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Hi Everyone!

Hope you've all been doing great! This week comes with a new playable build which has the completed new prisoner type.

You can download it here:


So lets get into what got done this week!

1: What's New?

So a bunch of different bits and pieces of the game got completed this week. To run off each bit:

- The finalized art and animations for the new wall and pillar prisoner asset. The dungeon aspect of it now animates and there's a proper transition to freeing the prisoner.

- In addition all prisoners have a more clear final "Free Prisoner" UI prompt that appears.

- The tutorial section of the game can now be skipped while in it. Just press down on the "U" Key.

- The intro cutscene music and voice files have all been EQ'd for better clarity. Minor visual tweaks have been made to the intro.

- Enemy navigation has been improved slightly, but it's still not perfect.

Art on the level select screen got a slight improvement.

In addition to all that I also spent a few days working on the logic to make the new "Demo" version which only allows the first two levels to be played.

2: What's Next?

I think next week will be a combination of working on some promotional stuff in anticipation of the first of next month as it'll be the first time in over 6 months that I've updated the free demo and promoted it, as well as further polishing of aspects of the game to try and make as strong as an impression as possible.

And then next month I want to try and design and get in a new enemy type.

Any of those polished up items will be rolled into the next support build of the game as well!

I hope you all enjoy the new playable build! Let me know what you think!


- Caroo



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