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In companies, female employees are treated as objects. They are required to be either nude or topless, and their breasts must be exposed. ID cards are hung from their nipples, and women who forget to wear ID are severely punished. One woman was punished by having her uterus removed and wearing it as a necklace. Female secretaries do not have to hang their ID cards from their nipples. Their important job is to provide their own breast milk to the CEO and board members during their lunch break. Many male employees, when thirsty, use milk servers located in various places to satisfy their thirst. These milk servers are made from the decapitated pregnant female employees. The male employees vote on which woman will be used as a milk server. The chosen women are displayed alive for three days before being decapitated and processed into milk servers. Many men get an erection when they see a woman with whom they had a normal conversation yesterday being turned into a milk server the next day. The decapitated heads of female employees are processed into penis cases for use by male employees working at their desks. Priority is given to employees with good sales records, so the best employees have dozens of portable masturbators made from the heads of their coworkers. The bodies of the women processed into milk servers are well managed and will last about three months. When they get old, new women are voted in. The entrances of large corporations are usually decorated with many taxidermied women. This is an important decoration that shows the status of the company. Information boards are also usually hung from the stuffed women. 企業では女性従業員はモノとして扱われます。一般従業員は全裸か、上半身裸で乳房を必ず露出させなければなりません。彼女たちの乳首にはIDカードがぶら下げられており、これを付け忘れてしまった女性は重い罰を受けることになります。ある女性は自分の子宮を摘出し、ネックレスにして着用するという罰を受けました。女性秘書たちはIDカードを乳首にぶら下げる必要はありません。彼女たちの重要な仕事はお昼休みに自分の母乳を社長や役員たちに提供することです。多くの男性社員は喉が渇くと、さまざまな場所に設置されたミルクサーバーを使って喉を潤します。これらのミルクサーバーは妊娠した女性従業員の首を切断して加工したものです。どの女性をミルクサーバーにするかは男性社員たちの投票で決まります。選ばれた女性は生きたまま三日間展示された後、首を切断してミルクサーバーに加工されます。昨日まで普通に会話していた女性が、次の日にミルクサーバーになっている姿を見ると、多くの男性は勃起してしまいます。切断された女性社員の頭部は、ペニスケースに加工されて男性社員たちがデスクワークをする際に使用されます。営業成績の良い社員に優先的に与えられるので、優秀な社員は同僚の女性で作ったオナホールを何ダースも持っています。ミルクサーバーに加工された女性の遺体はしっかり管理されているので3か月ほど持ちます。古くなると新しい女性を投票で選びます。大企業のエントランスには、ふつう多くの女性の剥製が飾られています。これは企業のステータスを示す重要な飾りです。社内の案内板も女性の剥製にぶら下げて設置するのが普通です。




Awesome! Great that there is plenty of taxidermy, they make the best use of the female employees ❤️ A large company must have hundreds of females working nude or topless that can be put to use as new furniture, milk dispensers, pretty statues or art, penis holders or just for their meat. Very exciting