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Download→ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZtUVCky83G6lDjIBMTyuGVq7z6sDYZtC?usp=sharing 這個月真的很忙沒時間畫圖 有些事情不太順利 還是希望大家會喜歡這次的作品 非常感謝大家這個月的支持! I'm really busy this month that I don't have time to draw Some things don't go well But hope you all like this work Thank you all so much for your support this month! 台詞: 互擊! 男子王者重擊了女子王者的腹部 但同時顏面也遭到了直擊 雙方早已傷痕累累 卻不斷的進攻 這場男女王者的統一戰進行到了第8回合 雙方都展現出了出色的表現 這場比賽會由連霸多年的男子王者拿下 又或是新任的女子王者獲勝呢? Text: Exchange Blows The male king slammed the female king in the stomach But at the same time, his face has also been directly attacked Both sides are already scarred but they keep attacking This unification championship of the male and female kings has reached the 8th round Both sides showed excellent performance This match will be won by the male king who has dominated for many years Or will the new female king win?




Thank you for your always wonderful pictures! The muscle description is wonderful, the composition is really good, and both male and female characters are very attractive!