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It's time for another Re-Style Poll. Poor Meliodis & Dennis got NO votes last time so have been removed. Two new boys have been added, Enzo from REBOOT and by request Scott from the old saturday mornign cartoon M.A.S.K. I have reduced choices from 6 down to 5 in the hope some kind of probability resulting in one winning outright for a change. The winner i shall re-style in my own style.

Click the link below to cast your vote, poll will be open untill June 30th.




Dang...I vote Scotty, but you almost got me with Enzo (as long as he didn't have green skin and looked like a real boy, lol)


So many tantalizing choices! I’m gonna go with Scott because I am a sucker for obscure Saturday morning cartoons.


I always enjoy the results of these polls, no matter who gets selected. I like the idea of seeing Scott redone, but any would be cool.


Looks like Jake won this time, by a large margin.