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“Hi, Mr. Kirishima!”

“Hi, Kasamatsu. Good morning.”

 As I was heading toward the entrance of my apartment to go to work, a man with a convenience store bag in his hand and playing with his smartphone looked up and stared at me. His name is Daiki Kasamatsu. He lives on the same floor. He is almost a head shorter than me, Takuma Kirishima, but I can see that his body is covered with thick muscles. He was probably in his late twenties.

 He has a frightening face that gives the impression of being somewhat unapproachable. He has a scarred face with a scar on his forehead. He wears earrings in his ears and has tattoos on his exposed skin. His neighbors rumored that he might have been a fighter. Although his belly is somewhat protruding, it looks like fat on top of tightly packed muscles, so the rumor is probably true.

 I said goodbye to him and left the apartment to go to work.



 Lunchtime. As I was eating my lunch, which my wife had prepared for me, I felt my smartphone shaking. I took it out of my pants pocket and tapped the screen. Suddenly, an app I didn't remember putting in started up and a message appeared.

【Your penis is mine】

“What the hell……? Your penis is mine? Huh? My penis?”

 I was suddenly bombarded with an incomprehensible message, and unintentionally dropped my chopsticks on the desk. Was it a virus or something?

 As I froze, not understanding what it meant, I suddenly felt a heat rising in my crotch. The squishy, uncomfortable feeling was uncanny. Fortunately, my colleagues had left their seats to eat out and there was no one around my desk. I loosened my belt and peeked inside my underwear.

“Huh……, what?!”

 I squeaked out. My cock had begun to shrivel up. The proud cock, which had remained bare even under normal circumstances, was quickly covered with skin, and the glans was hidden from view.

“Oh, ah……♥”

 My cock was gradually getting smaller and smaller, even though I was trying hard to hold it down with my big-boned fingers. The sensation is very pleasant.


 Soon it was completely covered with skin and my cock was completely transformed into a short foreskinned child's penis. It is as juvenile in size as a school boy.

(What's happening to me……?)

 I was confused. How could this happen in real life? But my cock actually shrank. What am I going to do?

 At any rate, I need to talk to someone. Should I call my wife or……? No, but she's at work too……

“Nmm……, huh?”

 As I stared at the screen of my smartphone, thinking about this and that, my mind, which was in the middle of a whirlpool of confusion, gradually regained its composure.

(What was that? I'm……, what was I trying to do?)

 I took my eyes off the smartphone screen and returned my gaze to my crotch. Why am I slipping my underwear down in my office? My cock hanging between my legs is something familiar and nostalgic.

 My cock──. It had always been small, growing between my legs. Memories of being teased by my classmates in pool class and when changing clothes for club activities come flooding back to my mind like a raging wave. The strange uneasy feeling of tightness in my chest instantly faded away, and with a tilt of my head, I put my pants back on and began to bring the rest of my lunch to my mouth again.

“Sorry, it's been a long time since I got your hopes up and I'm pathetic……”

 I hid my short foreskin cock, which was about the size of my thumb even when erect, so that my wife would not see it, and I apologized flatly. Even against my loving wife, my cock was still responsive, but not to the point of ejaculation.

“No, don't worry about it. I like it when you are gentle like that.”

 My wife smiled gently at my apology. I felt saved by her words. Yes, I had always had such a pathetic cock hanging out of my head, and I had never been able to satisfy her sexually. What's there to be depressed about now……? No, was it?”

 My head starts to get all messed up. I grabbed my smartphone, ran to the bathroom, and held my head. Something has taken up residence in my brain and is eating away at me. I can't stop the disgusting sweat from seeping out of my forehead.

【Your penis is mine】

 I had hit by the words which I saw displayed on an app I didn't remember installing.

 Yes, this is the app! This is the one that is driving me crazy.

 Who on earth would want me to install an app like this and send me strange messages for what purpose?

──My cock is obviously smaller than before.

 And yet, until just now, I had forgotten that it had even gotten smaller. I don't know what the cause is, but it must have something to do with this app.

 I tapped the app and asked the person who sent me the message who “I” was. But──, there was no response. I was about to leave the bathroom in agony when I stopped.


 My smartphone, which I had shoved into my pants pocket, trembled again. I looked at the screen hurriedly, cold sweat dripping from my forehead.

【Your body is mine】

“Damn it, not again……!”

 My whole body was burning hot and my heart was pulsating. The heat was so intense that I felt as if my body was melting, and I involuntarily fell to my knees.

 My groin tingled and a sweet numbness spread throughout my body. I felt something was lost inside me, as if my brain was being kneaded and stirred by the pleasure.

 My body, held by both arms, shrinks. The strong muscles I had worked out so hard on since my school days were shrinking like a balloon with a hole in it, and before I knew it, my body had turned into something muscular but sloppy. My belly was thick with fat and flabby. My arms and legs, which had been praised by friends and family as long, thick, and manly, were now a shadow of their former selves.

 Every part of my body has shrunk. My height has shrunk by more than 20 centimeters. The entire skeleton of my body has been remade into that of a different person.

“Ah, ah……♥”

 A tingling sensation sent shivers down my spine. The small cock of my short foreskin gradually began to harden. The sensation of my body being remade into something that was not my own. The sensation, like a thick mucus, clung to my brain and drove me crazy.

“Ha, haa……♥”

 My whole body was on fire and breathing became ragged. My strength drained from my entire body, and I collapsed on the spot. Even though I was so weak that I could no longer stand up, my heart did not stop beating. In fact, it seemed to be getting more and more excited. Was it really an illusion? No, it is not. In fact, I am excited……!!

 I found myself handling my poor cock. I had no use for it when I had sex with my wife, but this bizarre situation was arousing me.

“Ugh♥ Ah, yeah……♥”

 My pitiful moaning leaked out spontaneously, and it echoed inside the cramped bathroom. I writhed with pleasure each time I rubbed up and down on the child's cock, which was still covered with its skin. Before I knew it, I had stripped off my jacket and was completely naked, and I was riding horseback on the toilet seat, moving my hips back and forth, frantically shimmying my way to ejaculation. I moved my right hand up and down as if I were a junior high school student who had just learned to masturbate and was single-mindedly devouring the pleasure.

“I'm cumming♥ I'm cumming……♥♥”

──Byururu♥ Byuku♥ Dopyuu♥♥

 I let myself be carried away by the hot urge that surged up from the depths of my hips, and I shot my cum vigorously. The sperm released from the child's cock, which was still covered with its skin, sank into the toilet bowl with a watery sound.

 Lunch break the next day. I was eating a bento I bought at a convenience store. In the same department, my subordinate, who is newly married, is enjoying his bento with his beloved wife. I was envious. That's what I thought. Because 【the only time I had my wife make me a lunch box was when we were first married.】 The love between me and my wife began to wane, and sex became less frequent as I felt guilty about not being able to satisfy my wife. Whenever I whispered to my wife, “I love you,” I felt like it was a lie──.

 My relationship with my wife of more than ten years had been rewritten in this way. It's all because of that app……

 From the moment I saw the message, 【Your penis is mine】, parts of my body──, and something inside of me began to rewrite itself. My body, except for my face, was already a different person's one. And yet, I did not take this bizarre situation too seriously, and went on with my daily life as if nothing had happened. I have become unreliable, and my wife and children have grown tired of me.

“Oh, coincidence, isn't it? Are you on your way home now?”

 When I arrived back at my apartment after work, I ran into Daiki.

“Oh……, you too?”

“Yes! We're on the same floor, so let's go home together.”

 I nodded at him with a carefree smile and got into the elevator. The doors closed as he pressed a button, and a breathless vibrating sound echoed through the elevator.

“It's so hot, isn't it?”

 Daiki tugged at the collar of his tank top with his fingers and muttered lazily. It is certainly hot. Or perhaps boiling hot would be a more appropriate word. The inside of the elevator felt as hot and humid as a sauna, and my body began to burn. Even my breath felt hot.

 The cause was the smell in the elevator. From the moment the doors closed, the elevator was filled with a sweltering male smell.

“I can't get enough of this smell……♥”

 Daiki expanded his nostrils and sucked in air, then exhaled loudly with a “hah♥.” The scent of a lewd man, sweaty and sour, yet mixed with a man's perfume. Somehow, I couldn't help but be attracted to the scent, rather than being offended by it. Is this what it feels like to be hit by pheromones? It was as if the smell alone was causing my whole body to go into heat, and I could feel the heat rising in the lower half of my body. I thought it was Daiki who was the source of that scent, but he himself was breathing on his shoulders and his face was bright red. I am also excited by the smell of a man, which is strange enough, but is he such a narcissist that his own body odor makes his heart flutter?


 Our ragged breathing reverberates in the narrow elevator. I unconsciously turned my gaze to Daiki's crotch. The bulge that pushes up the pants. I want what's stuffed inside that……!

 I managed to reason my way out of that thought and tried to avert my gaze, but── I couldn't help but stare at his crotch.

(What the hell am I thinking? I'm dealing with a man……! And I have a wife!)

 But no matter how much I deny it in my head, I know that there are moments when instinct overpowers reason. It's not that I don't love my wife. It's just that year after year I feel uncomfortable with the idea of physical contact…… But now──, when I smell the body odor of this male who can be called the best of the best, my mind starts to go fuzzy. My train of thought becomes numb and my mind is occupied with his genitals.


 Just before I was about to lose control of my rational mind, the elevator arrived at the desired floor. Thank God. I said goodbye to Daiki and inserted the key into the keyhole of the door of my house as if to escape.

“I'm home……”

 My voice echoed in the pitch-dark entrance hall. I turned on the living room light and found a note on the table.

【It's the weekend, so I'm going home to my parents' house with the kids】

 It was my wife's handwriting. When I saw it, a sense of desolation spread through my heart, but at the same time, I felt somewhat relieved and relieved. I love my wife. But now, the thick scent of the male's body is stuck in the back of my nose, and the bulge between Daiki's legs is clinging to a corner of my mind, and I can't get rid of it. I ran into my bedroom and took off all the clothes I was wearing. Then I lay down on the bed, completely naked, and reached for my erect short foreskin cock. The child's cock, still covered with skin, was already overflowing with pre-cum from the tip.


 With my right hand, I peeled off the skin to expose the pink glans. The fingers of my left hand unconsciously stroked the folds of my ass.

“Hmm♥ Ahh……♥”

 A finger invades my anus. It is my own finger that is entering, but it is someone else's── Yes, I feel as if Daiki's finger has entered my anus. At the same time, my asshole tingled with sadness, and every time I rubbed the wall of my intestines with my fingertips, a sweet numbness ran through my entire body.

 Every time I violently moved my finger inserted into my anus, I felt such a pleasant sensation that my hips jumped up and down. My right hand roughly handled the child's cock while my left hand stirred inside my asshole. I was being hit by the most intense pleasure I had ever felt.

“Haa……♥ Ah♥ Ahh……♥♥”

 The gasps that spontaneously came out of my mouth and my sweet breath echoed around the room. I caressed my own genitals with all my heart, feeling as if my brain was about to be debauched by pleasure. My limit was soon reached. As my balls contracted, a hot sensation surged up into my urethra from deep inside my body.

“Agghhhh♥ I'm……, I'm cumming♥♥”

 Semen gushes out at a tremendous rate. It reached my face and splashed on my forehead and nose. I haven't had sex with my wife in a long time, and recently I haven't even masturbated. Perhaps because it had been so long since I had ejaculated, the amount of cum seemed to be very heavy and sticky. The foul smell irritates my nostrils and makes me even more aroused……

 Is there something wrong with this body after all? But even so, as I let the comfort of this feeling take over, my smartphone trembled.

【Your personality is mine】

“Ohhhh, fuck……♥♥”

 The moment I saw those words, I felt my brain melt and I was ejaculating again.

 I arched my body, spraying sperm all over the sheets. I felt my personality being rewritten as I was hit with such tremendous pleasure that my mind went blank. My rational and well-behaved personality was being rewritten into a dirty, lustful, vulgar one. The heterosexual persona, who was supposed to love my wife with all my heart, was being overwritten by the vile thing of the homosexual persona.

“Igyyy♥ Ahhhh♥♥”

 I don't like it. I don't like men. Why……, why……? Such thoughts crossed my mind, but it was only for a moment. The pleasure immediately stirred up my thought process, and my rationality was easily erased.


 【I】 found myself screaming like a beast. My hips were rocking back and forth, and my short foreskin child cock was swaying from side to side in time with my movements. Clear juice splattered from the tiny urethral opening, and the sheets were already soaked with sweat and semen. I love the bastard and can't stand them. I want to be fucked by big, strong, muscular men and have my asshole penetrated by their huge spears. Such shallow thoughts filled my mind.

“Oh……♥ I'm cumming, I'm gonna cum♥♥”

 The moment I climaxed, I squirted profusely while thrusting my hips high into the air. The note on the table disappeared as my personality changed.

 I had married my wife and had children with her, but that had been replaced by the fact that it was just a cover to hide the fact that I was gay. I had never loved my wife at all.

“Aaahhh♥ Penis♥♥ I want a big, fat, male cock♥♥”

 I didn't care about my family anymore. I want a man's cock. That's all my body craved now. I somehow or other slipped into my sweatpants, ran out the front door, and knocked on the door of Daiki's room on the same floor. The time was about ten o'clock in the afternoon. I don't care how insane the time is. I wanted him to comfort my burning body as soon as possible.

“Kasamatsu……! Please……, please open the door!”

 I begged, pounding on the door, but there was no answer. But I did not give up and shouted his name over and over again. I thought I heard footsteps approaching from the other side of the door, and then the door slowly opened. Daiki appeared from inside, smiling bewitchingly with an expression as if he could see through everything.

“Finally, you came to me……♥”

 He grabbed my arm and invited me into the room. He then pushed me down on the bed. His eyes were red and bloodshot and he was breathing heavily. He is in the same state as me. I was happy to think so. He licks his tongue and lays his wet lips on me, and my lips are pried open. The sensation of having my tongue entwined with his as he traced my dentition. I felt a shiver down my spine at the sensation as if I was being raped inside my mouth.

“Nnnnghhhh……, chuuchu.……♥♥”

 They devour each other's lips madly, exchanging each other's saliva. By the time our lips parted, I got a boner achingly. I can't wait to unleash this desire……

 I unconsciously put my hands on his back and embraced him. I wanted him to push this thick, strong body down and shoot his towering male cock into my asshole. But Daiki licked my neck and put his face close to my ear.

“I was so miserable that you clung to me even though I had taken your body and your personality♥♥”

“Er……, what?”

 I jumped back from Daiki, who was smiling a weird smile, and moved my eyes to observe his whole body. He was a head taller than I am now. He was rumored in the neighborhood to be a fighter, but upon closer inspection, his body was so macho that I would have believed it even if he was said to be an active fighter. His body hair was shaved all the way down to his pubic hair, and his skin was tattooed here and there. He was wearing earrings and tongue, nipples, cock, and ballsacks piercing.

 However, I could not help but feel nostalgic for that body. I had smelled the body odor of Daiki in the elevator earlier that made my heart melt. His well-trained trapezius and deltoid muscles, his biceps as thick as his head, and his thick neck. His chest plate is big like a small mountain, and his abdominal muscles are split vertically, creating a beautiful six-pack. An ideal body. A body that attracts gay men's attention.

 The hardened and swollen manhood was fitted with a brace I had never seen before, which seemed to have been inserted deep into his anus.

“Oh, this? It's a cock ring and anal plug attached, and it can stimulate the inside of my ass electrically. Just right. I've wanted to swap my face for you while feeling it in my asshole♥ Let's share the pleasure and cum together with the power of the app.”

 He said something incomprehensible, played with his smartphone, and then surrendered himself to the device attached to him.


 At that moment, the toy inserted into Daiki's asshole began to vibrate, and he began to writhe at the sensation of it being stirred up inside his belly. At the same time, I also felt something start to go wild in my asshole, and it started to stimulate my prostate gland through the intestinal wall.

“Oh, my God, what the hell is this♥♥”

 I screamed and my smartphone started to dance as if it was screaming too. On the screen, the message 【Your face is mine】 was displayed, blinking repeatedly.

“With this, your face is mine♥ Hehe♥♥”

 As Daiki said so happily, his face began to squish and distort, gradually changing shape. His nose, which had been smooth, became a hooked nose, and his eyes, which were cold and sharp, became large and strong-willed. His hair, which had been tied back, was sucked into his scalp and changed into short, stiff locks, and finally his face was transformed into 【my】 face.

“Oh, God, I feel so good♥ Huh……, this deep voice and stern face. At last, the whole body of the erotic, cool, and bulky 【Takuma Kirishima】 is mine♥♥”

 He ejaculated repeatedly while writhing violently, then stroked his face lovingly and picked up his smartphone while clutching his cock.

“I have swapped my face, my body, and even my personality with yours. I want to be you, everything! I'm sorry, but I'm going to swap my life for you as well! I'll take all of you and I'll become 【Takuma Kirishima】 from today♥♥”

 As he played with his smartphone again, my smartphone trembled again, too, his cum dripping from the tip of his cock.

【Everything that Takuma Kirishima is is mine】

“Nhooooo♥♥ Nugaahhh♥♥”

 When Daiki moaned in a loud and deep voice which was 【mine】, my throat was overflowing with a gasp that was not 【my】 own. I also had a change in me. My face was changing. Not only that. My cock became erect and hard, my nipples swelled, my ears and tongue had small holes in them, and the piercings that were supposed to be on the man in front of me were attracted to my body and attached to my body. At the same time, I also felt the tattoo being tattooed all over my body. However, I felt no pain at all, only an indescribable sensation of pleasure running through my body. My cock was restrained by the cock ring, the anal plug was crushing my prostate, and my asshole was vibrating violently.



 We were writhing around, screaming like beasts. I couldn't think of anything else. My vision went blank, and memories of a man named 【Daiki Kasamatsu】 forcefully poured into my head. He was a homosexual, a pervert who loved to be fucked in the ass by a thick, athletic, sweaty, strong man. He fell in love with 【Takuma Kirishima】's body at first sight and spent his days masturbating hard while imagining mating with 【me】──

“Aaagghhhhh♥♥ 【I】, no, I……♥♥ Ooooohhhhh♥♥”

 I can no longer remember what kind of person I was. I just want to taste this pleasure, so I let myself be fucked by the toy attached to my asshole and cock. The tremendous vibrations make me feel as if my heart is melting. I writhed with drooling pleasure that penetrated my whole body.


 We both climaxed, screaming loudly at the same time. Our cocks were shaking and shaking, and we were spraying our white cum everywhere. When the cum splattered not only on the sheets, but also on the floor, creating a large puddle of cum, I was hugging and kissing 【Takuma Kirishima】.


“I'm going to be late working overtime today. Sorry, can I have today's dinner made into tomorrow's lunch?”

 I apologized to my wife and tapped the button to end the call. Of course, it was a lie that I was going to be late because I had to work late. I tossed the smartphone onto the bed and inserted the stiff, recurved cock stuck in the asshole of the man on all fours in front of me, even deeper.

 Until yesterday, this man was known as 【Takuma Kirishima】. A man with a body that would be the envy of any man who works out. He has a strong, intimidating, fearless face. He was honest, devoted only to his wife, and reliable with the leadership skills to guide his subordinates. But 【I】 took all of that away from him.


 Every time I put in and pull out my hardening cock, I feel intoxicated with a sense of conquest. Memories come flooding back to my mind that I had never been so aroused, even when I was ramming into my wife's pussy. It was a great feeling to see the former 【Takuma Kirishima】 moaning like a sow under me.

“Ngaaahhh♥♥ Takuma……, Cum♥ I'm cumming♥♥”

 He let out a low moan as I pushed the glans against the back of his anus. He seemed to have reached his climax. I continued to buck my hips, enjoying the feeling of his anus squeezing my cock. So great♥ I wanna cum♥♥ I want to creampie in this man's ass♥♥”

“Oooooohhh♥♥ I'm going to give you plenty of seed, Daiki♥♥♥”

 I shouted and slammed my hips into Daiki, and he screamed aloud, his whole body shaking violently. At the same time, my puckered up balls shrink and harden. I could feel the large amount of thick cum that had built up inside of me filling him up. The cum that came rushing back from our joints with a buzzing sound ran down our big thighs.

(When I get tired of this body , I'll give it back to you)

 I whispered so in his ear to reassure 【Takuma Kirishima】, whose body and life had been taken from him by me. But that is a lie. That body hack app allows me to swap body with another person only once. The app has already disappeared from both of our smartphones. How desperate will this man be if he finds out about that fact? Just thinking about that moment made my cock even harder with excitement.





Amazing. I especially loved Kasamatsu's tattoos and piercings this time.