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◆August is already over. This time, Wednesday and the end of the month coincide, making it a sole day-off, yay😭! Actually, I really want to take a full day off on my day-off, but I have to make the ending of GRIDMAN series, so I can't make reserve-post on that day-off. so I don't have time to take a day off for the time being... But for me, making things with Koikatsu is my hobby, so the work itself is like play, so don't worry! Saying honestly, I'm having fun working every day!


The production result from August 24th to August 30th was 128 APNGs! There are no still images this week either. In the case of FENTR, I used two days' worth of reserves, so the result was a little more than usual. However, even excluding this, I think the average production amounts has increased a little since the hot days ended. It will be cool in September and October, so I think it would be a good idea to aim for about 20 images a day. Hehe.


アマガミNTR!:響編 響単独のエロシーンが続きます。

AMAGAMI NTR HIBIKI Hibiki's sole bedscene continues.

魔女の献身 新しい男キャラの出番を想定しています。

CODEGEASS The turn of a new male character.

カノカリNTR妄想・EXTRA 次でこのパートの最後のエロシーンです。これが終わったらカノカリはちょっと休むかな?と思ってもいますが…このカノカリって反応どうなのかちょっと分からないんですよ…pixivではかなり良い方なんですが、ここでは…う~んやっぱりストーリーが迷走ってるのが駄目かな…

KANOKARI Next is the last erotic scene of this part. I wonder if I take a little break in Kanokari series after this is over? Just guessing......I'm not sure what the reaction on this series... It's pretty good on pixiv, but here... Hmm, I guess it's not good that the story is wandering...

ありうべからず今を見ろ 次からエミリアのターン!にするかレムを出すかちょっと悩んでいる所ですねぇ…ちょっと悩んでみたいので次はちょっと遅れるかも?

Re:Zero Next is Emilia's turn! ...but I'm having a bit of trouble deciding whether to go Emilia or bring Rem on...I'd like to think about it a bit, so I might be a little late next time or not.

ToNTRる 唯のエロシーンが続きます。ちょっとネチネチと長めで行きたいですね。

ToLOVERu Yui's scene continues. As I mentioned, the scenes will be longer because I want to focus on the personal relationships between the characters.

FENTR  DAY10はアイデアを纏め次第作業するつもりですが、これは…多分時間がちょっと掛かるかも知れません。集中して作りたいのでGRIDMANのエンディング製作が終わったら取り掛かるかも。

FENTR  I'm going to work on DAY10 as soon as I've got the ideas sorted, but this...maybe it takes a while. I want to concentrate on making the DAY10, so I might start working on it after I finish making the GRIDMAN's ending.


作り貯めを用意しよう! 現在2日分の作り貯めを用意できています。

Let's prepare the reserve! I currently have 2 day's reserve available.




1 consumed to making GRIDMAN's ENDING(WIP), 1 consumed to FENTR DAY9 #5

▲グリッドマンシリーズのエンディング製作 製作に取り掛かっております。が、エージェントさん達のせいでFPSが落ち過ぎて作業時間が伸びています…FPSが落ち過ぎるとOBJの操作が難しくなりますので…バトルシーンを何とか仕上げるまでの辛抱ですね…

▲The ending production of the Gridman series  WIP currently. However, the FPS has dropped too much because of two Super Dimensional Agents, so the work time has increased...If the FPS drops too much, it becomes difficult to manipulate the OBJs, so I have to be patient with slow pace until I manage to finish the battle scene...

〇SAOを感想する。  …オイラ…作り貯めが6日分溜まると…故郷に帰って…そして…SAOを、見るんだ…

〇Watch SAO  ...I... If I... If I managed to make 6 days reserves... I'll... go home... and... watch, SAO...


See you at the monthly results soon❤



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