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Hey, I finally appeared. I've been having some ups and down the past weeks, I've recently started a part-time job which has been taking away some time to focus in the short and I've been having some artistic blocks which ended in discarding and adding new scenes to the project.

The good news is that I'm pretty close to finish, I have a good amount of animations ready that only needs to get facial expressions animated and I need to animate about 4 more scenes. Here are a few previews of the newest scenes:

Project folder: https://catbox.moe/c/uuhqdp

I'm super happy with these 3 scenes in particular, I just need to animate Sarah's face.

I will be doing some render tests this weekend to find the final render quality and after that, I will be starting rendering the scenes that are ready while I animate the rest.

To end, I want to share my thoughts with you, I have a love/hate relationship with this project, I get mad when I can't pull off some of the poses I want to do but when a pose works, it looks pretty good, so I've been having troubles to be consistent lately plus the extra responsibilities and I feel guilty for how long this have been taking.

Also I'd love to finish this so I can start learning 3D modeling and see if I'm capable of making a new and higher quality Sarah model.

I'll update again soon, take care!
