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New set is up at the archives. As usual, all content is up at the archive, which you guys can see in the NEWSLETTER that goes out on SUNDAYS and WEDNESDAYS.

Reminder that you can only get the newsletter while subbed, so if anyone wants to be cautious with their wallets and all that, make sure you wait until getting the newsletter to bounce. Thanks everyone for the support and participating in this month's poll.

Hope you guys like this one, but if I'm being honest, I'm not very happy with the framing this time, having an off week and by the time I realized, I was too far in to restart the drawing. And yes, I know there's also a historical inconsistency, because I forgot the show was more strictly set in the past, and I thought it was a Batman deal where it's the 30s but then teleport technology exists in a sequel show. So for part 2, I'm gonna keep it simple and focused on our precious little Pepe Le Pew. See ya next week.




What is newslatter? I just subbed and dont know where to find the archive😢

Zack Morrison

Approximately at what time is the newsletter sent?


So sorry! I didn't see comment notifications. Newsletter is like a blog post that I can mass-send to all my supporters. It shows up in your inbox notifications. Top right corner envelop icon. I sent it out last night so you should be able to see the Newsletter I sent out. Check it for access to the archive with all my art from the past couple years.


So sorry I didn't see comment notifications till now. It was sent last night. Sometimes I usually wait until late at night, anywhere from 9pm to midnight, sometimes later. It mostly boils down to when I get a chance to check my computer once I'm free.