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Tier 5

Alright! Tier 5 this week is more quality over content, which I want to get back to. Nasty drawings are good, but let’s be honest that you guys can really get that from a lot of artists, including me, often for cheaper and for free even. But if you’re so graciously and generously supporting me at this level, I want to give my technical best whenever possible!

I’m really bummed about conventions being cancelled across the board. Losing thousands of dollars is obviously weighing heavily on me, but I’m also pretty depressed about my OCs. All year I draw them with the personal (and financial) payoff beings at conventions. I can sell merch of them and talk with people who like them and it really makes me happy to have an OC centered booth and display. I’m proud of them! And thankful to everyone who comes up to say hi! But that’s gone now...

So I’m, just feeling a little bummed. I’m obviously hesitant to spend ANOTHER year focusing on them mostly, especially with comics. Comics are time consuming and don’t get a lot of publicity, but again, they pay off in the summer. But I love my OCs. So I think I’m just gonna mostly focus on drawings of them, over comics. Not that I’ve been doing comics a lot lately but ever since February I knew something was gonna go down so I held off...

Anyway that includes me reaching into the forgotten pile sometimes. This girl was meant to be the mother of the two twin cowgirls that show up on occasion. Not that she still isn’t I guess? But then tumblr (where Ctenophorae was largely hosted) took a turn for the worse, and soon after went totally bust. So she fell by the wayside as my priorities changed. But I still like her design a lot! So I think I’m going to do some more dips into the obscure and lost OC pit some more. Maybe here and there? I don’t know. The path is...unclear for all of us right now... 

In OTHER news, just for you guys here on SubscribeStar, next month I will have an additional tier. I’m not totally sure on the price point yet, maybe $75ish? Which feels about right going by the standards of other artists and models. I’ve yet to do a $100 tier, but don’t think it’s time for that yet. As a leg up from this Tier, $50, I have to offer more. Comics are too unreliable and the quality varies too much. So I think I’m going to make a legit Yuri tier. It’ll probably run concurrrent with Tier 3 and 5 weeks, or maybe sometime between the weeks. It’ll still run the average of two rewards a month tho, which is every other week basically. Plus, since it’s here on SubscribeStar only, I can sin a little harder. I think the Lusalillie drawing I posted a sketch for will be the first thing up. But that’s for next month!



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