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Updated the files with Anya, because I forgot to include her hair accessories/antena in the drawing. No one spoil me because I'm not up to date, but since day one I've had the theory that she's hiding antena or horns under there, related to her psychic powers.


Here's part 2 of the month's poll winner. I think I'm gonna stop warning that in the future, poll winners are more likely to get a single post, because I'm practically jinxing myself. Really need to start finishing up some of those pending sketches, some OCs, some new one offs, etc. Hope you guys like the set, and get ready, cause next week the new poll goes up. To give you guys some time to think up some ideas for the poll, you need only remember next month's big holiday. Oh yes, it's mommy milky season.

For anyone new, all content is up in the archives. To know more, check out the NEWSLETTER that gets sent to everyone on SUNDAYS and WEDNESDYAS. Make sure not to unsub till you have the Newsletter, otherwise I won't be able to send it to you. Thanks everyone for the support and participating in the poll. See ya next week.



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