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As I teased last week, the next update will be a character extension ^^

I've done a bit of writing and planning for his story as well as completed most of his portraits :P

Cervius Game:

New animation:

One of the things I did this week is the first brand new animation for Zel. It took some time to make and has both a normal and finisher animation (normal showing off his outfit and finisher being the actual milking). Since I don't think the dressup will be added to the game, I decided to recycle the idea as well as a few assets from that move to create the new milking move :P.

This week I'll make the second animation (curse branding). However, with how our work is progressing, I think only Soren and Fenris will be available in the first version of the game, so you may not have access to those animations within the game until he's added. Those animations will be sent out to patrons at the beginning of next month ;).

Game Name:

I've been thinking about this for some time, and from now on, I will be calling this game Dreadlord Ascension. This title fits with what I plan to do with the story later on once the game has a solid base.
