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Download→ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SDMxgggPHEGqn4IhvQwSXNEjniC5W3gP?usp=sharing 這次畫了蠻久的 之前就想畫這個姿勢可是不好畫 還好成品還不錯 我很喜歡這個角色的 另外這次有很多的版本歡迎大家下載 希望大家會喜歡 非常感謝大家這個月的支持! I've been drawing for a long time this time. I wanted to draw this pose before, but it's not good to draw Fortunately, the finished product is good I like this character pretty much In addition, there are many versions this time, welcome to download I hope you will like it! Thank you all so much for your support this month! 台詞: 1 女: 哈哈哈~ 太丟臉了吧! 身為冠軍就這樣這點能耐嗎? 我還以為終於來了個像樣的傢伙 看來男人都很弱~ 犯規? 你在地下鬥技場講規則? 別傻了~ 歐拉歐拉~ 得快想辦法逃走喔~ 在把你榨乾之前我是不會停下的♥ 你的屁股都被大家看光光了! 哈哈哈~ 男: 呃啊啊~犯規啊! 快住手! 你這臭婊子! 2 女: 哇啊! 這麼快就就射了 你是早洩嗎? 太沒用了吧♥ 在觀眾面前被對手 玩弄到射精的感覺怎麼樣啊 冠軍先生? 很羞恥吧♥ 誰叫你這麼弱~ 男: 啊啊啊啊啊啊~ 3 女: 哎呀好噁心~ 精液都噴到我的靴子上了 看來要好好懲罰你了! 別以為射精了我就會停下來! 投降? 冠軍先生在向我投降嗎? 哈哈哈哈~ 像隻狗一樣把我靴子上 那骯髒的精液給舔乾淨 這樣我就放你一馬~ 男: 啊啊啊~ 已經出來了 不要再繼續了 投降了!我投降了! 拜託你住手 我要瘋掉了啊啊啊~ 4 女: 哈哈哈哈哈 竟然真的做了 太噁心了 竟然舔自己的精液 身為男人也太沒尊嚴了吧! 真是笑死我了 怎麼可能放過你 當然是開玩笑的 受死吧~ 哈哈哈~ 男: 嗯嗯嗯~ 5 女: 哇啊啊啊~ 又射了! 沒想到射的還比第一次多 真不愧是冠軍先生♥ 男: 呃啊啊啊啊啊~ 6 女: 喂喂 誰准你昏過去了~ 身為一隻狗 就該把主人的靴子舔乾淨啊! 真是沒用的廢物~ 男人就該乖乖的 臣服於女人的腳底下! Text: 1 F: Hahaha~ Shame on you! ! Is this all the champion got? I thought a strong man finally came It seems that men are really weak~ Foul? Are you talking about the rules in the underground arena? Don't be silly~ Ora Ora~ You need to find a way to escape soon I won't stop until I drain you totally ♥ Your ass has been seen by everyone! Hahaha~ M: Ahhhhh~ Foul! Fucking bitch! 2 F: Wow! Cum so soon! Are you premature ejaculation? So useless ♥ How does it feel to be played by an opponent to cum in front of spectators? Mr. Champion? Really humiliation right? Because you are too weak♥ M: Ahhhhhh~ 3 F: Eww~ So gross~ Cum all over my boot Looks like I' need to punish you severely! Don't think I'll stop after you cum! Give up? Is Mr. Champion surrendering to me? Hahahaha~ Lick that dirty cum off my boots like a dog Then I'll let you go M: Ahhhh Cum already ! Don't continue doing this GIve up ! I give up! Please stop I'm going crazy 4 F: Hahahahaha You actually did it! So disgusting licking his own semen Men have no dignity ! I could've died laughing. How can I let you go I'm joking of course Take this~ Hahaha~ M: Mmmmmmm~ 5 F: Wahhhh~ Cum again! I didn't expect to one is more than the first time Not bad~ Mr. Champion ♥ M:Ahhhhhhh~ 6 F: Hey~ Who said youcan pass out As a dog You should lick your master's boots clean! What a useless trash Men should obediently submit to women's feet!




Love it when a woman says men are weaker. Great drawings as usual