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為了準備眾多差分,最後還是決定用Live2D的製作方式,(短篇的動畫會用逐格動畫) 原始檔案也會分為Clip的原圖檔案,和PSD的拆件檔案,L2D只能讀PSD,每次有更動或新增物件都要分兩種檔案,有點麻煩XD

In order to prepare for many differences, I finally decided to use the Live2D production method. (The short animation will use frame-by-frame animation) The original file will also be divided into the original image file of the Clip and the disassembled file of the PSD. L2D can only read PSD. So every time I want to change or add an object, I have to divide it into two files, which is a bit troublesome XD

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