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Starting from Okunoshima, I covered the Kure Naval Arsenal, Etajima Naval Academy, Kure Naval District , etc. for three days from October 14th.




Today, the island is a recreation centre full of rabbits, but in the Meiji era it was an army fortress of Geyo, where gun batteries were set up. The fortress was intended to stop enemy fleets from entering the Seto Inland Sea. In the Taisho era (1912-1926), the Toyo Fortress was established to defend the Toyo Straits, and Okunojima lost its mission as a fortress. However, the use of chemical weapons in the First World War led the Army to start research and production of chemical weapons. The island of Okuno was therefore chosen as a production base for chemical weapons.

From the time the fortress was built, it was a secret island that was not marked on maps. It was a real 'secret base'.


Today, part of the facility where the storage tanks for the manufactured chemical weapons were located remains as ruins. You can see that it was quite a large facility, but now that it has decayed and is covered with greenery, it looks like a landscape from a fantasy world.


This is the site of a turret installation on the summit of Okunojima.


Looking out to sea from the gun emplacements, it can be seen that the narrow part of the strait is within its range.

呉海軍工廠/Kure Naval Arsenal



The Naval Arsenal is a factory directly operated by the Navy that manufactures and maintains ships and various weapons. With the defeat in the war, the Naval Arsenal was dissolved, but the facilities were taken over by private shipbuilding and iron industry companies such as Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries.

It was originally a dock for building and maintaining large ships for the Navy, so it is a very large-scale facility.


Escort ship "Kaga" currently undergoing refurbishment.


The dock next to Kaga is the dock that once built the battleship Yamato.



It's a rare location where you can get a bird's eye view of a huge group of facilities up close, so it's perfect for coverage.

It is quite a walk to visit, but the iron works that produce armor plates and the iron works that make cannons are still in operation, with the buildings of those days still remaining.



The submarine pier is still used as a mooring place for submarines.

In the center of the concrete pier you can see the rails that are no longer in use.


Moored training submarines "Oyashio" and "Michishio"


As an aside, Michishio has a sail with a rounder hatch. Although it is the same type of ship, the manufacturing charge is different from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Michishio) and Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Oyashio). The distinguishing point is the shape of this hatch.

海軍兵学校/Naval Academy


You can feel how the Meiji government, which was promoting modernization, expected naval power from these buildings. Even now, it is a facility that trains future officers as a Maritime Self-Defense Force Officer Candidate School.


The large auditorium where ceremonies such as entrance ceremonies are held.


Inside the auditorium.


Naval Academy building.


It's a perfect design for fantasy school things.



It's the same in any country's military academy, but it's a neat space with no garbage.

The interview day was a holiday, so there were no students, so it felt extra quiet.


Unfortunately, due to the spread of the corona virus, it was not possible to see it from up close. (I was told that if the situation permits, I might be able to visit next year.)


There is also a LCAC (transport hovercraft) base in Etajima, where the Naval Academy is located.


This site was once a naval fuel depot.


You can see the storage tanks in the distance, but the naval fuel tanks were lined up in the same place. (Currently a private fuel tank.)


Unfortunately, LCAC was out on the day of the interview.


As an aside, I often design bases like this in the background design of games... It is difficult to come up with a 'Cool-looking base.' because it is so sprawling and has a sparse number of notable facilities.


It looks like an ordinary small island, but this was also a secret base.



It can only be seen from the sea, such as a ferry, but it seems that it was a launching base for small submarines of the Navy. The white building that looks like a lighthouse is a surveillance station.

That's right, I thought this is what a secret base looks like.

呉港/Kure port


At the central pier of Kure Port, there is a boarding point for ferries and other boats, but there are also sightseeing boats that allow you to see the escort ships anchored at Kure Port up close.


Supply Ship Towada


Hatsuyuki-class destroyer


It's a retired escort ship, but it's a ship that Mikoyan really likes.



If you take the sightseeing boat that departs at 17:00, you can see the warship flag lowering.

At the same time, the trumpets are sounded all at once from the anchored ships, and the flags on the stern are lowered.

It's like a company closing chime.



The submarine also properly lowers the warship flag.

It looks like it will slide off if you're careless.


The names are dull as "Oil Tanker No. 1" and "Oil Tanker No. 2", but they are the latest oil tankers.


As I learned for the first time this time, although oil tankers belong to the Maritime Self-Defense Force, they fall under the category of merchant ships, so the Japanese flag is displayed on the stern, just like private merchant ships.

呉鎮守府/Kure Naval District HQ


It is a very heavy building. The same is true for military academies, but the mission of the facility is the same even to this day. All countries with a history of modern naval forces are the same, but the Naval Headquarters is a place that serves as a window for receiving foreign naval forces and envoys, so it is gorgeously made.



The walls are so thick that they cannot be compared to Mikoyan's workplace.

The bricks are laid in a so-called "British style". The Japanese navy grew up with the British navy as its teacher, so you can feel that atmosphere in many places.


The back side of the Chinjufu Government Building faces Kure Port, but since it is a navy, it has a strong gate facing the sea.


By the way, there is a hoisting pillar on the dome roof at the top, but the flag is not currently hoisted. The officer who attended to us explained, "Because of the deterioration, raising the national flag poses a life-threatening risk."


It is a plain underground trench entrance that contrasts with the glittering government building.


During the air raids on Kure, residents of the neighborhood took refuge in the naval base's underground bunker.


It is a facility that feels like "The Fortress", but it seems to be a telephone switching station.


It was once described as an underground command post due to lost documents, but according to new documents and the testimony of a person who worked at this place at the time, it turned out to be the telephone switchboard of the Kure Naval Base.



At the time, this was lined with female switches operators.

As a key communications facility, it was built to withstand a direct hit from a large bomb.

船入山記念館/Funairiyama Memorial Hall


The official residence of the Kure naval base commander has been relocated and preserved here.


The front is a Western-style building, but the back is a Japanese-style building. It's a luxurious official residence, but since I'm the Commander of the Naval Base, I have a lot of receptions, so I guess you could call it my workplace.


Kure is also the stage of the movie "In This Corner of the World".


You can still see the locations that appeared in the movie, leaving the vestiges of those days.


A building that used to be an officer's assembly hall.


You can also catch a glimpse of the remnants of the military city everywhere.


Navy exclusive water pipe.


The military builds its own infrastructure, so attracting bases was attractive in less developed regions.



The Iron Whale Museum (Maritime Self-Defense Force Kure Museum) and the Yamato Museum are adjacent to each other, so it's convenient to visit them all at once.



A huge submarine (genuine) and a huge Yamato (model) are featured.

The Iron Whale Museum tends to be overshadowed by the impact of a submarine, but it is also a rare museum that displays detailed information about minesweepers and minesweeping operations.


As the name suggests, the Yamato Museum is a place where you can take a close look at the battleship Yamato.



Apart from naval vessels, aircraft engines are on display.

The museum is a great place for collecting material on engines, which, in Mikoyan terms, have to be drawn on in every commentary.


Interceptor "Raiden" and Mitsubishi Navy Type 1 attack bomber engine.


And it was 3 days that I was able to input various things.



By the way, why do you need an interview? Are books and internet information not enough? Some people may think so.

I hope we can talk about that on another occasion.



By the way, in three days of walking, I took 25,000 steps on the first day, 15,000 steps on the second day, and 10,000 steps on the third day.

Even though I am an illustrator, I was keenly aware of the need to train my legs all the time.



NormanA || ノルマンA

Very interesting and in-depth report. A lot of good history and beautiful buildings. And being an artist definitely doesn't mean you can skip exercise !


ツアーお疲れ様でした! 施設の位置関係や町の雰囲気など、実際に見て回らない事が実感できて良かったです 見学した事が役立つお仕事楽しみにしております


取材お疲れ様でした。 主砲が展示してあるのは知りませんでした。 こう見ると本当に大きいですね 特撮のセットかと思っちゃいます はつゆき型護衛艦、わたしのお気に入りの一隻です 細かいところをみるとかなりゴテゴテしていていいですね 写真も夕日があたっていてシルエットが出てて見とれちゃいます はてさて今回の取材の真の目的とは… 楽しみに待ってます!




Amazing! Master and I share a love for the Hatsuyukis!