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Hello, yes, I'm still alive and the project is still alive! I'm really sorry for the disappearance, I've started a full time job the past month and I've been struggling trying to balance a lot of stuff. Most of my free time has been used to work into the project but I've been having the typical issues of an artist where I don't like anything I do, still made progress though.

I've been rewatching my previous short a lot to find everything I could improve, I've noticed that most of the scenes were about 15 to 30 seconds each and the scenes I've been doing now are mostly 30 seconds or more each which means you'll be able to enjoy your favorite position way more! I'm also taking in mind some feedback I received from the previous project.

I have around 9 scenes ready and I still have to finish like 6 more (previous short were only 7 poses!). There are also some scenes that I've discarded but will be turned into loop animations (probably soon after I finish animating the project, I may use them to test render settings).

(Just a couple of image previews of scenes added)

Project folder: https://catbox.moe/c/uuhqdp

This month I will have more time to work on this, so I'll push myself to animate as much as I can. I appreciate a lot the patience and believe me I'm trying my best to finish soon, I really want to get into 3D modeling and make a way better Sarah model.

Hope you all are doing great and I'll update sooner this time, please take care!




Looks phenomenal man


Can you give me the download link of your previous works? I don't know how to send personal information. Please send it to me if you can. thank you o(╥﹏╥)o


Hi, go to my profile and try to message me there https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/17900403


I still can't figure out how to send a private message, but that's okay. I've downloaded most of the animations thx!


Oh ok, anyways you should be able to click a "letter" icon in my profile to send me a message, just message me if you figure it out ;)