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Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

First of all, I would like to express my deepest apologies for the worry and inconvenience I have caused you by not being heard from again for more than half a year.

Whenever I have fallen into similar situations in the past, the immediate cause has been physical, but the root cause has been a mental disorder that I have been suffering from intermittently for more than 10 years. To put it simply, it is what is called depression.

I was forced to resign from my last and previous jobs as a direct result of it. It was so bad that it became difficult for me to work as usual, and I turned to my creative activities, which I had been longing for but had stagnated due to time constraints.

Fortunately, with everyone's support, I was able to get my activities back on track when I was struck by physical problems, and this time in particular, I was unable to meet everyone's expectations and my own ideals, I was unable to meet the deadline I had set for myself, and I had to deal with a combination of various problems including AI, restrictions on expression, and family issues, As a result, I was in the worst situation I have ever been in, and I could not even lead a decent life. I was on the verge of ending everything, when fortunately I was saved by a friend.

Even though I knew that my friends knew what I was going through, I was reluctant to talk to them directly about it or to come out to them.

In the future, I would like to inform you of any potential problems as soon as possible before they become a nuisance, and I will do my best to recover so that I will not fall into such a state in the first place.

I apologize again for the trouble I have caused you.

I hope you will support me again.


I am planning to resume the serialization of human body art in March with new drawings. Those who have the password that I told you before I stopped updating last year will be able to view the three months of the serialization from the BOOTH secret page without a paid plan in the future. The page URL will be announced at the time of actual update.

I have been notified that some of my articles were closed by the management around the end of January due to the tightening of restrictions on certain expressions in the fanbox. When I saw this notice, I was in despair and my eyes went completely black. However, I deleted some of the text in the title, deleted the words in the caption of the article that might cause problems and changed them to other expressions, just to be sure, and requested a re-examination, which resulted in everything being OK, so I republished the article.

The problem seems to have been only with some of the text used in the title and caption, so please be assured that the image itself has not been changed at all from what was previously published.

As mentioned above, there are no problems at the moment, but I am still quite concerned about how the fanbox regulations will change in the future, so I plan to open Ci-en around April in case of emergency.

I plan to open Ci-en around April to provide a place to deliver my contents, and also as a foundation for releasing new works and reconstructions of my past works at DLsite, the parent organization of Ci-en.





过去,当我遇到类似情况时,最初的直接原因是身体上的,但根本原因是我十多年来断断续续患上的精神障碍。 简单地说,就是所谓的抑郁症。

过去,当我遇到类似情况时,最初的直接原因是身体上的,但根本原因却是我十多年来断断续续患上的精神障碍。 简单地说,就是所谓的抑郁症。

抑郁症的直接后果是,我被迫离开了上一份和之前的工作。 抑郁症严重到我很难正常工作,于是我转而从事我一直热衷的创作工作,但由于时间有限而停滞不前。

幸运的是,在大家的支持下,当我的身体出现问题时,我的活动又重新走上了正轨,尤其是这一次,我无法满足大家的期望和自己的理想,无法完成自己给自己设定的期限,同时还受到人工智能、表达限制、家庭问题等诸多方面的困扰、 我陷入了有生以来最糟糕的境地,甚至无法正常生活。 就在我快要结束一切的时候,幸运的是一位朋友救了我。






人体艺术连载计划于三月份恢复,并将推出新的图画。 拥有去年停止更新前我们告知的密码的用户,无需付费计划,即可在 BOOTH 秘密页面浏览未来三个月的连载。 页面 URL 将在实际更新时公布。

上个月底左右,由于粉丝箱收紧了一些表达限制,一些文章似乎被管理部门列为了隐私。 看到这个通知时,我绝望了,眼前一片漆黑,但为了保险起见,我还是删除了标题中的部分文字,删除了文章正文标题中可能有问题的字眼,并改成了其他表达方式,结果申请复查后,一切正常,于是我又重新发布了这篇文章。


如上所述,目前没有任何问题,但我们非常担心未来粉丝箱规定的变化,因此我们计划在四月左右开放 Ci-en,以备不时之需。

有了提供内容的地方,后来又有了 DLsite(Ci-en 的母体),也就有了展示迄今为止的新作品和重建作品的基础。


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