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各位晚安! 這是最近做的惠惠遊戲內的GIF! 每種動畫會做8~16種差分,結局預計會是4種,如果有餘力的話就會把它全部動畫化。 剩下的動畫要等到下個月完成了,先給大家分享目前我有的進度。 good night everybody! This is the GIF in the Megumin game made recently! Each kind of animation will make 8~16 kinds of differences, and the ending is expected to be 4 kinds. If there is spare power, it will all be animated. The rest of the animation will have to be completed next month. Let me share with you the progress I have so far. 地圖一是上次貼文的森林中sex,根據對話選項來到的,是今天的動畫地圖二的小巷中sex。 地圖二會比較多NPC能互動,根據地圖一的選擇會有限定的對話角色,你可以死纏爛打的跟同一位角色對話,可能會Badend,或有意外的H畫面…? Map one is the sex in the forest where you posted last time. According to the dialogue options, it is the sex in the alley of today's animated map two. Map 2 will have more NPCs that can interact. According to the selection of map 1, there will be limited dialogue characters. You can talk to the same character in a stalking way. Maybe it will be Badend, or there will be an unexpected H screen...? 最後根據你地圖二的選擇或對話對象,可以來到地圖三,溫暖的家。 這邊就會是結局了,就像前面說的預計是做4個結局,可以的話就讓它全部動畫化。 Finally, according to your choice of map two or the conversation object, you can come to map three, a warm home. Here will be the ending. As mentioned earlier, it is expected to do 4 endings. If possible, let it all be animated. 我之前在FB上有發個製作過程的L2D,有人希望有透視圖,但當時已經把模型都弄出來已經太晚了XD 最後改成在動畫結束時加上特寫差分。 I have posted an L2D production process on FB. Some people wanted to have a perspective view, but it was too late to get all the models out at that time. XD Finally, it is changed to add a close-up difference at the end of the animation. BadEnd放心不會有什麼太越線的內容,看到有人在問是不是有殺害選項,但不知道大家的接受度,所以不考慮。 最後因為考慮要進軍DLsite,我決定去辦一個Ci-en網站,似乎會有DL折價券方案。贊助網站這邊我這次還是會直接上中文遊戲內容給大家,後續翻譯過才會在DLsite上販售喔。 BadEnd is assured that there will be no content that is too cross-line. I saw someone asking if there is a killing option, but I don't know the acceptance of everyone, so I don't consider it. In the end, considering that I want to enter DLsite, I decided to open a Ci-en website. It seems that there will be a DL discount coupon program. On the sponsoring website, I will post the Chinese game content directly to you this time, and it will be sold on DLsite after the subsequent translation. 就是這樣,祝福大家有美好的一天! That's it, I wish everyone a good day! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FQb13UXqfjpSb4lZA_6Ls_TfTtOPc97p/view?usp=sharing




好耶,已開始期待遊戲完成的那一天。 謝謝山含老師~







