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“My name is Genta Tsubaki. I'm 40 years old, and I'm a DOKATA……, uh, no, I'm a middle-aged man working at a construction site. Nice to meet you, boys and girls.”

 In the year 20XX, a special class called the 【Big Cock Experience】 was held at elementary schools as part of emotional education. In this class, one representative of the students was paired with a man who had been brought in from outside the school, and after their bodies were switched by a special machine, all the students actually touched and observed the adult's penis. The purpose of this event is to deepen their knowledge of sexuality while they feel the size, hardness, and smell of a penis.

“OK, everyone applauds Mr. Tsubaki for giving us this valuable experience! Here you go guys, thank him for his help!”

 The homeroom teacher, Yoshio Ikoma, stands at the podium, and as the students in the classroom applaud loudly, Tsubaki's stern face breaks into a smile and he beams with embarrassment. He has wrinkles commensurate with his age, and his face is more masculine than manly.

 The upper half of his body is covered with a tank top, and his bronzed body, which he seems to be flaunting, is muscular and emanates an erotic atmosphere. He was wearing a jersey on the lower half of his body, but his crotch was so swollen that one might have suspected it was stuffed, and even from the top of his pants one could feel the enormity of its contents.

“I'm going to ask Sato, the class president, to pair up with Tsubaki for today's 【Big Cock Experience】. Okay, Sato?”

 In response to Ikoma's instruction, a smart-looking boy with glasses, Sato Shinji, nodded his head. When his name was called, he walked to the podium and stood beside Tsubaki.

 As soon as he patted Tsubaki on the head and said, “Nice to meet you.” a body odor that smelled like a mixture of sweat and animal smell wafted out from Tsubaki's armpits, causing Shinji to almost frown. However, he did not show it and smiled, saying, “Yes, it's my pleasure.” The two put on the headgear prepared in the other room and sat down on the chairs.

 The moment the 【Big Cock Experience】 attendant turned on the remote control in her hand, the headgear was enveloped in light with a beeping sound.


 At the same time that pain-filled voices leaked out of Tsubaki and Shinji's mouths, pain shot through their entire bodies as if an electric current had flowed through them. It was only for a moment, but the shock was so strong that it seemed to pierce through their brains, causing them to jerk their bodies and droop down without any effort. Seeing this, Ikoma became concerned and called out to them.

“Are you okay……? Is there anything wrong with you or……?”

“No, I'm fine. I just got a little lightheaded.”

“Yeah, it's all right, Mr. Ikoma. We seem to have switched bodies properly. Har har, I can't believe I'm in this kid's body again.”

 Seeing Shinji laughing with such gusto that it was hard to believe he was an elementary school student, Ikoma muttered in amazement.

“Amazing…… You really switched…… Oops, if it worked anyway, let's head to the classroom.”

 The students began to make a colorful commotion as Ikoma, Shinji in the form of Tsubaki, Tsubaki in the form of Shinji, and the staff returned to the classroom.

“Mr. Ikoma, did Sato really turn into Mr. Tsubaki?”

 The vice chairperson raised her voice as if in doubt. As if in response, Tsubaki opened his mouth.

“You won't believe it, but I'm Mr. Tsubaki now. Watch me.”

 Tsubaki picked up a kendama from the shelf at the back of the classroom and demonstrated his technique, manipulating the strings and balls with a familiar hand. Then, as if to finish the trick, he tossed the ball into the air, spun it around, caught it, and exhaled as he placed it on a plate.

“Bravo! That's great, boy!”

 Shinji raised his hands and clapped them loudly above his head, and the other students cheered as well. Tsubaki looked embarrassed, but smiled proudly.

“You all know Sato was good at kendama, right? Okay! Now everyone understands that the two of them actually switched bodies, right? Now then, let's start the 【Big Cock Experience】. We're going to have you actually touch and observe an adult's cock.”

 Tsubaki, who had exchanged glances with Ikoma, nodded at his words and slid down his jersey and jockstrap shyly. Tsubaki's huge penis popped out with a brisk jerk, and the students' eyes lit up with excitement, some of them even swallowing raw saliva.

 He chuckled at such reactions and got on top of the teaching table, spreading his legs wide. The scrotum, which contained two huge testicles, hung down, and the long, thick rod that towered above it trembled and quivered. The grotesque rod, with its numerous blood vessels, was darkened by repeated intercourse with women, and there are something like cock cheese stuck to the glans in places.

“Then, let's all learn the smell and shape of Mr. Tsubaki's cock first!”

 Starting with Ikoma's words, the students flocked to Tsubaki's crotch, one after another. Some pressed their noses against Tsubaki's crotch to smell it, some poked it with their fingertips, and some extended their tongues to lick it. Tsubaki's face turned bright red and he wriggled around, trying his best to hold on.

(They are looking at me soooo much……! And they are licking my cock…… It's my body, but it's not my body, it feels weird……)

“Mr. Tsubaki, can I make your cock more erect for my students……?”

 Blowing hot breath into Tsubaki's ear, Ikoma removed Tsubaki's sweat-soaked tank top and began gently gripping and rubbing Tsubaki's semi-erect meat stick with his hand.

“Oooh?! Wait, wait a minute, Mr. Ikoma……"

 Tsubaki was surprised by the sudden stimulation and involuntarily moaned and pleaded in a pitiful voice. Ikoma's hand gradually intensified, and the pre-cum began to drip from Tsubaki's hardened cock.

“Wow……, some kind of slimy water is coming out of Tsubaki's cock…… Is that pee?"

 The students looked curious and took it in their mouths one after another. One student sucked on it and another took a lick.

“Oh, no, no, no! Stop licking my cock, you guys……, ugh……, oh, I'm coming! I'm gonna come!!”

──Dopupppp, bupupp, burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

 The students shouted in surprise when they saw Tsubaki's body jerking and convulsing as he spewed out a large amount of cum. With the ejaculation sound, sludgy hot cum poured down on the faces of the boys and girls in front of him. Ikoma, too, could not contain his excitement at the sight, staring at Tsubaki's trembling penis.

 But then……


 With a huge roar, lightning struck the school building, and the floor shook unsteadily as if an earthquake had occurred. All the lights on the ceiling went out, and the classroom was enveloped in darkness. Outside the window, rain poured down in buckets, and muddy water began to splash up as if it were scraping the soil in the schoolyard. It looked like the end of the world. The students screamed and panicked, but then Tsubaki shouted at them.

“Calm down, you guys! Don't worry, I'm with you!”

 Just as the students regained their composure after hearing Tsubaki's shrill roar, the lights flickered on and off, and the classroom became bright again.

“Wow, that was a surprise…… But thank goodness…… The lights came back on.”

 Tsubaki smiled at the relief of the students. The next moment, however, his eyes widened.

“Oh, what's going on……? There's something wrong with me. I'm turning into a middle-aged man inside my head, aren't I?”

 When he looked at the staff member, she was fiddling with the machine, dripping with cold sweat. Smoke was rising from the machine and sparks were flying. It seemed to have been short-circuited by a lightning strike.

“Ah……, Mr.Ikoma? Perhaps that machine was damaged by the lightning earlier……?"

 Shinji said in a puzzled manner, and Ikoma replied with a pale face.

“What? What do you mean? From the way you're talking, doesn't it mean that the machine was damaged by the lightning earlier, forcing both of you to return to your original bodies?”

“No, Mr.Ikoma! I am Shinji Sato. We're not back in our original bodies! Hurry up and put me back in my original body!!”

“Well then, this is the question…… Do you understand, Sato?”

“…… My bad. No, I'm sorry Mr.Ikoma, I don't understand……”

 I rattled my chair, stood up, and let out a muffled, pathetic sound. I cannot understand my social studies class, which I thought I was good at, at all. The history knowledge that I loved to memorize has been painted over with other memories, and I can't remember a thing. I could see the kids glancing at me. They must be sneering at me.

“Oh, no, I'm sorry, too…… I thought you're good at social studies and could answer my question, but you're still confused…… Well then……”

 The vice chairperson, who was the next one to be guessed, gave her answer smoothly and without hesitation. I, who had grown bigger by exchanging my body with Tsubaki, was forced to move to the very back of the room, where I became smaller by rounding my bigger backside.

 That day ── the day that lightning struck the school building after the body-swapping, only the memories, personalities, and thought processes of 【Shinji Sato】 and 【Genta Tsubaki】 returned to our original state , while our bodies remained as we had been swapped. Because the machine that switched our bodies malfunctioned due to the lightning, our bodies will not return until repairs are completed. The two people who had our bodies switched had to live our own lives with each other's memories of the other.

“Well then, that's it for today's class…… Take care of yourselves, everyone, and go home, okay?”

“““Good bye, Mr. Ikoma!”””

 The classmates who used to call out to me, without even looking at me, quickly run out of the classroom. After seeing them off, I too left the school building with heavy steps.

“Suuuuuu……, cough cough!!”

 I inhaled the cigarette in my mouth and coughed uncontrollably at the sheer amount of smoke and the bad taste and discomfort in my mouth.

(Damn, what the hell is this……? I don't know who the hell smokes this stuff!)

 I muttered to myself, swearing in my chest.

“I'm one coughing (seki wo shitemo hitori)……, huh?”

 When I returned home after the body-swapping, my parents greeted me with a look as if they were looking at something creepy. They didn't seem to know how to treat me. I tried to communicate with them, believing that they were still my parents.

“Dad, Mom, I'm home……, I know I look like this, but I'm sure I'll be back in my body soon……

“…… Yeah, I know. You are my son. I'm sure of it. So, don't worry about it……”

 My father hugged me tightly, even though I was bigger than he was. But Mom looked at me as if she was staring at something dirty and spat at me.

“Stay away from me! A middle-aged man like you can't be my son! You're disgusting!”

 As soon as I heard those words, I felt my eyes go completely black. It was a sense of despair. It was as if the world I had spent my entire life in was crumbling with a resounding thud. I shut myself in my room, covered myself with the futon and cried. I grew so big that I couldn't hide my big buttocks from the covers, and I cried out in a loud voice.

 I didn't want to go home anymore. My sister, who was a year older than me, stared at me and said, “Don't wash my laundry with this middle-aged man's one!” She reproached me in a harsh tone. I was hated not only by the kids in my class, but also by my family.

 I couldn't help but miss nicotine, so I lit up a cigarette I had bought at a convenience store, but it wasn't something I could smoke. I couldn't feel any better, only coughing violently, and in the end, I quickly put the cigarette in a portable ashtray and rubbed it out.

“Are you okay, Mr. Housai Ozaki?”

 Standing on the riverbed, and I noticed that Mr. Ikoma was sitting next to me.

“Ha ha ha……, were you listening to my soliloquy, Mr. Ikoma?”

“It's my way home from school. And if you have such a big back, you will stand out and be seen even if you don't want to be seen. If you don't want to go home, you can stay at my home.”

 Mr. Ikoma took a cigarette out of the box he had taken from my hand, lit a cigarette and smoked it out. The smoke, which he exhaled in a puff of smoke from his mouth, melted into the sunset in a circle.

“Thank you for having me…… Wow……, Mr. Ikoma's house is pretty big, isn't it?”

 Tsubaki takes off his shoes at the entrance and scurries around with a curious look on his face.

“Don't hesitate to make yourself at home.”

 Tsubaki exhaled heavily and straightened his back as if he was relaxing. His expression was somewhat better than before, but still clouded with anxiety. He made eye contact with Ikoma and opened his mouth with a powerless smile.

“I'm kind of sorry for barging into your house unannounced.”

“Don't worry. Even with a body like that, you are still my student. If you have any problems, you can tell me anything, okay?”

 Ikoma made dinner quickly. Tsubaki ate two large bowls of rice and a blush finally appeared on his cheeks.

“Thanks for the meal, Mr. Ikoma! Your cooking was delicious!”

“It's so nice to hear you say that, it's worth making the meal. I've already boiled the bathtub, so you can go ahead and get in.”

 Tsubaki gets up and disappears into the changing room. Every time Ikoma hears Tsubaki taking off his clothes, Ikoma's heart beats faster.

(No, no, no, no……! He's my student……!)

 Shaking his head to shake off his evil thoughts, Ikoma silently devoted himself to cleaning the dishes. Just as he finished washing the dishes, Tsubaki came back into the living room, wiping his hair with a towel. Ikoma was taken aback by the sight of Tsubaki wearing the underwear Ikoma had bought and left for him.

 Both of them are about the same height and muscular, but Tsubaki has more muscles than Ikoma because of the daily physical exertion of his field work, and he also wears fat due to aging. Moreover, the bulge between his legs is accentuated by the tight underwear he is forced to wear, and it looks as if it might tear off at any moment.

 In addition, his body hair is thick, and his abdominal muscles, which glisten whenever he wipes his hair, are connected to his navel by abdominal hair that extends from his crotch to his navel. Moreover, his armpits, which were thick and hairy like a dense forest, were dripping with sweat, probably because his body temperature had risen after his bath.

“Huh, I got out of the bath. Mr.Ikoma……, is something wrong?”

“Oh, oh! No, it's nothing! I think I'll take a bath too!”

 Turning away in a hurry, Ikoma jumped into the bathroom as if to escape. Even soaking in the hot bathtub did not quell the tingling sensation between his crotch. As he meditated, the image of Tsubaki's plump, muscular body flashed through his mind.

 The Tsubaki's cock that Ikoma saw in "Big Cock Experience" was out of the ordinary. According to the data, it was 13 centimeters in normal size and expanded to 19.5 centimeters when erect, a size that was truly out of the ordinary.

 And as well as his huge manhood, his face and body were also wonderful. His face was full of masculinity and his chest was thick. He had a fat waist and thighs like a log. The heat and feel of his cock, which Ikoma had touched in the confusion, still seemed to remain in his palm.

 Ikoma found himself in a hot shower on his head and handling his cock. The guilt of masturbating while thinking about his student became a source of excitement, and his cock grew harder and harder.

 Yoshio Ikoma, an elementary school teacher, was gay. He particularly likes older men who are big brotherly and dependable, and the only men he has ever had a crush on were almost ten years older than him. For him, Tsubaki was too idealistic. He fell in love at first sight the moment he first saw him, and he couldn't resist the urge to somehow make him his.

“Hah……, hah……! Mr. Tsubaki......, Mr. Tsubaki! I love you, ANIKI(Big brother)!!"

 At his limit, Ikoma ejaculated vigorously, thinking of Tsubaki's face and cock. As his testicles sizzled and contracted, the large amount of cum that shot out through his urethra hit the bathroom wall over and over again. Ikoma shook his shoulders and breathed roughly as he surrendered to the pleasure of his first full ejaculation in a long time.

 When Ikoma came out of the bath, Tsubaki was lying on the futon on the floor, asleep. Turning off the light and lying down next to him as he snored, Ikoma gently reached out and touched his body. Stroking his bearded chin, he felt a rough sensation. When he run his fingers along Tsubaki's neck, he can feel the thick veins pulsing. He worry that Tsubaki will wake up, but he is still sleeping soundly and comfortably.

(Cute…… Looking at him up close, he's even more adorable……)

 Unable to resist, Ikoma kissed the sleeping Tsubaki on the lips. They were a little scratchy, and the warm, fresh feeling was pleasant. When he inserted his tongue into the kiss, Tsubaki responded by entwining his tongue with Ikoma's. In Tsubaki's dreams, is he having sex with a woman? His crotch was somehow rising and tenting. Seeing this, Ikoma involuntarily gulped and swallowed his spit.

“Mr. Tsubaki……”

 Taking great care not to wake him up, he slowly reached for Tsubaki's crotch. It was so hot there that he could feel it through Tsubaki's boxer shorts. As he gently rubbed it, Tsubaki unconsciously began to move his hips. He pushed his hips down forcefully, giggling in time with the movement of Ikoma's hand.

 Ikoma gently pulled down Tsubaki's boxer shorts, revealing an enchanting big cock that was beginning to get wet with pre-cum. Comparing it with his own, Ikoma was again overwhelmed by its size. It was not that his own cock was smaller than average, but Tsubaki's was still out of the ordinary. It was nearly 20 centimeters long, and the glans was so large and bulging that it reached up to his navel. After placing an XL-sized condom over Tsubaki's manhood, which was quite thick, Ikoma slowly took it into his mouth. Then, feeling the taste of the rubber, he began to serve him using it all the way to the back of his throat.

“Nn……, hmmm……♥”

 As expected, Tsubaki sensed the discomfort and made a small, glazed moan in the middle of the session. Still, there was no sign of him getting up yet, so Ikoma just kept sucking on the meat stick, making sizzling sounds. Tsubaki's hardened meat stick began to twitch and twitch. He arched his back as if to play bridge, and began panting hard toward the ceiling. And then……

──Dop-dop-dop-dop!! Bu-bu-bu-bu! Dokkk-dokk-dokk-dokk-dokk!!

 In no time at all, the inside of the condom is filled with a thick white fluid. Ikoma took his mouth off Tsubaki's cock, carefully pulled out the condom so as not to spill it, and headed for the bathroom. As soon as he closed the door, his lower half of the body began to tingle, and his cock quickly became erected. To his hardening cock, Ikoma covered it with a condom covered in cum. The sensation of his cock being covered in Tsubaki's slimy cum made his entire body tingle with excitement.

 As it was, Ikoma began to masturbate. Even though he had just ejaculated in the bathtub a few minutes earlier, his ball sack was swollen to the point of finally tearing, and seemed to be appealing to him to cum right away.

“Ahhhh……, cum…… I'm gonna come!"

 Ikoma continued to move his hand single-mindedly. In his mind's eye, he could picture himself being fucked by Tsubaki. While fantasizing about him ganging up on his anus, Ikoma reached a climax.

──Dokk-dokk-dokk-dokk-dokk-dokk-dokk-dokk-dokk-dokk! Dop-dop-dop-dop-dop!!

 A tremendous amount of cum gushed out, causing the tip of the condom to expand greatly. Tsubaki's and Ikoma's cum mixed together, and the thick smelling mixture overflowed the condom and trickled down the ball sack, falling in a blob and splashing water in the toilet bowl.

 Ikoma smiled with satisfaction and slumped down on the toilet seat like a horseback rider, moving his heckling hips and enjoying the afterglow.

 The next morning, Ikoma woke up to a phone call from the construction company where Tsubaki has work. 【Genta Tsubaki】, whose body has been switched with that of 【Shinji Sato】, an elementary school student, is naturally in no condition to work at the construction site and is living a comfortable life at home while receiving compensation, which apparently has caused a shortage of manpower at the construction site. The construction company is also receiving compensation from the company that developed the body-swapping device, but the construction schedule has been delayed, and they are receiving complaints from their clients. So, grasping at straws, they asked for help from 【Shinji Sato】, whose body had switched with 【Genta Tsubaki】's.

“What are you going to do, Sato?”

“For now, I'm going to go to the construction site. The work arrangements are somehow still in the back of my mind, and I feel like it would be easier to feel better working than going to school……”

 With an awkward smile on his face, Tsubaki prepared to leave for the construction company.

 One week after becoming 【Genta Tsubaki】's body…… I continued to work at the construction site while sleeping at Mr. Ikoma's house. The president of the company and the other employees had come to trust me, as I did physical labor from early in the morning until late at night.

 It was much easier than going to elementary school and having my classmates and teachers look at me strangely, and most importantly, it was fun and fulfilling to use my body to make money. Besides, when I went home to Mr. Ikoma's house, I would be fed a delicious meal every day.

 When I'm sleeping at night, Mr. Ikoma sometimes gets under my covers and rubs my cock, but I always pretend not to notice by fox sleep.

 Apparently, Mr. Ikoma is gay and loves me. If it were the womanizing 【Genta Tsubaki】 himself, he would have rejected Mr. Ikoma as creepy, but now I am different. I never thought about it when I had a kid's body, but it seems that my sexuality seems to be male. If Mr. Ikoma wants to have sex with me, I would gladly offer myself to him.

“Mr. Tsubaki, thank you for your hard work. Please go up now for today.”

“Good night.”

“See you tomorrow.”

 I took off my helmet and said hello, and the other employees left quickly. As I was getting ready to leave as usual, I received a call on my phone. It was from the company that developed the body-swapping device. They must have finished repairing the machine. My heart danced. Finally, I could finally return to my own body and go home to my family. But the person on the line told me was unbelievable.

“The body-swapping device has failed and has been discarded. I am sorry, but you will never return your own body. As for the compensation……"

 I shouted angrily at the person who was stating this in a clerical manner in an emotionless voice.

“Hah?! That’s bullshit!! Are you asking me to spend the rest of my life in Mr. Tsubaki's body? My family! What do my mother and father say about it?!”

“I've been told by your parents about this matter……”

 I just stood there in shock, listening to the unexpected words coming from the phone again. My mind was a jumbled mess. I must have heard wrong. I hung up the phone, ignoring the person who kept going on and on about compensationand, and ran to my family.

 The only person who answered the door was my dad. It was starting to drizzle, but I couldn't even get myself up to my own house, so I just stood there dumbfounded as he handed me his umbrella.

“...... Don't come to our house anymore.”

 For a moment, I didn't understand what he had said. I tilted my head as I stared at dad's face standing in front of me. His hair was a mess, his mouth was covered with stubble, and dark circles were forming under his eyes.

“Eh……, what……, what did you just say? I must have misheard you, hahaha……”

“…… That's why I told you not to come here anymore…… This is not your house anymore. We decided to welcome 【Genta Tsubaki】 into our home as our son, 【Shinji】. The body-swapping device is broken and your bodies will never return to normal. If so, we will have no choice but to raise that boy, who is 【Shinji】 in body, memory, personality, and everything else, as our son…… That's what Mom and Sis say too. If you've changed your mindset now that you're in an adult body, then you understand how we as a family feel, don't you……?”

 Something rattles in my head and crumbles away. The blur in front of my eyes is blurred and my heart is thumping wildly. As if to mock me, a downpour of rain began to fall. Dad moved his mouth to mumble something, then closed the front door, but the sound of the rain drowned it out and I didn't hear anything.

“Hah, are you insane? did you really tell him that? And where is he now?”

 I hung up the phone from Sato's father and ran out of the staff room without taking anything. I was going after Sato, who had left his parents' house without an umbrella in his hand in this heavy rain after his father had told him the cruel words. First of all, let's make sure he has not gone back to my home. As I was running along the riverbed, I saw a familiar figure in front of me. I was sure that the big back was Sato's.


 As I held my umbrella out over Sato's, he turned and stared into my face. He has a vacant expression on his face, an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and his thick shoulders are shaking.

“Mr. Ikoma, I can't light my cigarettes. I can't smoke a cigarette because it tastes so bad, but I just want to smoke it. But no matter how hard I try, I can't get it lit……”

“Don't worry, I'll light it for you. So let's go back to my house for now."

 I couldn't find anything else to say to him. I took Sato by the hand and went back to my house. I rubbed his back from behind as I filled the bathtub with hot water. His broad, strong back. Despite the situation, the urge to cuddle him makes my cock erect. Feeling guilty that I had unknowingly lusted after my student, I remembered the lewd acts I had performed on him on a daily basis over the past few days.

 At that moment, Sato's broad shoulders shook and wild sobs echoed through the bathroom.

“I've been abandoned by my family! Dad, mom, and sis don't want me……, either. From today on, they are going to raise Mr. Tsubaki as 【Shinji】…… Mr. Ikoma, I'm……, I'm all alone……!!”

 Sato exclaimed and covered his face with his big hands.

“You are not alone! You have me! From today on, you'll be my family!”

 I hugged Sato from behind. From the bottom of my heart, I wanted to save him, I thought. But the moment I hugged him, my cock, which had become hard and erect, slid against the crack of his ass.


 I screamed out, and at the same time, Sato stopped crying, his body shaking with a jerk.

“Different! This is not……”

 Nothing different. I am just a stupid teacher who gets aroused by the body of my student and gets my cock erect. I'm so embarrassed that I wish the earth would swallow me up.

 Unable to look at Sato's face in the mirror, we left the bath after rinsing our back and soaking in the bathtub. I couldn't bring ourselves cook dinner, so after asking him if he wanted some cup noodles, we both slurped them down in silence and crawled under the covers. When I looked to the side, he was asleep with his back to me. He must have despised me. He deserved to be scorned. I felt sorry for myself.

 I had taken advantage of the fact that my student was suffering so much and brought him into my home because he was my favorite man and used him as a nightly jerk-off material.

“I'm a lousy human being……”

 I meditated in self-loathing.

 How much time has passed since then? When I had cursed myself for about fifty sheets of manuscript paper in my head, the futon rolled up and something covered my crotch. It must have been Sato's palm that accidentally touched me when he turned over in his sleep. I decided to pull the futon back over him and was about to get up when I heard a low whisper.

“Mr. Ikoma……, aren't you going to touch my cock today like you usually do?”

 At those words, I stiffened as if I had been doused with cold water from the head. He had noticed that I had been touching his cock every night while he slept for the past few days. I could feel the greasy perspiration seeping out of my forehead.

“I'm sorry Sato, I'm a lousy teacher…… I love you so much I can't help it…… I love you so much I can't stand it!”

 I'm so fucked up. I can't believe I'm confessing in the middle of a situation where I could have been blamed or punched. As I was lying on my face thinking this, Sato's thick fingertip touched my chin. I looked up and saw him smiling at me as he lit the bedside lamp.

“Thank you, Mr. Ikoma. I love you, too……”

 As soon as I heard those words, tears welled up in my eyes. I opened my mouth to say something in reply, but my mouth was quickly closed.


 Sato's lips are devouring my mouth. The sound of our tongues and saliva entwining echoed in the dimly lit room. I responded to Sato's kiss with enthusiasm. Eventually, he gently pulled his mouth away and looked at me and said.

“I knew that you didn't love me, but 【Genta Tsubaki】's body, but it was still a relief for me. My family and classmates were cold to me, and I was happy that only you were kind to me…… I wish I had done this earlier, instead of just pretending I didn't know.”

 Blushing with embarrassment, Sato took off his tank top and boxer shorts, and covered me up.

“Please be my family, Mr. Ikoma ── no, Yoshio!”

 The moment he called my name, my rational mind was completely blown. I put my arms around his back and hugged him as hard as I could, and this time I kissed Sato ── or ANIKI(Big brother) deeply. And we continued to lay our bodies on top of each other.

“Ah, Yoshio! Yoshio!!”

“Oh, ANIKI, ANIKI!! Uh, ah……!”

 His cock came inside my asshole. Even though I wet my anus with lotion, I still feel like my anus is going to be ripped open by the size of his cock. The intestinal wall is being pushed open, making a sound. It hurt, but I was more than happy. The man I loved was inside me.

 When his cock finally slid all the way up to the base into my anus, ANIKI started bucking his hips. Slowly and gently……, his thoughtfulness leads to excitement, and I naturally start breathing hard.

“Hee, ah, ooh……, it feels so good. Oh, ANIKI, my asshole feels so good with your cock!”

“I feel it too! My cock is about to melt because it's so hot inside Yoshio's ass! Your asshole is so hot!”

 His cock slides in and out of my asshole repeatedly, the tip of his long cock thrusting up my prostate over and over. Each time, my cock burbled and shook while its tip spurted clear juice.

 The pleasure was so great that I almost lost consciousness. Somehow I managed to keep my head out of a daze and looked at ANIKI, who also had a vacant look on his face, soaking in the pleasure and kissing me hard again. As we exchanged saliva, the taste of toothpaste for both of us melted together in our mouths. The smell of the same shampoo and body soap I use mixed with ANIKI's body odor tickles my nostrils and makes my core tingle.

“I love you……, I love you, Yoshio……”

 The hot breath is blown into my ear, and I feel as if my brain is melting. When my body was raised and we were in a face-to-face sitting position, I actively moved my lower body up and down on my own. We embraced each other's bodies and fucked each other in the mouth. I climaxed in his embrace, unable to believe that the mind in that body was an elementary school student.

“Cum……, I'm coming, ANIKI! Oh, no!! I'm gonna come ♥♥♥”

“Okay, ejaculate all cum stuck in my testicles! I'm gonna cum too! I will inject all the thick cum that has accumulated in my testicles into your ass!!”

──Dokkk!! Dop-dop-dop-dop-dop! Bu-bu-bu-bu!!!

 At the same time I ejaculated, ANIKI's cock inside me pulsed even louder, and his boiling hot cum entered my bowels. An incredible amount of cum poured into my body in time with the thumping of his heartbeat. He pushed me down on the futon and continued pistoning while cumming inside me. I could hear the obscene sound of his cumming from our joints. Then his cum, which had not entered fully, overflowed from my anus. I clutched the sheets, my whole body trembling, as I continued to endure the pleasure that was coming my way.

“Oh my goodness……, haaaaahhhh…… Hehehe, I guess I'm out of virginity now……”

 With a nuptial sound, ANIKI pulled his still warped meat stick out of my asshole and looked at me with a boyish smile on his face. I couldn't help but find his smile adorable, with the innocence of a schoolboy in his stern face.

 I lay down next to ANIKI and took the form of a six-nine, serving him. I licked up the sticky, stringy cum stuck on his cock with my tongue. I took his scrotum in my mouth and sucked it gently, and he sucked on my crotch in the same way, making little moaning sounds of pleasure. The stimulation from my sucking quickly revitalized his deflated cock, making it so stiff that he was ready to insert it again.

“Hmmmmm……, Your cock tastes so good…… Can I have a lot more of your cum……?”

“Oh yeah, drink as much as you want…… In return, I'll let you drink Yoshio's too……!”

 We caressed each other. We kissed our beloved partner over and over, licked each other all over, plucked each other's nipples, handled each other's cocks, and fingered and scratched each other's assholes. Eventually, when ANIKI covered me again, we combined in the normal position and began to swing our hips hard together.

 Every time I allowed ANIKI's cock to enter, my asshole gradually turned into an asshole for him. I was so happy, so delighted that I clung to him and moaned like crazy.

 Sato, Mr. Tsubaki ── I love you, ANIKI……! It doesn't matter anymore if I'm his teacher, he is my student, or because he switched body with Mr. Tsubaki. I've fallen in love with him as a human being, as a man.

“Ah, ooh……! It's great, ANIKI! Come on, fill my intestines with your cum!”

“Yoshio, Yoshio! I'm gonna cum! I'm going to fill your asshole with all my cum!!”

 The speed of his thrusting accelerates. The bubbling cum leaked out from between my anus and his cock, making a big stain on the sheets. The moment ANIKI's cock penetrated my asshole, his cock swelled up and a large amount of cum spurted out again. Hot, hot, and comfortable, a part of him filled me. I also spurted out cum in a prostate orgasm, feeling as if I had become his thing all the way down to my belly.


“Then, on the weekends, my dad……, not Koichi…… Hmm, that's so bothersome! When I'm alone with you, I can call that guy Dad, right?”

 Tsubaki was gesticulating and happily talking about his father while laughing and making a hundred faces like he was making a sour face. Ikoma felt endeared to him as he chimed in with him.

 Koichi, 【Shinji Sato】's father, seemed deeply sorry for the many abusive words he had hurled at his own son that day, and later apologized tearfully to Tsubaki. Although Ikoma knew it was unforgivable, he could not blame 【Shinji Sato】's father for it, and after leaving it to Tsubaki to be the judge, he forgave his father without blame.

 His mother and sister still treat him as if he were a tumor, if not a nuisance, but he does not seem to mind this.

 The former 【Genta Tsubaki】, who spent the rest of his life as 【Shinji Sato】, initially avoided meeting Tsubaki, perhaps because of his guilty conscience, but now they seem to be getting along so well that they could almost be considered best friends. Today he is happy because the Sato family has invited him to a weekend camping trip.

“Dad said, “You should invite Mr. Ikoma, too.” You're coming, too, right? Teachers have to take a day off once in a while. Even if you say you don't want to, I'll take you. And I want to try driving a car.”

“…… Are you okay, former elementary school student?”

“Don't underestimate me. I've got a license. Well, well, the license that Mr. Tsubaki got…… I've even been allowed to drive a jumbo on site……, and I think I'll probably be okay~, hehehe.”

 Caught by Tsubaki, who was smiling innocently like a boy, Ikoma couldn't help but smile as well.

 There are more than a few people whose lives have been completely changed by accidents caused by the 【Big Cock Experience】. But the changes are not always for the worse. Their cases were handled confidentially, and the 【Big Cock Experience】 continues to be one of the sex education programs recommended by the government.

 What the future holds for those who were harmed by the program's mistakes is still anyone's guess. The only thing that can be said is that they are fortunate enough to have happy faces.

“I've never been camping before. Speaking of camping, curry, right Mr. Ikoma?”

“Yeah, I guess so. The most you can do is to wash the vegetables.”

"Hah? Fuck you, Yoshio! Don't make fun of me!!”




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