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https://www.dropbox.com/sh/unssu5odx1lqqmp/AAD0bAPjS7dATT4ksxeuqWGia?dl=0 Here's all the work I've had saved up on my dropbox of my past work, sorry to all for the inconvenience. From now on I'll be posting cropped images with links to them. Hopefully that will be good enough for Fanbox and that it won't suspend my account, if it does, well better start saving the images now bois lol.



I had come to the conclusion that your account was safe, but I'm glad to see that you haven't let this minor setback stop you from uploading. Hope to see more interesting works from you!


They're not making it easy. Thanks for going the extra kilometer.


I've seen this happen to another artist, in his case they were unhappy that he was using small images as censors, which was not clearly communicated for a while. I do think in most cases it relates to the way stuff is censored (or not censored), but they're not good at telling people what the problem is...