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Reminder: All paid content can be accessed here: https://caroo.fanbox.cc/posts/3721721

Hi Everyone!

A quick weekly roundup for the end of the month. There is an update to the build that contains a few small bug fixes and tweaks!


1: What's New?

So about 60% of this week was spent on making assets and the functionality in-game for a new public demo build. It's been about 6 months since I updated the public build so it was time to roll in all the improvements I've made for the game into a new public demo.

The public demo of course isn't the same as the full game here. It only has the first two levels as opposed to all 5.

I also made a trailer for it: You can check it out here: https://www.kangaroovideogames.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Videopromotion_compressed_21rf.mp4

The new public demo will go live on August 1st!

As for what else got done this week with that other 40% of time, it includes a number of bug fixes and visual changes:

- Golems will now attack you once you're free of your bondage.

- Lighting has been added to the game over screen.

- The wall prisoner sprite has been edited a little to look better in dungeon mode.

- Fixed up some dungeon walls sprites which had thin visual gaps.

- Capturing logic for defeated cultists has been polished up so that once you have 3 cultists captured any more defeated cultists will just be rescued automatically. There's no change in player-choice, I've just removed an unneeded UI flow.

- There shouldn't be any more transparent and untouchable lore shrines appearing in the dungeon.

So more-or-less just more work on trying to make the game more bug free and engaging!

2: What's Next:

With the work for the new public demo wrapped up the focus will be back on the game for September.

The first focus will be on that new enemy type! So next week should have some concept sketches arranged next week.

If you have any suggestions for aspects of the game you want to see expanded or improved upon let me know in the comments of this post! :D

Cheers! :D

- Caroo



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