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海外支援者様用原文 「ヘァア…」 エネルギーを吸い尽くされて地面へと放り出されえるリアン。 なんとか体を起こそうとするも、タイマーも弱弱しく点滅して彼女の最後が近いことを示していた… ピー… タイマーがついに消灯し、リアンの命が尽きてしまう。 最後の希望が断たれ、人々が絶望に顔を曇らせる中、キングマイラの 身体では一つの異変が起きていた… リアンのエネルギーはキングマイラの身体を通じ、その体表に捕らわれた クインとフィズにも流れ込んでいた。 「フィズ!最後の賭けです…私たちの力をすべてリアンへ!」 「はい!クイン様!」 二人はすべての力をリアンのタイマーへと注ぎ込んだ! 「タアアアアッ!」 クインとフィズの力で復活したリアンは、二人の装備を借りて最強の 姿に変身する。 その強力な手刀はキングマイラの首を一撃で吹き飛ばした! すでにリアンを倒したと油断していたキングマイラは、あっけなく その首を落とされて消滅する。 ギリギリのところで勝利をつかんだリアンたち… しかし次の侵略者たちの魔の手は、着々と迫るのだった…  続く… 英語翻訳 Heaah..." Liane's energy was sucked out of her and she was thrown to the ground. She manages to raise her body, but the timer is blinking weakly, indicating that her end is near... Pee..." The timer finally went off. The timer finally goes off, and Leanne's life ends. While people's faces were clouded with despair as their last hope was cut off, King Myra's While the last hope is lost and people's faces are clouded with despair, something is happening in King Myra's body... Lian's energy flowed through King Myra's body and into the bodies of Quinn and Fizz, who were trapped on its surface. Quinn and Fizz, who were also trapped on its surface. 'Fizz! It's our last gamble... all our power to Lian!" 'Yes, Master Quinn! Master Quinn!" The two poured all their power into Lian's timer! Taaaaah!" Rian, revived by the power of Quinn and Fizz, borrows their equipment and transforms into his most powerful He transforms into his strongest form. His powerful hand sword blew King Myra's head off with a single blow! King Myra, who had already been caught off guard by Lian's defeat, is easily King Myra, who had been caught off guard by Rian's defeat, is quickly extinguished. Lian and his men grabbed the victory just in time... However, the next invaders' evil hand was steadily closing in... to be continued...




リアン逆転勝利ですが、キングマイラはエネルギー吸収だけで満足してしまったのが敗因。 性欲があれば😿 油断さえしなければパワーアップ状態も破れそうな敵は登場しそうですが・・・。