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Pics per month, Sex-Arcade and Poll.

 Hello friends, got a few points to talk about, but I don't want to take too much of your time, so there's a small TL;DR bellow and if you want more in depth info, just keep reading after:


Pics per month
From now on I will be doing more pics per month, between 2 to 4 pics, similar to the sets from November and December.

From now on I won't be drawing exclusively Sex-Arcade Pics. Each monthly set can contain a mix of Bad-endings and Sex-Arcade pics with no fixed split.

From now on Patrons from tier $10 and $15 don't need to write their votes multiple times to cast all their votes, just write your vote once and it will automatically count as the full voting power of your tier (2 votes for tier $10 and 3 votes for tier 15).


Pics per month and Sex-Arcade
 I decided that these changes because I'm getting fatigue from drawing Sex-Arcade pics, this series is almost 7 years on the run (10 if we count before Patreon), and at some point you just get tired of doing the same thing.

 Recently I've explored some different aspects of the Sex-Arcade and it has proved to be fun, but I don't want to be locked with just one series anymore, I don't want my work to feel stifled and stale, I want my work to feel exciting and passional, and I feel this show in the final product

I'm not abandoning the Sex-Arcade series, but from now on, when I decide to do a SA pic, it will be because I have some cool idea I want to show you, and not because I have to do an SA pic.

 This is simpler change, I'm just adapting the poll format to work better on Subscribestar, From now on instead of posting 1 poll to patrons from all tiers to vote, I will post 3 polls, one for each tier, and at the end I will just gather votes from all 3 polls and count them all.
 The old format worded well on Patreon, but Subscribestar works a bit different and checking the votes on the old format is much more difficult. In the end nothing will change much for you, it's just gonna be easier for me to count and verify the votes.

And that's it my friends, feel free to ask any questions or make any suggestions in the comments.
Thanks a lot for the support my friends ^^


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