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New builds! Fun!

Hi Everyone!

It's Monday! New builds are on the servers. This has been in the works for a while but it was one of the planned "Here's something to do during the Coronavirus pandemic!" fun activities. In this case, it's a new build of Besti 9 with an all new voice pack! Not just any voice pack, either, it's a spot-on "Country Girl" as performed by Wubcake.

Internally there are some minor changes, and the way this voice pack is set up is a bit more advanced than others. She's way more talky than others, so it's definitely, definitely worth checking out. The voice pack itself is a full Besti X voice pack so there are hundreds more things that she does, so there's more where this came from.

And before you say "The other one won the poll! What gives!?" I know! Wubcake has a very busy schedule right now and I had to pick one of the two scripts I wrote, and I sent her the slightly smaller of the two scripts so she could fit it in. It just worked out that it was the lovable orange one, because the blue one has a whole separate module I'm making for her in Besti X with its own vocal performance. I'll hit up the other one as soon as she lets me know she's ready. I also have a new male voice pack ready to go, so expect that one super soon, too!

That's on the servers right now!

Also, since I initially made a censored version of the Besti 9 Historical series that was due today, and the censorship requirements have changed since I've produced it (as in, none of the old censorship rules apply here,) I'm going to need to rework that whole thing into a more complete package. I'm sorry there's just a lead time for everything and this switch, obviously, took me by surprise. I'll have that ready for next week.

I'll have this week's video up after I sleep and come back <3

Thanks for being awesome and please have a safe day! I'll post the video later today!

UNRELATED: Omni sent me a link to an awesome device for folks who are still going to the office in all this. Check out this no-touch door opener! Put it in your pocket and you can open doors without touching them without modifying the door.



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