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    maoda (Patreon)
    2020.07 Collection
    Published: 2020-08
    maoda (Patreon)
    2020.09 Collection:
    Published: 2020-10
    neocorona (Patreon)
    Happy New Year to everyone who is or is about to enter 2021 - thank you all so much for your support through the extremely difficult year that was 2020. Every little, and not so little bit of support helped me keep up a productive art schedule and together we have created many weird and wonderful femdom art pieces that would not have existed without you.
    As we move into 2021 I'm going to more aggressively pursue some of the larger projects that still need my attention, so we can all reap the ongoing benefits. Time management between monthly rewards, a healthy commission rotation, and then everything else might take some time to prefect but its a struggle that has worth doing.
    So once again - Happy New Year and welcome to 2021, I hope the new year is a glorious one for you all.
    Published: 2021-01
    maoda (Patreon)
    2021.12 Collection
    Published: 2022-01
    maoda (Patreon)
    2021.06 Collection
    Published: 2021-07
    maoda (Patreon)
    2020.06 Collection:
    Published: 2020-07
    neocorona (Patreon)
    Hello everyone - Thank you all once again for supporting me during the month of April
    Some of you may know or have noticed that most of this months activity was given over to Patreon requests, either people in the higher tiers getting rewards or commissions - this was largely nessecery since I had quite a lot of outstanding commitments from before the recent changes and I wanted to make sure I honored as much as I could while we move towards more organized production.
    I will continue for a bit longer going into May - however, the current plan is that the back 60% or so of the month will be set aside for me to do original femdom series work - in the past its been something of a mess and too easy to put out single images in between rewards and commissions while putting off bigger projects.
    When I first started commissions they were something of a diversion from what I usually do, but over time the demand for them means I probably could do them 100% of the time and never run out of requests. However, for me this would become unacceptable - commissions are just not as enjoyable for me as pursuing my own art and developing new series like the aliens, nurses etc.
    So after a fill month of putting my back into them, we will start seeing them slow down in requests and we will see things like FemAir and other potential bigger projects once again seeing movement. I very much hope this leads to some excellent new femdom for us all.
    Once again thankyou for your support and will see you all in the month to come :)
    Published: 2021-04
    maoda (Patreon)
    Sorry I got the wrong link in the previous message. Please use this link to download. 
    2021.3 Collection
    Published: 2021-03
    maoda (Patreon)
    2021.05 Collection:
    Published: 2021-06
    neocorona (Patreon)
    Hi everyone, just a quick thank you message for all of your support over the month of October. I've been hard at work finishing up what was left of the tarot card project and have gotten some Halloween content ready to go public. Those on the Discord will have already seen it early but I hope you enjoy it whenever you happened to see it.
    Aside from rewards and commission opportunities, I'll be trying to get back to the FemAir content during November since it's been a while and was kind of left alone during those hard months of 2020.
    Just another reminder I will likely be using December as a chance to review my patreon and commissioning process to improve how it works, so there probably will not be commissions during December. I might do some holiday content but Christmas images are not my favorite topic so might also be
    more FemAir or other project going on then instead.
    Again many thanks for your support, I have been getting quite a lot done these past few months and I hope you continue to enjoy it in the months ahead.
    Published: 2020-10
    maoda (Patreon)
    2022.03 Collection
    Published: 2022-04
    maoda (Patreon)
    Sorry I got the wrong link in the previous message. Please use this link to download. 
    2021.3 Collection
    Published: 2021-03
    maoda (Patreon)
    2021.4 Collection
    Published: 2021-05
    maoda (Patreon)
    2020.08 Collection
    Published: 2020-09
    maoda (Patreon)
    2021.2 Collection :
    Published: 2021-02
    maoda (Patreon)
    2022.04 Collection
    Published: 2022-05
    maoda (Patreon)
    2020.10 Collection:https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsHi7VHQ2wq7bhm7sUbhtdEyG4I?e=sk5558
    Published: 2020-11
    maoda (Patreon)
    2022.02 Collection:
    Published: 2022-03
    maoda (Patreon)
    2021.08 collection:
    Published: 2021-09
    maoda (Patreon)
    2021.10 collection
    Published: 2021-11
    maoda (Patreon)
    2022.01 Collection
    Published: 2022-02
    pilen (Patreon)
    Hello, my new patron! Thank you so much for your support! 
    Can I ask, which part of my work do you like the most? 
    And if you want, you can tell about your favorite fetishes in general. :3
    Published: 2020-11
    neocorona (Patreon)
    I recently pruned the discord of old users that no longer had roles - but if you were affected unintentionally then please let me know. The Patreon Discord bot is sometimes rather unreliable.
    Published: 2020-12
    maoda (Patreon)
    2020.05 Collection:
    Published: 2020-05
    TonkatsuCHAN (Patreon)
    Hello everyone. 
    Just letting you know that I've just updated the description of the rewards of each tier. Nothing changes from what I've been doing for the past few months.
    I just hadn't updated the tier description for a while and since things have changed a bit from a year ago, I kinda have to modify the descriptions so that they accurately represent what each tier provides.
    Again. If you've been around for a while, nothing surprising, it just reflects the content I've been providing recently. If you're new, please do take a look to have a better understanding to what each tier gets you.
    Also, I'm now going through all my content to tag each major content post with the name of the character, bondage style, etc... To make navigation through my content a bit easier. This could take a while, but you should see more tags popping up from now on.
    Published: 2020-02
    maoda (Patreon)
    2021.11 Collection
    Published: 2021-12
    neocorona (Patreon)
    Hi everyone - Just a quick thank you both new and returning patrons for your support in this month of June. 
    People on the discord will already be aware but I was quite sick in the last month of May and so activity got delayed a bit. I'm sure everyone understands and there was no ill will generated but allow me to apologize anyway and confirm I have fully recovered and am back to business once again.
    Hope you enjoy the content this month :)
    Published: 2021-06
    maoda (Patreon)
    2021.2 Collection
    Published: 2021-03
    neocorona (Patreon)
    Hello everyone, I hope November is treating you all well.
    I am just making a quick announcement that commission requests are closing for the year and will most likely reopen in early January 2021. I will be using the extra time in December to gut and rebuild my current patreon and commissioning set up so that it should be more clean and straightforward for a new year of activity.
    Patreon reward images will still be done, as appropriate, during December, and we might do some Holiday themes or continue with ongoing images from my projects - I have more creative control and time management ability with these so I can fit them around holiday and family activity much easier.
    I want to thanks everyone who has been supporting me over the past year, we have officially passed my one-year Patreon anniversary and I hope patrons both new and old have enjoyed the content that your support has been making possible. If you're where hoping to get a commission over December though I will understand if you feel the need for a hiatus of your own. As always I hope people support me responsibly and take care of themselves.
    The $10 support tier, in particular, might need to change from January onward. I thought the idea of a community project was going to be a good one but I confess it's not been possible to have commissions, rewards, private projects, and community projects all running together, it simply spreads me too thin. More likely the $10 and above channel will become more like a private behind the scenes/WIP channel where I can have some fun sharing extra femdom content that might not immediately make it out into the main channel.
    Anyway, I'll share more news as it happens, Thankyou all so much again, your support has meant a lot to me during this fairly terrible year. Hope to see you next month and into 2021. 
    Published: 2020-11
    maoda (Patreon)
    2021.3 Collection
    Published: 2021-03
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the September 2019 Reward[vol.26] Link.
    I'm sorry to be late again. and Thank you for your patience.
    There were many new attempts, so this month felt like a long time.
    I tried to reduce my workload due to health problems, but greed wouldn't let me... :)
    Thank you again this month.
    And These girls were born thanks to you.
    I hope you have a great September. See you again :)
    and Please check the 'Read me' folder.
    $7 Reward Link - https://bit.ly/2kyOHmD
    (Compression type - 7z)
    ※ I'll finish the Vol.27 sample[Gals List] image as soon as possible and post it.
    Published: 2019-09
    fuya (Patreon)
    Hello patrons, this is Fuya delivering your June 2019's rewards since your pledge had been confirmed as paid! 
    Sorry that this has been delayed quite a lot. This must have been forever for many of you. My sincere apology.
    Tier 2 Download link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/8unpdis328fxjbl/Fuya%20-%20June%202019%20Tier%202%20%28%2410%29.rar?dl=0
    Please be reminded that my Dropbox has a daily bandwidth limit so if it is reached, the link will be automatically disabled for that day. If you're encountering a download limit, please try the same link again the next day!
    Thank you for your pledges. You all have been providing me supports and that helps me keep doing this Patreon to create more arts to meet my fans' expectation. 
    This world's artist community needs more people like you who see the value of arts. You are the sole reason artists and designers could live and don't let other people tell you otherwise :) Keep in touch and have a good day!
    Published: 2022-03
    hudak (Patreon)
    Genshin Amber RKGK
    PW : 343275692
    thank you support!
    Published: 2020-12
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the July 2019 Reward[vol.24] Link.
    Thank you for your patience.
    It's been two years since I started Patreon.
    I have a lot more to say, but I'll abbreviate it by saying thank you.
    (I'm actually an extreme chatterbox.)
    And These girls were born thanks to you.
    I hope you have a great July. See you again :)
    $7 Reward Link - https://bit.ly/2xylxas
    (Compression type - 7z)
    ※ I'll finish the Vol.25 sample[Gals List] image as soon as possible and post it.
    Published: 2019-07
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the Vol.26 Story CG Link.
    I thought it would be simple, but it was very difficult.
    I think I'll do this sometimes.
    I hope you enjoy it. Thank YOU.
    Language - English, 日本語, 한국어
    Vol.26 Story CG Link - https://bit.ly/2knvlky
    (Compression type - 7z)
    Published: 2019-09
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    ※ Starting with [vol.26], it has been changed to R-18 5Gals+Free Painting[All~R18]
    To draw more diverse pictures and focus on details. Please excuse me.
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the August 2019 Reward[vol.25] Link.
    Sorry I'm late. And thank you for your patience.
    By the time the work is finished, I'm tempted to add or modify something.
    You gave me many gifts and I am truly grateful for you.
    And These girls were born thanks to you.
    I hope you have a great August. See you again :)
    $7 Reward Link - https://bit.ly/2ZCf5eO
    (Compression type - 7z)
    ※ I'll finish the Vol.26 sample[Gals List] image as soon as possible and post it.
    Published: 2019-08
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the April 2019 Reward[vol.21] Link.
    Thank you for your patience.
    It is very pleasant to draw a Girls.
    Thank you for giving me time and opportunity.
    These girls were born thanks to you.
    I hope you have a nice April. See you again :)
    $7 Reward Link - https://bit.ly/2K8w05d
    (Compression type - 7z)
    ※ I'll finish the Vol.22 sample[Gals List] image as soon as possible and post it.
    Published: 2019-04
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the June 2019 Reward[vol.23] Link.
    I'm so sorry. I'm late. Thank you for your patience.
    It's been almost two years since I started Patreon.(since 6.July.2017)
    It's the first time that I've done something so consistently.
    I didn't even go to school steadily.
    This is amazing. It's thanks to you.
    And These girls were born thanks to you.
    I hope you have a great June. See you again :)
    $7 Reward Link - https://bit.ly/2K0h1tk
    (Compression type - 7z)
    ※ I'll finish the Vol.24 sample[Gals List] image as soon as possible and post it.
    Published: 2019-06
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the May 2019 Reward[vol.22] Link.
    Thank you for your patience.
    The food, painting tools, patience, persistence, fulfillment.
    All this is a gift from you to me.
    I heartily thank you.
    And These girls were born thanks to you.
    I hope you have a great May. See you again :)
    $7 Reward Link - https://bit.ly/2H2UWaN
    (Compression type - 7z)
    ※ I'll finish the Vol.23 sample[Gals List] image as soon as possible and post it.
    Published: 2019-05
    hudak (Patreon)
    sona 6p!
    thank you support!
    Published: 2020-06
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the February 2019 Reward[vol.19] Link.
    Thank you very much again this month.
    I can paint because of you.
    and These girls were born thanks to you.
    See you again :)
    $7 Reward Link - https://goo.gl/4QGJRb
    (Compression type - 7z)
    ★★Please, Read me★★
    I'll stop making Bonus(JellyTits7 Omega) for a while to concentrate on Drawing&Painting.
    Starting with 'Vol.20', 'JellyTits7 Omega' will not be included for the time being.
    please, excuse me. :)..
    Published: 2019-02
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the March 2019 Reward[vol.20] Link.
    Thank you very much for this month as well.
    Sometimes I get tired and tired,
    But thanks to you, I can keep painting.
    Thank you again.
    and These girls were born thanks to you.
    I hope you have a nice March. See you again :)
    $7 Reward Link - https://goo.gl/oRMN6i
    (Compression type - 7z)
    Published: 2019-03
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the December 2018 Reward[vol.17] Link.
    It's been 17 months since I started Patron.
    I'm still lazy, but I move my pen every day by an unseen power.
    I think this is the energy you've created.
    I am deeply grateful for this.
    This is beyond description.
    I hope you have a good year-end.
    Thank you & See you again.
    $7 Reward Link - https://goo.gl/fiAFGZ
    (Compression type - 7z)
    Published: 2018-12
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the October 2019 Reward[vol.27] Link.
    I'm sorry to be late again. and Thank you for your patience.
    I was so sick early last month that I lay down for more than 2 weeks.
    So I found out what I really wanted to do.
    I want to continue to draw and thank you for helping me with this.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    And These girls were born thanks to you.
    I hope you have a great October. See you again :)
    ※The story cg will be sent later.
    $7 Reward Link - https://bit.ly/2ntlJq0
    (Compression type - 7z)
    Published: 2019-10
    fuya (Patreon)
    Hello patrons, this is Fuya delivering your April 2019's rewards since your pledge had been confirmed as paid! 
    Sorry that this has been delayed quite a lot. This must have been forever for many of you. My sincere apology.
    Tier 2 Download link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/lyfrp0cy7xa7u7r/Fuya%20-%20April%202019%20Tier%202%20%28%2410%29.rar?dl=0
    Please be reminded that my Dropbox has a daily bandwidth limit so if it is reached, the link will be automatically disabled for that day. If you're encountering a download limit, please try the same link again the next day!
    Thank you for your pledges. You all have been providing me supports and that helps me keep doing this Patreon to create more arts to meet my fans' expectation. 
    This world's artist community needs more people like you who see the value of arts. You are the sole reason artists and designers could live and don't let other people tell you otherwise :) Keep in touch and have a good day!
    Published: 2021-10
    hudak (Patreon)
    lol work link (3,5$)
    pw : 85677858
    링크를 못받으신분들도있을것같아서 보냅니다! 아리 다음엔 미포가 올라올예정입니다! 감사합니다!
    Some of you may not have received the link, so I'm sending it! After Ari, Missfortune will be up! thank you!
    Published: 2021-11
    kaorihero (Patreon)
    February reward :)
    Thank you for your support
    Published: 2019-03
    ABBB (Patreon)
    [19.01] 10$ 후원 보상 링크입니다.
    출금 일자 확인이 정확히 되지 않기 때문에, 다시 한 번 일괄적으로 메시지 드립니다.
    이미 받으셨던 분은 중복이더라도 그러려니 해주세요.
    이번 보상을 기점으로, 드라이브를 2~3달 내로 비울 예정이니, 파일은 미리 받아두시기 바랍니다.
    후원에 항상 감사드립니다 :)
    Published: 2019-02
    jellytits7 (Patreon)
    Hello, I'm JellyTits7.
    This is the November 2018 Reward[vol.16] Link.
    Thank you for your patience.
    I really thank you everyday, every morning.
    These girls were born thanks to you.
    Have a nice November. See you again!
    $7 Reward Link - https://goo.gl/4MsQjG
    (And I'm sorry, I couldn't make any 'next month's Reward samples'
    because of a scheduling problem. I'll draw and post it quickly.)
    ※There are a few changes.
    Image Size : 300dpi -> 400dpi
    Image Format : PNG -> JPG(lossless).
    Compressed Format : Zip->7z
    Published: 2018-11
    kaorihero (Patreon)
    November 2018 reward :D
    Thank you for your support
    Published: 2018-12
    Showing 5101 - 5150 of 15398 << 98 99 100 101 102
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