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A rich man puts on a show to entertain his special guests at his party. The stars of the show are, of course, his wife and eldest daughter. His first daughter had intercourse with her father as soon as she was old enough to be pregnant, and she is already in the last month of pregnancy. His wife could also start giving birth at any moment. Of course, the show is the execution of these two. His wife is of very noble birth and has dignity even in death. His daughter has also been taught from birth about the role of women as male property. They go around to the male guests of the party one by one to give their final remarks and ask them what kind of execution they would like to see. There were a variety of requests, including hanging and guillotine, but the most requested was impalement. The wife has the maids prepare the skewer, and then she and her daughter remove their dresses and present their naked bodies to the guests. Her well-maintained breast is so beautiful that it makes the guests' penises harden. They pose in an indecent pose with their legs spread wide apart so that their genitals can be seen. Then the guest of honor skewers their bodies. The mother is followed by the daughter. This scene is so arousing that it is impossible to watch without getting an erection. All the men insert their penises into the genitals of the maids and the daughters of the party host. The mother's milk spurting from the dead wife's breasts is tasted by the guest who executed her. Later, their corpses are roasted whole and served to the guests. 金持ちの男性は、特別なゲストをパーティーで楽しませるためにショーを披露します。ショーの主役は彼の妻と長女です。長女は妊娠できる年齢になるとすぐ父親と性交し、妊娠してすでに臨月です。彼の妻もいつ出産が始まってもおかしくありません。もちろん、ショーとはこの二人の処刑です。妻は大変高貴な生まれで死ぬ時も品格があります。娘も生まれたときから男性の所有物としての女性の役割を教えられてきました。二人は、パーティーの男性ゲストたちに一人ずつ最後の挨拶をして回り、どのような処刑が見たいかを聞きます。絞首刑やギロチンなど、さまざまな要望がありましたが、もっとも多かったのは串刺しでした。妻はメイドたちに串の準備をさせると、娘と一緒にドレスを脱ぎ裸体をゲストに披露します。日頃からよく手入れをしている乳房は大変美しく、ゲストたちのペニスを固くさせます。女性器も良く見えるように、股を大きく広げた下品なポーズを取ります。その後、主賓のゲストが二人の体に串を打ちます。母親の次に娘です。この光景は大変刺激的ですから、勃起せずに眺めることはできません。男性たちはみな、メイドやパーティーの主人の娘たちの性器にペニスを挿入しています。妻の死体の乳房から噴き出た母乳は、処刑したゲストが味わいます。その後、二人の死体は丸焼きにされてゲストたちに振る舞われました。



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