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This is a round-girl-like swimming costume picture.

The three original characters are Ichimura, Futaba and Mitsuhashi.

In the manga Pride, I first thought about making Rion's sister a round girl and Ichimura a second.

[ Commentary by Mitsuhashi ]

Contains spoilers for the main story. Long description.

I couldn't describe Mitsuhashi's background in the main story, so I'll write it here, supplementing it.

Mitsuhashi is an only child and lives with her parents.

When she was a child, life in the Mitsuhashi household was not affluent, even though both husband and wife worked.

However, when she was in her upper elementary school years, her father stood for election as a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly and won.

The timing coincided with the previous councillor's fall from office due to corruption, and he was elected because he was popular with the general public and had a clean personality.

The sudden increase in his income led to his parents learning to be extravagant and also to become arrogant in their attitude.

They also sent their daughter, Mitsuhashi, to a private middle school in order to show off the family's good name.

There she met Ichimura, but they were not friends in middle school.

As Mitsuhashi was clever as a child, she sensed that her current income was temporary and felt threatened by her unplanned rise in standard of living and her parents' growing pomposity, and she repeatedly raised the alarm, but her parents did not listen.

Here she felt powerless and stopped actively intervening in the behaviour of others.

Then his term as a councillor ended and he lost the next election. The family becomes unemployed.

Not fitting in with her classmates, who originally had a different standard of living, Mitsuhashi became the target of ridicule at this time, and as she could not afford the school fees, she was transferred to a public school, but she never attended that middle school and studied at home for a year or so of non-attendance before entering high school.

There, she was reunited with Ichimura, whom she knew.

Would Ichimura tell everyone about her past at the high school and make it a source of ridicule...? Mitsuhashi was afraid, but at that time Ichimura was not interested in other people, so she did not tell anyone else.

For Mitsuhashi, who had gone through bad experiences and found socialising troublesome, Ichimura' s character of being interested only in her own goals and not intervening in other people was comfortable for her.

And with the calculation that he could avoid unnecessary ridicule from her classmates if she became friends with a strong girl, she began to work with Ichimura.

And as they spend time together, they start to notice Ichimura's slightly cute side and gradually grow to like her as a friend.

As for Aoi, she is just a normal friend because they hit it off.

As for boxing, she quite likes to watch it, but she doesn't really like to do it. It's because she doesn't like to really fight with other people. Before she gets mad and tries to win, she loses on purpose because it's too much trouble.

In the summer of her sophomore year, however, the female members of the club started harassing the male members of the club, as a plan to get rid of the boys got into full swing.

This was unpleasant for Mitsuhashi, but having failed to persuade her parents, she gave up on the idea that she had no influence to change other people's behaviour and tolerated it.

This is how Tono and Ichimura fight.

As Tono pointed out in Pride, the reason she took off Tono's shirt at this point was because she wanted to show his well-trained body and make Ichimura realise his daily efforts.

She was not willing to stop him directly, but wanted to resolve the situation as peacefully as possible.

But this was more than protecting Tono, because she didn't want Ichimura, whom she liked, to be a part of the bullying.

After their confrontation, she was worried about Tono, so she urged Ichimura, who also seemed concerned about him, to apologise to her.

This was because she thought that Ichimura was the most effective person to follow up with him.

If Ichimura did not do it, Mitsuhashi thought she would go and comfort him.

From this time onwards, Mitsuhashi became a boy of interest to Tono.

She liked Tono's surprisingly rational character, purity and also his looks, but she realised that it was Ichimura he liked, so she backed off.

She regretted that a little, but she didn't attach herself to him because she didn't prioritise each of her romantic relationships that highly for her.

As for her relationship with Rioto, as she researched him during her hostile inspection, she came to know the part of him that she respected for his hard work and sensed his clumsy but pure side, and came to look at him favourably.

Because of this, as well as a certain amount of consideration and courtesy towards Rioto, she also felt sorry that she had used him to undermine his reputation.

On Rioto's side, he became attracted to such a mature attitude of Mitsuhashi and her guts and how she supported Tono in the seconds even though she was his enemy.

At the end, she visited the Sibuya siblings to thank them for giving Rioto a match, and although she did not expect to be invited, this was a happy miscalculation on her part.



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