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    hudak (Patreon)
    katarina upload! pls check 2021/1 work link!
    thank you!
    Published: 2021-02
    hudak (Patreon)
    7월 투표후보 모집 July Voting Candidate Recruitment!
    Published: 2021-07
    hudak (Patreon)
    2021/8 link
    genshin (Yoimiya,Raiden Shogun,Kamisato Ayaka)
    8월말에 7월 보상과 함께 올라옵니다!
    8월 링크입니다!
    이번 링크는 3,5 티어가 구분되어있습니다!
    개인사정이 있어서 7월 8월 보상이 8월 말에 각자 업로드됩니다.
    마찬가지로 링크는 보존해주시고 분실하셨다면 언제든 개인 메세지로 연락해주시면 보내드리겠습니다. (답장이 늦을수도있습니다)
    August link!
    This link is divided into 3 and 5 tiers!
    Due to personal circumstances, the rewards for July and August will be uploaded individually at the end of August.
    Likewise, please keep the link and if you lose it, please contact us by private message at any time and we will send it to you. (Reply may be delayed)
    5$ Link
    pw : 86954567
    Published: 2021-08
    hudak (Patreon)
    genshin mona rkgk!
    thank you!
    Published: 2020-11
    fuya (Patreon)
    Hello patrons, this is Fuya delivering your July 2019's rewards since your pledge had been confirmed as paid! 
    Sorry that this has been delayed quite a lot. This must have been forever for many of you. My sincere apology.
    Tier 2 Download link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/2h6p7ptwrjk00iy/Fuya%20-%20July%202019%20Tier%202%20%28%2410%29.rar?dl=0
    Please be reminded that my Dropbox has a daily bandwidth limit so if it is reached, the link will be automatically disabled for that day. If you're encountering a download limit, please try the same link again the next day!
    Thank you for your pledges. You all have been providing me supports and that helps me keep doing this Patreon to create more arts to meet my fans' expectation. 
    This world's artist community needs more people like you who see the value of arts. You are the sole reason artists and designers could live and don't let other people tell you otherwise :) Keep in touch and have a good day!
    Published: 2022-07
    fuya (Patreon)
    Hello patrons, this is Fuya delivering your May 2019's rewards since your pledge had been confirmed as paid! 
    Sorry that this has been delayed quite a lot. This must have been forever for many of you. My sincere apology.
    Tier 2 Download link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/365o7dussaxp6d1/Fuya%20-%20May%202019%20Tier%202%20%28%2410%29.rar?dl=0
    Please be reminded that my Dropbox has a daily bandwidth limit so if it is reached, the link will be automatically disabled for that day. If you're encountering a download limit, please try the same link again the next day!
    Thank you for your pledges. You all have been providing me supports and that helps me keep doing this Patreon to create more arts to meet my fans' expectation. 
    This world's artist community needs more people like you who see the value of arts. You are the sole reason artists and designers could live and don't let other people tell you otherwise :) Keep in touch and have a good day!
    Published: 2021-12
    hudak (Patreon)
    March reward vote open!
    pls vote March reward! ^^
    Published: 2021-03
    hudak (Patreon)
    2020 November Ahri work 3,5$
    2020년 11월 3,5$ 아리 보상입니다!
    file password : hudak5693
    Published: 2020-11
    hudak (Patreon)
    2022/1 변동링크 비밀번호입니다. 항상 감사합니다!
    This is the 2022/1 variable link password. Thank you always!
    5,10,50 $
    pw : 23456734
    Published: 2022-01
    hudak (Patreon)
    notice! 공지!
    1. 만화를 예전처럼 진행하기 힘들어서 만화는 가끔그리고 투표를 없애고 짧은 동인지랑 일러스트를 그리는방향으로 바꾸려고합니다.
    2. 이제 만화는 검로드에만 올라오고 짧은 동인지랑 일러스트는 단일 링크로 볼수있습니다. 현재는 7,8월 보상 작업중 입니다.
    3.후원보상이 바뀌었습니다(윗글참조).  9,10월 보상 링크는 7,8월 끝나는대로 배포하겠습니다.
    I'm sorry I used google translator in a hurry for English. I will fix it soon.
    1. It's difficult to progress with manga like before, so I'm trying to change the direction of drawing illustrations with short doujinshi by eliminating the occasional drawing and voting.
    2. Now comics are only uploaded to Gumroad, and short doujinshi illustrations can be viewed with a single link. We are currently working on compensation for July and August.
    3. Sponsorship compensation has been changed (see above). The September and October reward links will be distributed as soon as July and August are over.
    Published: 2021-11
    hudak (Patreon)
    12월 5.10,50$ 작업링크 변동 비밀번호
    December 5,10,50$ work link change password
    pw : 374585688
    Published: 2021-11
    hudak (Patreon)
    Genshin Amber RKGK
    PW : 343275692
    thank you support!
    Published: 2020-12
    hudak (Patreon)
    sona 6p!
    thank you support!
    Published: 2020-06
    Terufuu (Patreon)
    A request done. I'll continue with the others. Micaiah and Daisy are next.
    Thank you.
    Published: 2020-11
    hudak (Patreon)
    lol work link (3,5$)
    pw : 85677858
    링크를 못받으신분들도있을것같아서 보냅니다! 아리 다음엔 미포가 올라올예정입니다! 감사합니다!
    Some of you may not have received the link, so I'm sending it! After Ari, Missfortune will be up! thank you!
    Published: 2021-11
    ABBB (Patreon)
    [19.01] 10$ 후원 보상 링크입니다.
    출금 일자 확인이 정확히 되지 않기 때문에, 다시 한 번 일괄적으로 메시지 드립니다.
    이미 받으셨던 분은 중복이더라도 그러려니 해주세요.
    이번 보상을 기점으로, 드라이브를 2~3달 내로 비울 예정이니, 파일은 미리 받아두시기 바랍니다.
    후원에 항상 감사드립니다 :)
    Published: 2019-02
    Awesome_ErickX (Patreon)
    February 2024 $5 rewards:
    thank you for your support! even if there was no poll the rewards are still very solid! we'll be having a poll early next month so stay tuned!
    Published: 2024-03
    hudak (Patreon)
    니달리 영문번역과 psd가 업로드 되었습니다. 이번 2월 만화 보상은 따로 링크를 전송드리려고합니다. 일러스트 링크는 천천히 갱신하도록하겠습니다. 감사합니다.
    Nidalee English translation and psd have been uploaded. I would like to send you a link for this February cartoon reward. We will update the illustration link slowly. Thank you.
    Published: 2022-02
    hudak (Patreon)
    2022/2 변동링크 비밀번호입니다. 항상 감사합니다!
    This is the 2022/2 variable link password. Thank you always!
    pw : 65437486
    Published: 2022-02
    hudak (Patreon)
    2021.6 (3,5$) work link
    pw : 87957468
    2021.6월 작업링크입니다.
    6월말이나 7월초레 작업물이 업로드 되며 작업물이 올라오면 공지하겠습니다!
    후원해주셔서 감사합니다!
    링크는 삭제하지 마시고 보존해주시기 바랍니다.
    만약 링크를 분실하셨다면 재전송 해드리겠습니다.
    This is the work link for June 2021.
    The work will be uploaded in late June or early July, and we will notify you when the work is uploaded!
    Thank you for your support!
    Please do not delete the link and keep it.
    If the link is lost, we will resend it.
    Published: 2021-06
    hudak (Patreon)
    2022/2 변동링크 비밀번호입니다. 항상 감사합니다!
    This is the 2022/2 variable link password. Thank you always!
    5,10,50 $
    pw : 76448488
    Published: 2022-02
    hudak (Patreon)
    6월 일러스트 투표입니다. June illustration voting.
    google vote link 
    인당 2개식 투표 가능합니다! 많은 참여부탁드립니다!   Only 2 can be selected per person.
    투표가 무한 중복이되는 오류가 발생하여 링크를 고쳤습니다!
    재 투표 부탁드립니다!
    One person shouldn't be able to change the future to its taste, so I have fixed the problem. Will you guys kindly re-vote please? Thank you!
    Published: 2021-05
    hudak (Patreon)
    2021.7 link (3,5$)
    pw : 85677858
    7월 작업 링크입니다. 작업물은 2021/8월 중순이나 말에 업로드 될 예정입니다.
    링크와 비밀번호는 바뀌지 않으니 보존해주세요.
    링크를 분실하셨다면 확인후 재발송해드리겠습니다.
    Here is a link to work in July. The work will be uploaded in mid-August or late 2021/August.
    Please keep the link and password as they do not change.
    If you have lost the link, we will re-send it after checking it.
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-07
    hudak (Patreon)
    2022 new link upload! (5,10$)
    pw : 67857577
    Published: 2022-05
    hudak (Patreon)
    5월 작업 링크 배포  In May work link publish (3,5$)
    그웬 만화는 해당링크로 5월말에 업로드합니다.
    Gwen's comics will be uploaded at the end of May with this link.
    2021.5 (3,5$)
    pw : 85645668
    Published: 2021-05
    hudak (Patreon)
    2021/2 vote open! pls vote!^^b
    2021/2월 투표가 열렸습니다! 투표 부탁드립니다!^^b
    Published: 2021-02
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the October 2019 Reward[vol.27] Story CG Link.
    I'm sorry I'm late and thank you.
    Language - English, 日本語, 한국어
    Character - Chika Fujiwara, Meltlilith
    Link - https://bit.ly/343MTDU
    (Compression type - 7z)
    Published: 2019-11
    hudak (Patreon)
    thank you!
    Published: 2020-08
    fuya (Patreon)
    Hello patrons, this is Fuya delivering your June 2019's rewards since your pledge had been confirmed as paid! 
    Sorry that this has been delayed quite a lot. This must have been forever for many of you. My sincere apology.
    Tier 2 Download link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/8unpdis328fxjbl/Fuya%20-%20June%202019%20Tier%202%20%28%2410%29.rar?dl=0
    Please be reminded that my Dropbox has a daily bandwidth limit so if it is reached, the link will be automatically disabled for that day. If you're encountering a download limit, please try the same link again the next day!
    Thank you for your pledges. You all have been providing me supports and that helps me keep doing this Patreon to create more arts to meet my fans' expectation. 
    This world's artist community needs more people like you who see the value of arts. You are the sole reason artists and designers could live and don't let other people tell you otherwise :) Keep in touch and have a good day!
    Published: 2022-03
    thedollop (Patreon)
    Hello.  We sold out in Denver and SLC, so we added shows. And Bloomington is finally on sale. 
    WEDNESDAY AUG 02 in SLC is at 9:30pm 
    https://www.wiseguyscomedy.com/utah/salt-lake-city/the-gateway/e/the-dollop [wiseguyscomedy.com]
    MONDAY, AUG 07 2023 7:30PM
    SATURDAY OCT 07, 2023 7;30PM
    https://buskirkchumley.org/event/the_dollop_podcast_live/ [buskirkchumley.org]
    Published: 2023-07
    thedollop (Patreon)
    Sorry, I sent this last night. Don't understand why people did not receive it. 
    Published: 2024-03
    justinalexander (Patreon)
    Today is the official release date for SO YOU WANT TO BE A GAME MASTER!
    This book literally would not have been possible without all of your support for the Alexandrian, and I can't thank you enough for being my patrons, whether current or former.
    If you haven't ordered your copy yet, or if you're looking for a great gift for the geeks in your life, you can find links and more information about the book here:
    If you'd like to support the book in other ways, it would be great if you could help spread the word:
    - Post about the book on social media.
    - Retweet/repost social media posts you see talking about the book.
    - Write a review on Amazon, Goodreads, Blackwell's, etc.
    Thank you again! I can't wait to hear what you think about the book!
    Published: 2023-11
    justinalexander (Patreon)
    Hello from the Alexandrian!
    First, I would like to thank you for support of the site and my work. Whether it's the GMing advice, adventure remixes, reviews, or Youtube videos, I would not have been able to do it without your help. I know some people feel that, for example, offering just $1 of support per month (by setting a monthly cap) is insignificant, but you know that it's not: Patreon lets us all come together and create something that would otherwise be impossible.
    So: Thank you.
    But the main reason I'm writing today is that I have a new book coming out in October that I know many of you have been waiting for.
    SO YOU WANT TO BE A GAME MASTER is a step-by-step guide to becoming a GM. It's also a treasure trove of secret techniques for experienced ones: Dungeons, mysteries, raids, heists, downtime, factions, urbancrawls, hexcrawls, pointcrawls, splitting the party, rumor tables, 5-node mysteries, 5+5 Dungeons... it's all here and more!
    You'll find familiar Alexandrian favorites like the Three Clue Rule and node-based scenario design, but also a ton of original, never-before-seen material.
    If you'd like more information about the book, along with preorder links, visit this page on the Alexandrian:
    PREORDER NOW: https://thealexandrian.net/so-you-want-to-be-a-game-master
    I've also done both a Youtube and Twitch video previewing the book in different ways:
    YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqq_DiqBNbI
    TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1819119272
    In the words of Bernie Sanders, I am once again asking for your support. But I think you'll really enjoy this book!
    Published: 2023-06
    morvoldpress (Patreon)
    Hey guys!
    I've had a few people over time mention they had a hard time finding their benefits, or asking where to find a particular map, and I thought it would be helpful to outline the general release process, and then where you can find maps after they've been released (if you missed the message).
    When I release any Map Pack, I will make [2] posts. The first post will have the image of the map and a write-up/description about the map itself, and an example of what the map looks like attached to the post. THESE ARE NOT YOUR REWARDS.
    The second post will be entitled "Tier Rewards for 
    Published: 2022-03
    MultipleChoiceStudios (Patreon)
    To all current and past patrons of the Samurai of Hyuga series:
    Thank you so much for your support! I wanted to give you an update: Samurai of Hyuga Book 4 will be released later today. Please keep an eye on the market of your choice or follow me @MChoiceStudios for links later!
    Published: 2019-08
    morvoldpress (Patreon)
    Happy New Year!
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for choosing to support me in 2022 -- I have a lot great stuff planned for this year!
    To get the best experience here at Morvold Press, I would definitely encourage everyone to join the Discord channel, for a variety of reasons:
    1. Almost everyone here is a DM, and it's a great place to ask questions, get inspiration, pose ideas and provide a soundboard for your campaigns and encounters!
    2. You can see updates on current pieces in the queue, as well as offer suggestions for current and future pieces. I take many people's suggestions, working those features (as able) into the maps I make.
    3. Many people use Roll20, Foundry or Fantasy Grounds, and we have a lot of people happy to help troubleshoot issues, answer questions and offer guidance for getting things working in those environments.
    4. It's a great place to hang out and talk D&D!  There's no obligation to participate or be vocal, feel free to just lurk in the background and read, but if you want to have say in what maps come next, how the maps get made and features you'd like to see -- definitely join!
    Here is the link to join:
    Hope to see you there (if you aren't already)!
    Jeff @ Morvold
    Published: 2022-01
    morvoldpress (Patreon)
    Hey everyone!
    I wanted to reach out and mention that after a year and a half, I was going to be making a couple of small changes. For those on the Discord, you know this has been something I've wrestled with for a while and that I consulted many of you on to make sure it was going to be "OK" because I consider our Patreon a family of DMs and players.
    I really love making maps, and I would love to be able to do this at a higher level, making more maps, commissioning more artwork, developing more content in the form of adventures or write-ups, as well as providing some additional licensing for people that I hadn't before.
    As a result, [2] main changes will be taking place this month.
    First, the current tier prices are going to go from $2/$3/$5 to $3/$4/$6.
    For many people, this will mean +$1/month, while some others it will be +$1/creation. I also want to remind everyone that you can set a "per creation limit" in your account to control your overall monthly expenditure and that decision will not affect how much content you receive. (i.e. If you set a creation limit of [3], and I release [6] Map Packs, you will still receive [6] Map Packs.)
    My goal in doing this is to be able to transition toward fulfilling a dream and taking this full-time sometime later this year. 
    It will also mean more content for you!
    Artwork, NPCs, write-ups, illustrations, and more!
    Second, I am going to be introducing a new $10 tier that will allow for commercial licensing of existing content for twitch streams, podcasts and professional DMs that want to use my maps for their profit-generating businesses. It will not provide blanket commercial licensing for any digital or physical print material (i.e. book/adventure publishing), but I am planning to begin releasing at least [1] commercially licensed piece per month for this tier that can be used for any commercial project and being open to requests for usage on specific pieces.
    I've really enjoyed and appreciated everything you guys have done, and I hope that I can continue generating outstanding content for your private games, homebrews, twitch streams, modules and more.
    Thank you so much for helping be a part in me realizing my dream, and I have big plans for 2022! I hope to see all of you along for the ride! =)
    Jeff @ Morvold
    Published: 2022-02
    morvoldpress (Patreon)
    Hi again!
    Please disregard the message about the price increase. After some consideration of the effort(s) involved and logistics it would require of you guys, I am happy to keep you all where you are!
    I HAVE created the new tier, however, for commercial licensing for streams, podcasts and professional DMs, and do plan on creating more content as mentioned in the previous post.
    Sorry for any confusion.
    Jeff @ Morvold
    Published: 2022-02
    MeliodasWrath (Patreon)
    Hi! Thank you for your support and for staying with our community for one more month! (♡°▽°♡) Here is updated link to Secret Creamy Stash (っ´ω`)ノ https://mega.nz/folder/QeYXyATJ#pk5yjuhrVFZFQ6nwh_Ewyg
    Published: 2024-03
    salaciouspeachy (Patreon)
    ALL: Hey everyone! Thanks for sticking around, and being a Patron. I hope you've enjoyed the content, especially on our Patron Discord. You can expect a couple large art dumps here from November and December! Stick around through the New Year, because I will be introducing Peachy lore through a simple comic, kind of like a slice-of-life type thing.
    Even though we know our favorite redhead is a little ditzy, always in fightin' mode, and a lil gremlin, we know shockingly little about her. I wanna change that! :)
    So those are my big plans for 2023. Thank y'all again, and I hope you have a great day! <3
    Published: 2022-12
    cslucaris (Patreon)
    Thank you all for your continued support! Here's the December 2019 Batch for the $1 Single Scoop Special Tier! Please note that this is for December, not January. January rewards will be sent to you if you stay pledged through February 1st!
    Password – CSLjr6889^43f
    Please let me know if you have any trouble with the batch!
    Published: 2020-01
    meg (Patreon)
    forgot to send out January's HF to you guys so here it is!! --> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tl2t3akcvpwpzyz/AABu-EyybWbcVokFyw2Mv3Uea?dl=0
    Published: 2023-02
    meg (Patreon)
    hello! here is february's hidden folder! -- https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t4f3uovc2k8ocsi/AADbEOiTp0NHMlKyBD5SoDANa?dl=0
    Published: 2023-03
    cslucaris (Patreon)
    Hello again! Thank you so much for pledging at this tier. I hope you’re enjoying it! Below is the link and password for September 2019‘s Triple Scoop Tier Batch. 
    Password – CSLyu965omxxsgh32
    And now, please reply as to what past reward you would like. Links below so you know what they are. 
    Published: 2019-10
    cslucaris (Patreon)
    Here you go! This was from before I started sending out source files, so it's just images. Please let me know if it works or not!
    Password - CSL46ghsut89
    Published: 2019-10
    cslucaris (Patreon)
    Thank you all for your continued support! Here's the October 2019 Batch for the $10 Triple Scoop Deluxe Tier! Please note that this is for October, not November. November rewards will be sent to you if you stay pledged through December 1st!
    Password – CSLy5n7ide6hj5v4
    Please let me know if you have any trouble with the batch!
    Published: 2019-11
    cslucaris (Patreon)
    Hello again! Thank you so much for pledging at this tier. I hope you’re enjoying it! Below is the link and password for August 2019‘s Triple Scoop Tier Batch. 
    Password – CSLyusdf575hjb48
    And now, please reply as to what past reward you would like. Links below so you know what they are. 
    Published: 2019-09
    cslucaris (Patreon)
    Thank you so much for pledging at this tier. I hope you’re enjoying it! Below is the link and password for November 2019‘s Triple Scoop Tier Batch. 
    Password – CSL84jb72d063b
    And now, please reply as to what single past reward you would like by month and year. (Example: May 2017) Links below so you know what they are. 
    Published: 2019-12
    Showing 5201 - 5250 of 15398 << 100 101 102 103 104
  • 105
  • 106 107 108 109 110 >>