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Hello, If you follow me on Twitter you know that I have been sick since the beginning of this week. It seemed like it was the flu, but after taking a test it turned out to be Covid. Fortunately the fever is gone, but I still feel weak, and the cough and nasal congestion persist, the doctor recommended that I rest for a few more days. So that's why I haven't been able to upload new rewards these days. I will keep you informed about my state of health. ---------------- Hola, Si me siguen por Twitter saben que he estado enfermo desde el inicio de esta semana. Parecia que era gripe, pero luego de hacerme una prueba resulta que es Covid. Afortunadamente la fiebre ya desaparecio, pero aun me siento debil, y la tos y la congestion nasal persisten, el doctor me recomendó reposar por unos cuantos días mas. Asi que por ello no he sido capaz de subir nuevas rewards en estos días. Los mantendre informados sobre mi estado de salud.



Take it easy and refrain from strenuous physical activity for six weeks to let your body recover from the post-viral infection.


Lamento oir eso, pero es bueno saber que estas mejorando, relájate y recupérate.


Hope you feel fully better soon


I hope you feel better Javi, get a good rest.


Good luck and God Bless 🙏🏿


Look after yourself, we'll still be here when you're feeling better.


Rest and get well soon. Your health is first priority