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Well it's been a week since I got sick. What at first I thought was a cold turned out to be Covid. The good news is that after resting for 7 days the symptoms have almost completely disappeared and I feel 90% normal. So I think I can resume my activities now. Therefore more rewards are coming. -------------- Bueno, ha pasado una semana desde que me enfermé. Lo que al principio pense que era un resfriado resultó ser Covid. La buena noticia es que despues de reposar 7 dias los sintomas han desaparecido casi en su totalidad y me siento un 90% normal. Asi que creo que ya puedo retomar mis actividades. Por lo tanto se vienen mas rewards.



Excellent 👍🏿💪🏿🙏🏿


Good to know! Still, stay healthy and rest.


Glad that your health is improving!


God you are feeling better. Bring on the rewards


Still, take it easy and don't do anything too physically strenuous for now. Let your body recover from the post-viral infection.

kevin Arnold

Mejor espera hasta que estés al 100 porciento listo


Don't be afraid to take your time and rest up. "You" are your top priority.