It was a blessing in disguise. It seems that the place where they were forcibly transferred was the safe zone where he had just been. Joyfully, he shook the body of his big brother Drake, who was lying nearby. A little further away was Jay. And a little further away──.


 What he saw was a figure lying in a familiar robe. It was the one and only robe that he would have been wearing just a moment ago. The crest engraved on it was familiar. It was the Goldwyn family crest. Lucas looked around his entire body in a hurry. The equipment covered only the bare essentials. His palms were hardened by thousands and thousands of sword swings and blood blisters. His shoulders were big as big rocks, his arms and thighs like logs, covered with battle-specific muscles. A wild beard on his stroked chin made a sound.

“Hey……! That can't be true……”

 A sense of foreboding spread through him uncontrollably. He checked all over his body and looked into the shimmering lake and shouted in astonishment. There, he saw a man with a strong body. Over two meters tall. The body is bigger than his body which is a fine physique for a wizard. Eyes as sharp as a bird of prey. He has numerous scars that indicate that he is a warrior who has fought to the death many times, and a stern face with wrinkles between the eyebrows. He has a thick neck and a prominent larynx. He has short hair and a manly beard, giving him the appearance of a warrior. The figure was that of Darius, a slave.

 If it is a dream, I want to awake right now──. With that wish, he rolled the man in the robe that had been made for him over to see his face. What he saw was the face he had seen in the mirror every day──, Lucas Goldwyn himself. With a shock, the man with 【Lucas】' face woke up.

“Umm……, this feeling…… is this safe zone?”

 The man got up, rubbing his eyes with a scrubbing, and looked in surprise at the face of Lucas, who was peering at him. At the man's reaction, Lucas turned pale and muttered in a trembling voice.

“……Are you Darius?”

“Fuck you! You've got to be kidding me!!!”

 The wild yells of an enraged Lucas echo through the cave. Right next to him is a man in the form of slave 【Jay】, Drake. And a short distance away from them stood Darius and Jay in the form of 【Lucas】 and 【Drake】.

“Well, calm down, Lucas. I was surprised to see our bodies swapped, but this kind of thing can be easily solved with magic, right? Even if you can't, there are plenty of good wizards back in the city.”

“Shut up, Drake! That's why they call you carefree. How are we going to get out of this dungeon with these bodies? Even if all of us are A-level adventurers, we can't even use magic or wield a sword properly in our unaccustomed state, can we?!”


 Drake choked on his words at Lucas's righteous argument. He is right.

“……Plus, the only magic I've ever heard of that can swap bodies is in fairy tales. If there is a possibility, it might be the forbidden black magic.”

 The vast, unpopular space is now silent, and only the sound of dripping water echoes through the air.

 On the one hand, the bodies of their slaves, they have been oppressing. On the other, the bodies of their masters, whom they had never been able to resist. Both stood there with expressions of disgust on their faces.

“……I know you two won't like it, but if you just want to get out of here, there is a way.”

 It was Darius who broke the silence. The first step is to get used to their current physical bodies. The quickest way to do that, he thought, was to try the act that would give them the most stimulation. And that was──.

“What?! Sex?!!”

 Lucas and Drake looked at each other after shouting loudly when they heard the surprising solution that Darius told them so matter-of-factly.

“No way, but in the same position we were in before we swapped? We're brothers are Baritachi(top), you know?”

“I'm not going to have a cock in my asshole!!”

 Goldwyn brothers glared at Darius with their thick warrior-like arms crossed and cursed him verbally. Darius sighed under their contemptuous glances.

“……But it's the best way to get used to our body. At least, that is the only way out of this dungeon for us in our current state.”

“Damn it! Why am I a slave……?”

 Lucas glared at his former body as he yelled at it. Darius, pierced by the sharp gaze of Lucas, gulps in a gasp.

“……Huh, I get it now. It can't be helped, let's just get on with it and have sex.”

 It was Drake who lay on the ground, as if he had given up first. His body is the slave, 【Jay】. He was just over 20 years old, and his body was young, full of muscles. Drake removed the equipment he was wearing with a flick, and he was dressed only in his underpants.

“Then Jay, you do what I always do.”

“……Yes, sir.”

 Jay nodded his head as if determined and grabbed Drake's tautly muscled breasts and began sucking on them. Jay munched away, intoxicated by the salty taste of sweat and the male scent spreading in his mouth. The sensation of having his nipples sucked by a man's thick lips was new to Drake, and he let out a 'Nmm……' as pre-cum flooded the tip of his cock.

“Oh, hey…… Drake, you're lying, aren't you?! What are you doing!”

 Lucas, who had been watching the exchange between the two, exclaimed in a panic. What is unfolding in front of his eyes is the same act they once performed themselves. The appearance is the same as usual. However, the contents have been swapped, the positions are the exact opposite, and Jay, the slave, is playing with Drake's body. Drake, who seems to have accepted Jay, must immediately reject his slave Jay's caresses──.

 As he was thinking so, Lucas' eyes unfolded to see his big brother, Drake, licked around by his former tongue, his cock erect with an ecstatic expression on his face. His thickly muscled body was on fire and sweating with a steamy intensity. The sight of him made Lucas' asshole tingle. He had never thought of anything else, whether it was a man or a woman, but to fuck them, to look down on them, to violate them. But now, knowing the taste of a man's cock, 【Darius】' asshole was twitching, begging for a thick cock to be shoved inside it.

 He wants to have a man's cock shoved up his ass and to be dug into to the point of madness──. His head is filled with that thought. However, Lucas' reason and pride held him back from it.

“Don't get carried away now that you're in our bodies! You scumbags better find a way out of here for us──”

“'Shut up.'”

 Lucas, who was swearing to keep his sanity, was interrupted by Darius. And with his command, the slave crest engraved on 【Darius】' lower abdomen began to glow.

“What? I'm the master! What are you glowing for, you fucking slave crest!”

 Lucas slapped his own lower abdomen as he yelled at him. However, the glow of the slave crest on his body did not stop. On the contrary, the light became stronger and stronger, and soon his thoughts began to be mixed with feelings that were not his own.

(Hey, what the……?! Damn! Freaky……!!)

 Every time the slave crest on his body lit up, he could feel a haze forming in his thoughts. The pride and self-esteem that should have taken root in him fade away, and are instead filled with other emotions. It is──.

“'Obey my orders.'”

 Lucas' brain trembles at the sound of Darius' voice. His every word seeps into the marrow of his brain, making him believe that Darius is his master.

(Damn……! Fuck you, who's going to take orders from you……!)

 The more he shows his defiance, the more the slave crest shines and the more the sexual desire that resides within him swells. The desire to have man's cock fucked in his asshole envelops and dominates his brain. As if to defy these feelings, Lucas howled at Darius. But such resistance was futile, and his body began to move on its own. He got down on all fours like a dog and brought his face close to Darius' erect and hardened cock, his nose stroking its surface.

(Sniff, nmm♥ Hmmmm?!!)

 The thick, sweltering, male odor that passes through his nostrils. It was his own cock, which he would never have smelled at such close range had he not been in this situation. The smell invaded his brain, and Lucas felt such a shock that his ego was almost blown away for a moment. Just smelled a cock. But the slave crest on his lower abdomen and the memories imprinted in 【Darius】' brain resonated with each other, and his asshole twitched as if he was in heat, and he could not stop. For Lucas, who had only ever gotten pleasure from humiliating his opponents, this was a new experience.


 The moment his tongue, moving unconsciously, was inserted into the crack of Darius' glans, which was dripping with clear dew, Lucas acknowledged Darius as his 'master' as he mouthed that in his mind. Instantly, the slave crest glistened and a large amount of pleasure substances were secreted in Lucas' brain. 'I love you, my master. I want to serve you. I want to devote my life to you.' All kinds of desires fill his mind, and a sense of loyalty as a slave is instilled in him.

“'I allow you to open your mouth.'”

 Lucas turned his back to Darius, cracked open his ass with his thick palms, showed his anus twitching and wriggling in the back of his ass, and began to plead with his 【master】.

“Put your cock in my asshole……! Ohhhhh♥♥ ……No, please……, please fuck my asshole, me slave, with your cock!”


 Lucas, the master, who until a few moments ago had abused Darius in every way possible. Now he was flirting with Darius and begging him to put his cock in his asshole. Darius, recognizing that he is now in a completely opposite position from before, is aroused by a sense of immorality.

 What he sees in his eyes is his former body. He feels a rush of love for that body, but at the same time, he wants to fuck Lucas' soul in his body until it is completely ruined. Such desire makes Darius' body burn hot. Although the sensation of his cock when erected is different from before, it makes him realize that he is now in control of 【Lucas】' body.

 Darius did what Lucas wanted and placed his cock against his asshole while he was on all fours. Lucas felt the heat of Darius' cock and his shoulders shook. The anus, which had spent many hellish days being fucked over and over again until it spread wide, then returned to a constricted state with recovery magic and fucked again, is now contracting violently as if it is waiting for the cock.

“Then, I'm going to put my cock inside your asshole……, 【Darius】♥”

“Yes, master♥”

 It is a greeting that should have been commonplace before the body swap, when the positions of master and slave were reversed. With his mouth twisted into a smile, Darius pushed Lucas' tightly closed anus open and inserted his own swollen glans into it. The bumpy rectum was filled with the hot, pulsating phallus. It was as if a missing piece of the puzzle fit into place, the sensation of Darius' cock fitting inside Lucas' asshole. For Darius, who has spent the last ten years being fucked, this is the first time in a long time. He felt the pleasure that was slowly moving up his spine from the surface of his cock.

“Oh, God♥ Fnuuuu♥♥♥”

 A thick, manly gasp escapes from Lucas' mouth. Darius, relying on the memories engraved in 【Lucas】' brain, focused on the places where he used to feel good. With each rubbing with his cock, his rectum undulated and wriggled, softly tightening around Darius' cock.

“How's it feel? 【Darius】……, doesn't it feel good?”

“Yes, Master♥”

 Lucas, crawling on the ground, turns around and exchanges glances with Darius. The man with the arrogant character on his face was not there, but 【Darius】 who was drowning in pleasure like never before and had a look of ecstasy on his face. His mouth is slack, and he seems to have no time to pay attention to the saliva dripping from his lips.

“Do you want more of my cock, 【Darius】?”

“Yes, pleaaase♥”

 The 【slave】 immediately responds to his 【master】's words. Beside them, Jay and Drake are having the same exchange. Drake, who is now in the form of a slave, is looking up at his master, Jay, with his belly showing defenselessly like a submissive dog. At his crotch, his cock is stiffly erect and dripping pre-cum from the tip.

“Please fuck my ass hole so hard, 【Drake】 master♥”

 As they wished, the 【masters】 started to fuck the 【slaves】. Lucas and Drake were fucked in the assholes with cocks, and their ecstatic faces were revealed in pleasure. All of them become more familiar with each other's body and spirit as they all have sex. Perhaps if they all ejaculate in this state, all four of them will be able to demonstrate their abilities before their bodies were swapped. At the moment he thought of that, Darius had a flash of inspiration. A way out of his status as a slave. It was to 'take over the master's body'──.

“Lucas and Drake. Thanks to your cooperation, the four of us have been able to adapt our minds to our bodies. Perhaps if we ejaculate in this conditioned state, we will be able to fully demonstrate our original abilities.”

“Yes, Master…… No, Darius! 【Your】 memories are making me crazy in the head…… I'll be not 【me】 anymore if I keep going like this! We need to get out of this dungeon right now……”

 Lucas felt threatened by Darius' words and somehow managed to come to his senses. However, Darius, with a smile tinged with amusement, brushes aside his distorted expression of pain.

“Don't worry, master. If I do this, you will not be tormented by anxiety♥”


 Lucas opens his mouth. With Darius' cock in Lucas' asshole, Darius waved his magic wand. Already in Darius' brain is all the magic that 【Lucas】 has mastered. Lucas followed the trajectory of the wand with his eyes after it had moved, and what was inscribed on it was the magic of 'memory erasure'.

“What the hell are you doing? Stop it, Darius!!”

 Lucas noticed that and tried to wriggle away. The 'memory erasure' magic is basically easy to resist if you have the body of an A-level adventurer. However, it would be a different story if they were mentally disturbed, for example, if they were under a magic of enchantment or in the midst of extreme pleasure. And those conditions are now being met by Lucas and Drake. Ejaculation caused by sex. If they climax, they will certainly not be able to resist the magic of 'memory erasure'. If that happens, Lucas and Drake will lose their own memories and live as slaves, 【Darius】 and 【Jay】.

“No, no, no! We are not your slaves! If we get out of here, we'll be able to return to our original bodies……!”

 As soon as Darius' wand is lowered, a light more intense than ever is emitted from the slave crests on Lucas' and Drake's bellies. Lucas and Drake pleaded with trembling voices as their vision was enveloped by the radiance.

“No! Darius-sama, Jay-samaa…… who……, save me, save us!!”

 But their pleas are in vain, and their consciousness is blurred by the pleasure between their legs. No matter how much they try to resist, their bodies, which have learned the pleasure of having a cock inserted into them, refuse to release the hardened male symbol. Their brains are debauched. Until a few hours ago, they had never been fucked by a man, but now they can no longer live without his cock. Each time their anuses are gouged, a sense of submission to their 【master】 is instilled in them.

“No, no, no! Don't erase my memory!!!”

 A magic circle of 'memory erasure' floats in front of Lucas' eyes as he raises a thick, unmanly voice. As he stares at it as if hypnotized, his memory as 【Lucas Goldwyn】 gradually fades away and becomes hazy.

 And it was the same for Drake. His eyes, staring at the 'memory erasure' magic circle, no longer have any color in them. Perhaps he is captivated by the pleasure of being raped by his former body.

Comparing the two of them, Darius looked at Jay and strained between his legs. The magic of 'memory erasure' will surely rape their brains and remake them as slaves once they reach climax.

“Ooooh♥ We'll take your identities then. Good-bye, Master Lucas, Master Drake♥”

 Darius' cock pulsed loudly and spewed a large amount of cum into Lucas' bowels. While gurgling and crushing the prostate with the tip of his hardened glans, he injected the white fluid into his rectum.

“Arrgaaahhhh!! Stop! Don't creampie me♥♥”

 As soon as Lucas cried out, cum gushed from Jay's cock as well, dribbling into Drake's asshole. The Goldwyn brothers, their bodies jolted and shuddered, their anuses sizzling and contracting. The 'memory erasure' magic was activated, and a haze fell over their heads. Each time a memory faded away, one by one, their brains would be prodigal. The feeling was an irresistible comfort to them.

“Aaahhh!! It's going to disappear, my…… memory of me♥♥”

 With a look of mixed despair and pleasure on their faces, Lucas and Drake erected their cocks like never before. They cried out, 'No, no, no,' but they were delighted as their cocks dribbled semen. And the moment they finished erasing the memory of the last piece, they fell into slavery.

 Darius and Jay, who had inserted their cock deep into former masters' assholes, pulled it out with a small moan. A perverse situation in which they had thoroughly fucked their former bodies. The triumphant pleasure of taking over their master's bodies and identities and becoming them made their crotches hard again.

“Oh♥ Hmm……, Darius, that was great……♥”

“Yeah, Jay. I felt good, too♥ Now we're brothers from now on──, 【Drake】♥”

 The two became Goldwyn brothers, 【Drake】 and 【Lucas】, and as if attracted to each other, they leaned in close, kissed each other on the mouth, and their tongues entwined.




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