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 ここは汎人類史最後の拠点ノウム・カルデア。前身にあたる組織、フィニス・カルデアに在籍していた職員やサーヴァントたちが、クリプターに対抗するべく新たに得た期限付きの前線基地であり、第三の異聞帯に臨むべく体制を整えていた。  そんな中、今日のカルデアでは、久方ぶりの健康診断が執り行われており、廊下には運動着などの受診しやすい服装をしたスタッフやサーヴァント達が行き交っていた。   「にしても、やっぱり前のカルデアより広くて歩きやすいわね〜。私とカーミラが並んで歩いてて、まだ少し余裕があるなんて驚きだわ」  一斤染の髪を後ろに纏めたセイバークラスの女剣豪こと、宮本武蔵が今自身が歩いている廊下に対し、関心の目を向ける。たかが廊下の幅の一つに関心を向けるものかと疑問に思うだろうが、彼女とその隣にいるもう一人の女サーヴァント、カーミラの二人の尋常なく肥え太った体を見れば納得出来るだろう。  饅頭のようにたんまりと肉を付けた顔は肩に乗っかるほどに大きく、分厚い二重顎が形成されていた。  腕は指先までプクプクに膨らんでおり、二の腕はブルブルと振袖の如く揺れるほどに肉が蓄積されていた。  両者共に豊満だった胸はさらに肉を蓄え身に付けているスポーツブラから溢れんばかりであったが、特に武蔵の胸は体の大半を占めるほどに巨大であった。  肥満体のシンボルともいうべきでっぷり肥えた腹はお互いに個性的な肥え方をしており、ぼってりまん丸としたお腹の武蔵に対し、カーミラのお腹はダルっとした二段腹をしていた。  当然、尻にも大量の脂肪が付き、来ている下着を引き伸ばしているのだが、カーミラの尻は武蔵の胸と同等、或いは凌駕する程に巨大であり、歩くたびにダップダップと揺れ動いていた。 「たしかにそうね。あの装甲車はともかく、カルデアの廊下と来たら思ってたより狭くて大変だったわ」  左手に持った紙パックに入った血を飲みながら、武蔵が呟いた感心の一言に反応する。 「だってカーミラさんのお尻、私のおっぱいくらいあるんでしょ?」 「たしかそうだったはず…貴方、バストは幾つだったの?」 「お、なになに競おうってこと?」  そう言い手に持っていた診断書に目を通し、自分のスリーサイズに見直し始めた武蔵。続くようにカーミラも自身の診断書に目をやり、同じようにスリーサイズを再確認した。 「ふっふっふっ…なんと457cmのダイナマイトバストだったわ!」 「あら、思っていたより小さいのね?」 「ぬぅあ!?な、ならあなたはなんぼだったのよ!」  不敵な笑みを浮かべ、少しの間を空けてカーミラは答えた。 「499cmよ」 「なっ!?でっか!私より40cmも大きいの!?」 「ふふ、そうよ。ま、できればもう少しくらい小さくしたいのけれどね」 「いやいや、私達くらい太っちゃったら絞るのなんて無理でしょ」  あっはっはと笑い、自身の胸をペチペチ叩きながら話す武蔵に対し、カーミラはそれもそうねと言った微笑みを浮かべ返した。  そんな談笑をしつつ次の検査会場に向かう二人の後ろにもう一人サーヴァントがいたのだが──その表情は険しく、自身の診断書を何度も何度も目に穴を開けるほどの勢いで読み直していた。  もう一人のサーヴァントこと、メディアもカーミラ達と同様にでっぷり太っていたのだが、二人に比べるとかなり控えめであった。しかし、お腹は特に肉を付けており、だっぷりと前に垂れ突き出ていた。  そのお腹こそ彼女が診断書を何度も読み直す原因だった。 「で?納得はいったのかしら、メディア」 「納得いくわけないでしょ!毎朝毎晩、しっかり魔術で調整し続けたのよ!?それでなんでお腹にばっかり……っ!」  そう、彼女の悩みというのは付けた脂肪がお腹に偏り続けていることにあった。  太り始めた当初は胸や尻などに割り振られていたのだが、だんだんとお腹にばかりに脂肪が付き始めたのだ。これを危惧した彼女は毎朝毎晩、自作した魔術をかけ胸と尻に脂肪が割り振られるようにしていたのだが、その努力は虚しく砕け散り、お腹にばかり脂肪が集中してしまったのである。 「でも良いんじゃない?私だって太り始めた時はお腹ばっかり太ってたし、そのうち望み通りに脂肪が偏ってくれるって!…多分」 「確証のないこと言うんじゃないわよ、この巨デブ剣豪!だいたい私はね、貴方達みたいに巨デブになりたいわけじゃないのよ!」 「それは無理でしょ。私も最初は貴方ぐらいの体型を維持しようとしたけど、この有様よ?まあ、最近はそんなに食べなくなったからそんなに増えてはいないけれど」  自分の体をお手本に見せるように激情するメディアを諭すカーミラ。実際、彼女が言っていることはだいたいのサーヴァントに当てはまっており、エレシュキガルや紫色部など多くのサーヴァントもメディアぐらいの体型を維持しようとし、あえなく失敗していた。 「けどっ……!」 「というか、胸やお尻に振り分けたいの旦那さんの為だったっけ?特に何も言われてないなら別に良いんじゃないの?」 「うぐっ……、そうじゃなくて私は……」  急に赤面となり口籠り立ち止まるメディア。 「?なによ、はっきり言いなさないな」 「い、色々……や、やれた方が良いじゃない……」 「「……あー、なーるほど……」」 「な、なによその反応は!」 「ふふ、別に」 「あ、私もノーコメント〜…」  そう言い彼女の真意を察した二人は図太い脚で再び歩を進め始め、メディアも恥ずかしさと怒りの表情を浮かべながら、二人を追い、ズシズシと駆けて行った。 「くしゅっ!」 「うわぉ!最近多いですね〜。風邪ですか?葛木先生?」 「いえ…風邪ではないのですが……」 「ふふふっ、もしかしたら奥様が何か企んでたりしてるのかも……」 「それはないとおもいますが……いや、あながちそうかもしれませんね……」   ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー English translation (Translated by Deepl)  This is the last base of pan-human history, Noum Chaldea. The staff and Servants of Finis Chaldea, the predecessor organization, were preparing to face the third Hibun-belt, a new frontline base with a limited term to fight against the Cryptor.  In the midst of all this, today, Chaldea was conducting its first medical checkup in a long time, and the corridors were filled with staff members and Servants dressed in sportswear and other clothing that would make it easy to undergo the checkup.   The corridor was wide and easier to walk through than the previous Chaldea. I'm surprised there's still a little room for me and Carmilla to walk side by side."  Musashi Miyamoto, a female swordsman of the Saber class with a loaf of dyed hair tied back, looks with interest at the corridor she is now walking down. You may wonder if she is interested in the mere width of the corridor, but you would be convinced if you look at the fat bodies of her and another female Servant, Carmilla, who is standing next to her.  Their faces were as big as their shoulders, and they had thick double chins.  Her arms were swollen to the tips of her fingers, and her arms had accumulated so much flesh that they shook like a kimono.  Both of them had ample breasts, and they were so full that they were overflowing from the sports bra they were wearing, but Musashi's breasts in particular were so huge that they took up most of her body.  The two women's bellies, the symbol of an obese body, were fattened in their own unique ways, with Carmilla's belly a round and round belly, while Musashi's was a flat belly.  Naturally, she also had a lot of fat on her buttocks, which stretched out her underwear, but Carmilla's buttocks were so huge that they were equal to or even exceeded Musashi's breasts, and they swayed dap-dap-dap as she walked. Carmilla's buttocks were as big as or bigger than Musashi's breasts. The armored car is one thing, but the corridors in Chaldea are much smaller than I thought they would be.  I responded to Musashi's words of admiration while drinking blood from a paper carton in my left hand. Carmilla's ass is as big as my boobs, right? I thought so...how big was your bust? "Oh, what are you competing with me for?"  Musashi looked at the medical certificate in her hand and began to review her own three sizes. Carmilla followed suit, looking at her own medical certificate and reconfirming her three sizes in the same way. 'Phew... what a dynamite bust you had, 457 cm! Oh, you're smaller than I thought you'd be?" Noooooo! Then, what were you?  Carmilla answered with a wry smile and a short pause. 499 centimeters. What? What? Forty centimeters bigger than me! Yes, that's right. I'd like to be a little smaller, though. No, no, no, it's impossible to get smaller when you're as fat as we are.  Carmilla smiled back at Musashi, who laughed and clapped her hands on her chest as she spoke, saying that was also true.  The other Servant was behind them as they headed to the next examination room, his expression grim as he reread his own medical report over and over again with such vigor that it made holes in his eyes.  The other Servant, Media, was also overweight like Carmilla and the others, but much more modest than the two of them. However, her belly was particularly fleshy and hung forward.  It was this belly that caused her to reread the medical report again and again. So? "Are you satisfied with it, media? I'm not convinced! I've been adjusting my magic every morning and every night! So why do you keep putting ...... on my belly?  Her problem was that the fat she had gained had been concentrated on her stomach.  When she first started gaining weight, the fat was allocated to her breasts and buttocks, but gradually, it began to accumulate only on her belly. She was concerned about this, and every morning and night she tried to make the fat allocated to her breasts and buttocks by applying a magic spell of her own making, but her efforts were in vain, and the fat was concentrated only on her stomach. But it's okay. When I first started gaining weight, all I had was a fat belly, and I'm sure the fat will eventually become more evenly distributed, just as I hope! Maybe. Don't be so sure, you big fat swordsman! I don't want to be as fat as you guys! You can't do that. I tried to keep my body in the same shape as yours at first, but it was like this. Well, I don't eat as much these days, so I haven't gained that much.  Carmilla admonishes the fiery media to look at her own body as an example. In fact, what she says is true for most of the Servants, and many Servants such as Ereshkigal and Purple Club have also tried to maintain a body shape similar to Media's and failed miserably. But ......!" 'I mean, was it for your husband that you wanted to swing it to your breasts and hips? If he didn't say anything in particular, then why not?" "Ugh ......, that's not what I ...... meant."  The media suddenly blushed and stopped talking. What? What, you're not being very clear. I'd rather do ...... a lot of things, wouldn't you? "......, I see what you mean. ......." What's with that reaction? "Nothing." "Oh, I don't have any comment either..."  The media, with expressions of embarrassment and anger on their faces, ran after them, shuffling along. 'Kusshu! Wow! There's been a lot of that lately. Is it a cold? Mr. Kuzuki? "No...it's not a cold. ...... "Hmmm, maybe your wife is up to something. ...... "I don't think so,......, but I think that may be true,.......        



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