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My apologies. I feel like I can't keep up anymore. Theres been too much going on with life and it's been more than i'm able to handle.

After everything thats been happening to me I just found out my mother died. I really dont know when I'll feel like drawing again, but ill open up pledges again when I do. I'll have gold tier open for anyone still wishing to support me but thats about it.

Thank you all so much for your love and support. It hurts my heart to distance myself from you all. You've made my life worth living and drawing for you is my favorite thing in the world.

My headspace is just so out of it it's been hurting my chest to do anything remotely "needed" right now. I just cant pick up my pen anymore. I'm sorry, maybe ill get over it some day and I promise ill get done whats been paid for.

But just thank you.



I'm so sorry for your loss. There's probably no words that can ease your pain but I hope someday things can get better with your life and can, at least, talk with all the friends you made when you were sharing your drawings.