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 Kyota Terashima woke up to the unfamiliar sound of his phone alarm. The room reeks of masculinity. On the floor of his room, where the air is stagnant, there are beer cans and undressed clothes scattered about.


 Frowning and scratching his head, he got up from the futon, bit into a piece of bread past its expiration date, brushed his teeth and washed his face. The mirror reflects the dull face he always sees. Today, however, he felt that something was off about his face. Something was different, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

 Well, it's not a big deal, he guessed, since he couldn't think of it even after thinking about it. A fuzzy feeling of discomfort lingered in the back of his chest, but he decided to ignore it for now, picked up his phone, and went into the restroom.

 Kyota is a highly‐sexed man, and if he doesn't masturbate first thing in the morning, he gets so horny during the day that he can't get any work done. His cock, energized by his morning erection, is the average size as a man's, but the neck of the glans is hidden by the skin. His erect foreskin cock pulsated inside his boxer shorts, as if it was eager to spew cum.

 Opening a folder with his favorite pictures, the screen was filled with pictures of muscular men. Kyota unconsciously tapped the thumbnail of his favorite picture among them. And the moment the picture spread across the entire screen of his phone, an electric current rushed through his brain.

 The reason for the strange feeling he had felt when he looked in the mirror had been revealed.

“This is 【me】!”

 In the picture, there is a strong-built businessman wearing a shirt, trousers, and glasses. He is 【Koshiro Yanagi】, a manager at the company where Kyota works. The moment he saw the picture, he remembered that he had been 【Koshiro Yanagi】 until yesterday──.

“Why am I Terashima?”

 Until yesterday, he was definitely Yanagi. And yet, now he had become his subordinate, Kyota Terashima, and had even thought he was Kyota until he saw a picture of himself. He couldn't help but be confused, wondering what the hell was going on.

 It didn't seem like a dream. At any rate, he opened the phone book on his phone and tried calling the number marked 『Manager Yanagi』. But no matter how many times he called, the person on the other end did not pick up. Meanwhile, time was passing and the working hours were approaching. Having no choice, he slipped his arms and legs through Kyota's suit, picked up his bag, and headed for the office.


 When he arrived at the office, 【Koshiro Yanagi】 had not yet arrived at work. The clock ticked forward, and even though working hours began, there was no sign that he had arrived. Kyota was worried that something might had happened to Yanagi, but he couldn't afford to cut corners on his work. If Kyota makes a mistake, he, as the manager, will be blamed for it.

 Fortunately, a quick memory search brought up Kyota's work arrangements, and he did not make any mistakes, and before he knew it, it was time for his lunch break.

 And at the same time as the lunch break began, Yanagi showed up. His colleagues were concerned and asked him what was wrong.

“Hehe, I'm sorry. My wife has a back injury. I had to go to the hospital and so on, and it got here at this late hour.

“Is your wife okay?”

“Yeah. According to the doctor, it's just a slight backache. He said my wife will be fine after a few days of rest.”

 While everyone was relieved, there was only one man who was sweating cold sweat. Kyota.

 【Koshiro Yanagi】 is he. That means that the man in front of him must be a different person. And yet, from his gestures to the way he speaks, there is nothing incongruous about him as Koshiro Yanagi. Kyota's mind was going crazy.

“By the way……, Kyota, what's wrong?”

 Hearing Yanagi's words, his colleagues all turned to Kyota at once. The expression on their faces was, 『What have you done?』 It had been a long time since he had received this kind of look from his colleagues since he became a manager, and it sent a bad sweat down his back.

“No. It's nothing……, Koshiro.”

 He managed to keep his composure as he answered, but his heart was pounding so loudly that it was almost too loud. The word 'Koshiro' naturally came out of his own mouth against Yanagi, and he became upset.

 Even though he is the one who is 【Koshiro Yanagi】, 【Manager Yanagi】──.

 Kyota looked down his head and repeated the question to himself in his mind, when someone slapped him on the back with a large palm. He opened his eyes in surprise and looked up at the face of the person who had slapped him. It was Yanagi. The corners of his eyes were lowered and his mouth was smiling, as if he was enjoying himself.

“Then, it's okay. I have to talk to you about 【that matter】, Kyota. Please come to the small conference room for a moment.”

 He could not resist the forceful push on his waist, and had to follow Yanagi without any choice.

“So……, do you recognize what you've been called in for, 【Kyota】?"

 Yanagi asked Kyota as he locked the door behind him and leaned his huge body flat on the chair. He crossed his long, muscular legs and slowly moved his eyes behind his glasses up and down as if admiring Kyota's body.

 The intonation when he called Kyota's name. And the way he looked at Kyota. The insidiousness oozed from his every action, as if a bully had found an interesting target. He also realizes that 【his body】 is not 【his own】.

“You mean that our bodies have been swapped, right?”

 Yanagi heard Kyota's answer and smiled a big smile.

“That is indeed the former 【Manager Koshiro】! I thought you would realize that our bodies had been swapped. So, do you know why our bodies were swapped?”

“Well, I don't know…… But more importantly, is my wife, Koshiro's wife okay?!”

“Hmm? Oh, my bad. I guess I got you all worked up. It's a lie that she had a slipped back. I'm ashamed to say that it was simply my oversleeping that made me late.”

 Hearing this, Kyota patted his chest.

“Well, it's not far-fetched to say that she hurt her back……, but take a look at this anyway.”

 Saying that, Yanagi took out his own phone and pointed it toward Kyota. The screen shows 【Koshiro Yanagi, progression 100% body change complete】 and below that 【Kyota Terashima, progression 20% body change incomplete】.

“What is this……?”

 Kyota tilts his head at the unintelligible text.

“Last night, I noticed that this 【Body swap app】 was somehow on my, I mean 【Kyota Terashima's】 phone. I tried it out. Now──, you know why I chose you as my partner, don't you?”

 Kyota recalled how he had realized this morning that he was 【Koshiro Yanagi】. It was because he tried to masturbate while looking at a picture of his favorite 【Manager Koshiro】.

 He had a habit of getting aroused by imagining a scene in which he and another person's body would swap. Among them, the person he chose most as a partner was 【Koshiro Yanagi】.

“Perhaps that wish reached God. But for you, it will be a Fuckin' God……”

 Yanagi let out a low chuckle.

“By the way, my current state, as you can see on the display, is that I have completed my body swapping with yours. My soul has been completely acclimated to this 【Koshiro Yanagi】 body. Now, the current owner of this body is definitely me. In other words, I have become 【Koshiro Yanagi】.”

“No! Wait……!!”

 Kyota was so astonished that he let out a scream. He shuddered at the fact that Yanagi did not seem to have the slightest doubt in his mind that he was Koshiro Yanagi.

“But don't worry. It hasn't been decided yet that our bodies will remain swapped forever. If the app is correct, you're still only 20% progression in that body. And by the end of the day, if we both haven't reached 100% progression, apparently the body swap will fail. Your progression will increase even if you're having a normal day, but in your case, if you've only made 20% progression in half a day, it shouldn't be 100% by the end of the day.”

“Hmm, is that right……? But why would you give me that much detail?”

'You would have preferred to remain in a body swap with me. But why?' Kyota swallowed down the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

“After all, it's not good to be unfair. If I had remained as 【Kyota Terashima】, I might have kept quiet, but now that I have completely become 【Koshiro], I can't stand to keep it a secret. So if there is anything I can do to help you, just tell me. You wouldn't want to spend the rest of your life in this condition either, would you?"

That is, yes...... of course.”

 Hearing Kyota's half-baked reply, Yanagi thumped his own chest.

“Leave it to me! If there is anything I can do for you with my body, I will gladly lend a hand.”

 Yanagi approached Kyota and hugged him tightly. Yanagi's muscular chest plates overlap, and even though his cock atrophied, Kyota can feel Yanagi's large cock through his trousers and close to his crotch. The citrus-scented perfume that Yanagi usually uses mixed with the masculine body odor characteristic of middle-aged men, full of male pheromones, tickles Kyota's nostrils. The smell made Kyota's crotch swell up.

 And at the same time that Kyota sniffed, his progression jumped from 20% to 25%.

“Eh! Why?!”

 To his surprise, Yanagi grinned at Kyota and lifted the corner of his mouth. Kyota recognized. The reason his progression rate increased was because he felt sexual desire for Koshiro Yanagi's body. In other words, it was because he reacted in a 【Kyota Terashima】 way. When Yanagi realized that Kyota had recognized the fact, se hugged Kyota even tighter and suddenly took his lips.

──Smaaack, mmmwah♥

 The sound of their tongues entwining with each other and exchanging saliva echoed in the room.

──Smooch……, mwah♥

 Yanagi pulled his face away and smiled with satisfaction. Kyota was stunned. The sudden, strong stimulation of his own body had brought his progression to 40% at once.

 But Yanagi didn't seem to mind, and when he put his thick palm on Kyota's cheek, he pried open his teeth, which were closed in an attempt to resist, and twisted his tongue in.

──Smooch, smooch……, droolll♥♥

 The second deep kiss.

 It was longer, stickier and thicker than the previous one.

 Kyota's whole body goes numb. Euphoria flooded his brain as his package slid and rubbed against Yanagi's huge one, which was bigger and swollen than his own. He could not resist and remain the same at Yanagi’s mercy. But in the corner of his head, alarm bells are ringing. Any more and it would be dangerous.

 Beep-beep! An electronic beep. Kyota looks at his smartphone, and the numbers indicating the progression of the case are spinning again.

【──Progression 50%】

 Seeing that, Yanagi smiled happily and finally released Kyota.

“My bad…… I thought I'd let you experience for yourself how you can increase the body swap progression. Well, it's about time for lunch break to end. Let's get back to work.”


 Partly because he was talked on and on one-sidedly, he couldn't muster the energy to argue with Yanagi, who was now his boss. The two returned to their respective desks as if nothing had happened.

 Then Kyota was spacing out all afternoon while working. In his mind, he could not forget the kiss he had just received.

 It was the sweetest sensation he had ever experienced in his life. It was like his heart was melting. Just thinking about how good it would feel to masturbate while remembering that pleasure was enough to make his erect cock overflow with pre-cum.

 Yanagi's body is very attractive, covered with well-trained muscles. His pectoral muscles are especially voluminous, and his arms are as thick as logs.

 Kyota drived away the fantasies that are spreading in his mind by shaking his head. It's ridiculous to lust after his own body. Just thinking about Yanagi like this would probably increase the progression.


 When he turned his gaze to his smartphone, he saw that the progression rate has changed.

【──Progression 55%】

 Apparently, every time the progression level rises by 5%, the app sends a notification.

 【Koshiro Yanagi】 is talking with his subordinates a short distance away from Kyota's seat. The armpits of Yanagi's shirt, which was tight with muscles he had worked out, were darkened with sweat, probably due to the high indoor temperature caused by the power saving. Kyota saw that and felt his excitement rising again.

(No…… if this keeps up, It'll be irretrievable)

 Kyota made up his mind and stood up. Then he went to his boss.

“Could I have a minute of your time?”

“Hmm? Kyota, what's wrong?”

“Actually, I'm not feeling well…… May I leave early?”

 When Kyota pretended to be sick and said so, Yanagi's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, but soon a concerned expression appeared on his face.

“You certainly don't look well. If you've done the work that needs to be done today, go home and get some rest."

“Thank you!”

 Forgetting his acting, Kyota looked relieved and relieved. Now he can get away from this place──, and away from 【Manager Yanagi】.

 Kyota got ready to leave, left the room, and got into the elevator. Just as the doors closed, Yanagi slid his huge body in and grabbed Kyota's arm. Then, pulling his body closer, Yanagi forcefully placed his lips on Kyota's one.

“Ko, Koshiro……! Mmmm! Mmmmmm~~”

 The sound of their tongues intertwining echoed in the narrow elevator. Kyota tried to pull away, but the overwhelming difference in size made it impossible for him to resist. As he was pushed down and backed against the wall, Yanagi covered Kyota and sought his lips even more fiercely.

 Saliva threaded between their lips, which had separated when the elevator arrived at the lower floor. Kyota was stunned to see the man's face looking down at him. A fearless face that looked dignified and dependable. But now there was a tinge of lust on his face.

 Yanagi grabbed Kyota's arm and began to walk away, pulling Kyota along with him. When they reached the hallway, he opened a door right next to it. It was a kitchenette, with a pot and a tea set on a table in the center of the room. There is a refrigerator by the wall with drinks and snacks for the employees inside.

 Yanagi pulled Kyota into it. The sound of a clanking lock was heard.

 He held Kyota's shoulders and kissed him again. The lewd sound of their saliva exchanging with each other echoed through the quiet room.

 After a few moments, they finally let go of each other's faces, and Yanagi wiped the drool from his mouth. Then he looked into Kyota's eyes. There was an animalistic glint in his eyes.

“I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave like this. I need you to become 【Kyota Terashima】……”

 With that, he removed his shirt and trousers. When he was in his underwear, the shape of his cock was clearly standing out and Kyota could see at a glance that Yanagi had an erection. When Yanagi slid it down further, the huge manhood of flesh appeared with a mighty thud. It was a thing worthy of being called a deadly weapon, with its blood vessels floating and pulsating.

 Kyota involuntarily swallowed hard, despite the fact that he had seen his own huge cock as a matter of course until yesterday. Yanagi grinned at Kyota's behavior.

 He approached Kyota, shaking 【Koshiro Yanagi】's cock to show it off. Then, he gently wrapped his thickened manhood in his palm and began to move it up and down. He gradually increased the speed of his palm shaking movements, and his breathing became more and more intense as his climax approached. In a room where only two people were present, the only sounds were the wild moaning and the overwhelming of Yanagi's pre-cum as he handled his own cock.

“Nm……, damn it. Kyota, my cock, look at this more! This feels so good, Kyota. Ngggh, cum! I'm cumming!!”

 Yanagi ejaculated the moment he raised his loudest voice. A large amount of sticky white fluid overflowed from his large hand and dripped onto the floor. Kyota was stunned. Yanagi exhaled loudly in satisfaction, as if he had finished the job, and licked off the cum from his palm.

 Then he slowly turned toward Kyota. The light of reason was fading from his eyes.

 Yanagi pushed Kyota's body down and mounted him. Then, while holding his own with one hand, he groped Kyota's crotch with the other.

“Hey……! What are you doing?”

“It's so obvious, you know? You really want to have sex with me too, don't you? I know you get off on seeing my cock. Because you're just me, yesterday.”

“No, sir, I'm not!”

 He desperately resisted, but the difference in arm strength was obvious. Kyota was easily knocked down.

“You know that resistance is futile, right?”

 Kyota's trousers and the underwear were taken off at the same time, and his cock stood up like a hard-on. Even seeing this, Yanagi's expression did not change.

“Hmmm…… After all, looking at my former cock, I realize that our bodies have been swapped, and I'm getting excited.”

 When they got into a sixty-nine position, Yanagi carefully peeled off Kyota's foreskin, which was still covering his glans even though it was erect, with his tongue. Kyota gritted his teeth and held on, but when the tip of Yanagi's tongue traced the neck of his glans, he let out a sweet sigh as if he couldn't resist.


“Does it feel good?”

 When Kyota didn't answer, Yanagi's cheeks relaxed. He then stimulated him by rolling the ball sack in his mouth this time. He also added an impatient caress by stroking the frenulum of prepuce of cock with his fingertips.

“I have become less interested in men since becoming 【Koshiro Yanagi】, but it seems to be different when I am with you, 【Kyota】. My cock tingles even more than when I make love to my wife.”

 As he said, Yanagi's cum-soaked cock, hanging in front of Kyota's eyes, had regained its vigor and was erect again.

“Did you make love to your wife……?”

“Yeah, I did. I was so excited to have the body of 【Koshiro Yanagi】 that I had longed for, that I masturbated myself many times after we swapped. However, there was no sign of increasing the body swap progression. No wonder. As you are aware, if we don't act and react like the owner of the body, the progression will not increase. 【Koshiro Yanagi】 is neither gay nor a narcissist. Masturbating while thinking about myself is no way for my soul to fit into this body. So I decided to make love with my wife, whom 【Koshiro Yanagi】 loves.”

 His sudden confession did not anger Kyota. He was already more than halfway through the body acclimatization as 【Kyota Terashima】, and 【Koshiro Yanagi's wife】 had become a distant presence in his life.

 Yanagi, too, did not find Kyota's thin reaction surprising, and continued his monologue.

“You may think that the body swap took place this morning, but in fact our bodies were swapped last night. My wife was still awake. It was quite a struggle to get her to make love to me while I was still getting used to this body. After all, the real me is gay, and I don't have the slightest desire for women. I desperately searched through 【Koshiro Yanagi】's memories and recalled every sexual act I had ever performed with my wife. As I did so, the thought of my wife gave me an erection. After that, it was easy. I would just make love to her 【as usual】. The moment I creampied my wife, all at once the body swap progressionion was 100%.”

 As he talks, is he remembering sex with his beloved wife? Yanagi's hardened manhood pulsed and trembled slightly.

 The smell of a middle-aged man's sweaty and steaming cock was like an aphrodisiac to Kyota right now. In his debauched brain, the scene of Yanagi and his wife making love is unfolding. It was easy to imagine. After all, the images of the two of their nudes are in his memories.

 Yanagi squeezes his wife's breasts, their lips meet, and their tongues entwine. He gets on all fours, licks and licks her wet pussy, inserts his erecting cock, and shakes his hips like an animal. The big muscular man roars and pours his thick semen into the womb of the woman he loves──

 Kyota noticed that he also took the thick manhood at the tip of his nose into his mouth and began to caress it with his tongue. His mood is lifted by the fact that he is sucking the one that had been inserted into Yanagi's wife last night. From the other side, he hears its owner's low, deep moans. They stimulated each other's cock for a while, and then both of them cum shot at the same time. A large amount of cum released from Yanagi's bulging balls floods Kyota's mouth.

 When he had finished cumming, he pulled away from Kyota, fingered the protrusion protruding from his own ass, and pulled out the thing with a mighty jerk.


  Balls about three centimeters in diameter emerged from his anus with the sound of defecation. They were huge anal beads. He excreted six spheres in total at once, gasped in a pitiful voice, and collapsed to the floor.

 Breathless, he grabbed his buttocks with both hands and spread them apart, revealing his gaping anus to Kyota. It was moving like the mouth of a fish seeking food.

“Huff-n-puff…… This ass, unlike yours, was a virgin one that had never had anything put in it. I had gotten to tinker with it so I could use it. What do you think, Kyota, about my asshole?”

 Yanagi turned around on all fours, cheeks flushed, and looked at his former self with expectant eyes.

 Kyota gulped and swallowed his spit. The moment he saw Yanagi's defenseless nether regions, the desire he had been suppressing until then began to overflow, as if it had been drained from his body.

“Do you want to put it in? Don't you want to put your cock in my ass? You were getting excited while giving me a blowjob just now, weren't you? I understand. But if you put it in my asshole, the body swap progression would certainly increase. What do you want to do?”

 Kyota stood up silently. He then grabbed Yanagi's sturdy shoulders and forced him to lie on his back.

“Oh? You sure? You might regret it.”

 Without saying a word, Kyota pushed his growing cock against Yanagi's asshole and inserted it directly into his one.

“Hmm……! Arghhhhh!!”

 Yanagi let out a low groan. His anus swallows the manhood without hesitation, and the folds of his intestines entwine with Kyota's cock like a living thing.

 The sensation of a hot and slippery, inserting a cock inside of a human body. The feeling was the first for 【Kyota Terashima】, and he frowned involuntarily.

 But it was only for a moment. Pleasure soon took over his entire body. Ironically, Yanagi's body was the best match for Kyota's body. Yanagi's asshole was so tight that it could not be compared to an artificial vagina. It was as if their lower bodies were one and the same.

“Ooh, aaah……! Kyota's cock is entering me……”

 Every time Kyota shakes his hips, Yanagi lets out a moan with pleasure.

“Ggg, I'm good…… More…… Please fuck me more……”

 Kyota repeated the piston movement violently as Yanagi was told to do.

“Ah, yes…… Feels…… good, Kyota……”

 The enraptured face of Yanagi also begins to shake his own hips in time with the movement.


“Hey, hey, are you about to…… cum already? You're going to have to hold back…… It's my turn to move.”

 Yanagi laughed and pushed Kyota down and mounted him. He folded his hands behind his head and began to move his hips slowly, as if he was trying to tease Kyota, posing in a way that showed off his muscles. His open armpits are full of thick hair, and the sweat dripping from them smells more and more like male pheromones. Kyota unconsciously brought the tip of his nose close to it.

“Hahaha. Smell that much, do you like my smell?”

 When he was 【Koshiro Yanagi】, he could only think of it as an abominable smell of aging, but now that he is 【Kyota Terashima】, he feels it as if it is very fragrant and sweet. Kyota sniffed like a crazy dog.

“Aaaah……, Koshiro……”

 He said out loud and call the man in front of him. Immediately, the existence of 【Koshiro Yanagi】 seems distant, and the memory becomes vague. He is not sure if he is 【Koshiro Yanagi】 or 【Kyota Terashima】. 

“Good boy, Kyota. Go crazy with my smell…… Be crazy about my body…… It feels good, doesn't it? Because that's what you want.”

 Yanagi's words seeped into Kyota's brain. Somewhere there is a warning sound, like an alarm. What was this sound? He couldn't remember.

“I'm 【yours】. You can do whatever you want with my body. Here, do you want me to do this?”

 As Yanagi put more pressure on his lower abdomen, the wall of flesh inside entwined more tightly with Kyota's cock, each stroke adding a powerful stimulus to his glans.

“Oh, Koshiro, that's great…… Very good……”

 Kyota forgot himself and thrust his hips up to match Yanagi's movements.

“Aghhh……, me too. Ngmmmm, this is the best…… Kyota, do you want to shoot your semen all over my asshole?”

“Yeah……, I want to……”

“Okay, okay.”

 Yanagi grinned.

“Then cum inside my ass. Deeper and harder, and creampie me. Okay?”

 Kyota nodded silently.

“Ah, by the way……, when you creampie me, you must cum while declaring it. Okay? Okay, then cum. You're going to shoot your cum all over my ass!”

“Yes, Koshiro……! I'm gonna cum! Take it, my sperm……!!”

 Kyota pushed his cock deep into Yanagi's asshole. The maximally enlarged Kyota's cock rubbed up against the tightening walls of Yanagi's intestines, and the glans stimulated his prostate gland intensely.

“Ooooh! Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!”

 Yanagi let out a wild animalistic cry and bends over. His anus squeezes tightly and Kyota's cum is squeezed out of him.

“Aaarghhh, Ko…… Koshirooo!!!”

 Kyota cried out, twisting his cock into the deepest part of Yanagi and letting out all of his pent up lust.

 As if pulsing with a pounding pulse, a large amount of Kyota's cum poured into Yanagi's body.

“Oh……, it's cumming out, Kyota……! Your thick cum is……! Aghhh, now we're……!”

 Yanagi also climaxed, his fearless face slack-jawed and dripping with drool and tears. Every muscle in his body convulsed violently, and cum splashed vigorously from his manhood. It landed on Kyota's face, and the slippery one entered his mouth.

 The fishy taste and peculiar odor passed through his nostrils and stimulated his brain. After the electronic sounds that he had heard so many times before made a loud noise, a mechanical voice came out of his smartphone.

【Kyota Terashima, progression 100% body change complete】

 At that moment, Kyota's consciousness awoke.

──What in the world am I……!

 When he rushed to raise his upper body, he found Yanagi in front of him, holding his own body with both hands and caressing it.

 To the stunned Kyota, Yanagi gave him a satisfied look and said.

“Kyota, how was it, my asshole? Thanks to you creampieing me as you desire, this 【Koshiro Yanagi】's body is mine forever. I thank you.”

 Yanagi put back on his glasses, which had fallen to the floor, and said in his usual confident tone.

“Well, now my plan is done. Now I'm going back to work. Oh, yeah……, you weren't feeling well, were you? I'm sorry, I kept you here.”

 He finished wiping his cum-covered body leisurely, put on his clothes, and stood up. Kyota hurriedly checked his smartphone. But there was no longer the 【body swap app】.

“Koshiro…… Are our bodies going to stay each other, like these forever?”

“Hahaha, yeah. Unfortunately, that's the way it's going to be. Well, there is nothing to worry about. The body swap is complete, and our souls have fully acclimated to our bodies. You will be able to live as 【Kyota Terashima】 without any problems. Leave the life of 【Koshiro Yanagi】 to me. I will take good care of my wife and children.”

 With these words, Yanagi left the room. Kyota was left alone and could do nothing but stand there, stunned.


Difference pictures are under.



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