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Firstly I wanna thank you for your continued support. A LOT of my content on Fanbox is currently not available to the public due to management's decision. Since I don't know the criteria for the decision, I don't really know what I can do to fix it. For example, there are ssome WIP pics of mine that have not been removed, but the full lineart and colored version of that pic was. The things they tell me to edit are so vague it could be anything from making my tags more specific, or not liking me posting incest, or wanting all those pics to be more censored, to them not liking 2d loli/shota despite them still keeping some of them up and if I fuck up with guessing witch of these things I have to revise my account can get just outright suspended cause I failed at playing their game of wack-o-mole. At this point so much of my work has been archived that I think it would be easier for me to just make a post to all my past work through a dropbox link that you all can access and my future posts I'll post cropped that will link to the full image. It's also been a few months since I made a substar account for it to not yet be approved along with them not responding to any of my emails. So if my substar ever goes up, I'll try to mainly post on there. So I'll keep you all posted.



It's the inconsistant whims of fanbox that's the problem, not the art


It's really insane how most platforms keep on being picky on what goes and what dosn't nowadays, never had trouble with Fanbox (yet) i assume cause all we do is post links, but we got ban for Kofi (even tho we were only posting links there too) and substar still dosn't care about us either, i feel your pain 😔 ~ Mia

CEO of Hentai

Really hope your substar gets approved soon :(