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Monday Builds! 

Hi Everyone!

It's Monday! This was a pretty normal week, too, save for the holiday and one other thing that came out of nowhere. I ended up getting around 40 hours this week in programming and another 15 or so doing other stuff, so a little light, but still a pretty full week!  The SDK loader along with superior graphics/time system is in this week, though, that's ultimately useless until the next release of the SDK comes out so I'm going to get that finished up. There's also a whole new rotation algorithm made out of much better math for VR mode (thank you for reporting this issue in the previous betas!)

I'll also mention that the dynamic time of day/weather system is SIGNIFICANTLY more efficient than it was in previous implementations of it. I changed how it loads in and broke everything into pieces. The reason is that I am able to load in parts of the system as opposed to loading in the whole thing and then unloading things that aren't in the scene. It's faster/takes less RAM as a consequence (and I think it looks a little nicer, too.) New stuff is on the server now and there's a lot more to come this month <3 

Here's the changelog:

  • Rewrote the algorithm that handles rotation in VR. It now works much better and is always centered directly upon your position in your play area regardless of where you are in your play area.
  • Ported the primary SDK startup routines from an isolated project. This loads SDK scene assets and configures them.
  • Ported the fancy lighting/sky system from an isolated project.
  • Ported the post processing system from an isolated project.
  • Wrote routines for processing dozens of Besti SDK functions. There are still more to do but it's getting there.



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