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Bad Dog, Biscuit!click for full view

Sunset Shimmer runs into some issues taking care of one of Fluttershy's animals. A big, greedy pup named Biscuit that takes what he wants! This is the third in the series of sketch collabs with DraceDomino who wrote the story down below!

Written by DraceDomino
“Oh, I just know you’re going to love him! He always snuggles up against me and helps me get to sleep at night!” 
Those words filled Sunset Shimmer’s mind now as the German Shepherd hopped onto the bed, making it squeak underneath his weight. She’d offered to take care of Fluttershy’s dog over the weekend, since none of the other girls seemed keen on the idea and Fluttershy herself looked absolutely traumatized at the idea of boarding him while she and her family were out of town. It was the nice thing to do - the thing a good friend would do. And even though she had next to no experience with dogs, Biscuit seemed well-behaved. Friendly. Affectionate. Even polite, if a dog could be considered so. As the hound hopped up on the bed, presumably to snuggle up and go to sleep, Sunset Shimmer reached up a hand and scratched her fingers against his muzzle. 
“G’night, Biscuit,” she offered, and gave a sleepy yawn before nestling down against her pillow. Draped in her pajama bottoms and top, she was dozing above the covers that night. As she gave a tiny, content sigh and prepared to close her eyes for the evening, from the lumbering beast on the bed she felt a sudden nudge that made her eyes shoot open. “B-Biscuit! Biscuit, no, get out of there!” 
Laying on her belly as she was, the German Shepard had nestled his snout right against her backside, rubbing it back and forth at the spot where Sunset’s thighs met her ass. He was digging in deep - tongue flicking and flailing, nose drawing in deep, hungry breaths of the aroma of a teenage girl. And when Sunset Shimmer reached back a hand to push him away, the dog simply looked up with bared teeth and suddenly - and ferociously - growled. 
A wave of shock ran through Sunset Shimmer, prone as she was and completely helpless as the snarling, angry hound glared at her. Fluttershy had never told her that Biscuit had a mean streak, but here he was now, slamming his two front paws against the back of her legs, digging his nose right back to her ass and sniffing. Even now, he was rumbling with a low growl, and when Sunset Shimmer felt his muzzle open she braced herself for the worst. What she ended up feeling was the grazing of canine teeth against her thighs and rear as Biscuit snagged his maw around her pajama bottoms, biting them before wickedly and wildly shaking his head from side to side. 
“Grrrrr…! Grrr, grrr, grrrrrr!” Biscuit’s head snapped back and forth as he held his bite hard against Sunset’s pajama bottoms, making the girl scream in a state of panic as she writhed against the bed. Tears in her eyes were already forming at this terrifying state of events, and deep down she was wondering - was he angry at her?! Was he going to maul her?! What did this horribly large, powerful animal want?! She desperately wished Fluttershy was there by the time her pajama bottoms ripped and Biscuit made his intentions abundantly clear, slamming his paws onto her shoulders and lunging himself forward. 
“Wh--no, no no no, Biscuit, no!” Sunset gasped, her sobbing eyes opening all the wider and her hands bracing against the sheets. She tried to push herself up to throw the beast off balance, but Biscuit merely growled and snapped, keeping her in check as he pushed the tip of a pulsing, throbbing, glistening red rocket against her recently-exposed pussy. That tight teenage cunt was left with a glaze of slippery dog precum as Biscuit braced himself, lowering to
his haunches as he clearly planned on claiming her. Needless to say, Sunset’s terror was...immense. “No! Biscuit, bad dog! Bad, bad dog! Don’t! You can’t do this, Biscuit, I’ll--ahhhh!” 
It was a good thing Sunset Shimmer lived alone, otherwise the entire house would’ve been alerted to her scream as Biscuit jammed his massive red dick inside of her. He claimed the slippery entrance of the human girl with the sort of confidence that could only come from a true alpha, and as that canine length found its way into her tender fuckhole the massive creature beared down and started to thrust. Vigorous. Ferocious. Demanding. Every last inch of his unique red dick was lodged inside of her and Sunset Shimmer could only lay flat on her belly and cringe, her nethers spread and her body befouled, tears streaming down her face as she was raped by Fluttershy’s best friend in the whole wide world. 
When Sunset tried to speak or move from her position, the slobbering, growling animal would bark at her. When she remained placid and hoped that he would stop, he leaned his snout down close enough that his maw drooled his thick dog spit against her hair and cheeks. No matter what she did, Biscuit was not stopping until he was good and finished, and the longer it went the harder and more demanding the dog’s violent fucking became. Relentlessly and ferociously he jammed into her, driving his cock inside of the young woman’s pussy all the way down to the hilt, and as he built up speed and intensity his member slowly began to surge. When Sunset Shimmer first realized what was happening - when she realized that she was being knotted by a towering German Shepard - her panic rose again and she unleashed a desperate, pathetic, helpless wail. 
“Noooooo! No, please! Oh Celestia, help me! Celestia, I’m so sorry I left!” Sunset Shimmer was humble in that moment, sobbing and spasming as Biscuit knotted her. She could feel the terrible pressure from inside, feel that veiny, throbbing dog cock swell against her walls. 
Biscuit’s presence alone proved suffocating above her, from the strength of those giant paws trapping her shoulders to the bed to that mouth full of sharp, ferocious teeth looming just above her throat. This alpha beast was making her into nothing more than his well-fucked human bitch, and Sunset Shimmer was absolutely at his mercy. The larger his knot became the more Sunset felt like her heart was going to beat right out of her chest, and when his peak finally came she released a sudden and sharp scream of her own. Not one of pleasure, not one of delight, but of abject, pure horror. She was getting creampied by Fluttershy’s dog, and there was nothing that could save her from that fate. 
Sunset Shimmer wept against the sheets as she felt torrents of creamy, hot dog cum pour inside of her pussy, that massive knot trembling and twitching inside of her while it did. It rushed against her womb and filled her nethers to the point that a warm sensation flooded her, almost like a belly full of hot cocoa with none of the associated comfort. The knot forming within her pussy ensured that Biscuit remained hilted inside of her and none of his cum was allowed to escape, because deep within the mind of this primal beast moving purely on instinct, he wasn’t just fucking for fun - he was fucking to breed. 
When Biscuit’s climax ended, the animal didn’t dismount Sunset Shimmer. Instead, he simply gave a chuffing noise before dropping right down on top of her, folding his paws against the back of her head and resting his muzzle atop them. Drool soaked into her hair just as dog cum soaked into her womb, and the animal made a noise of contentment now that he had finished. His knot would remain stretching Sunset for quite some time, but while it subsided it seemed like Biscuit had a mind to simply go to sleep right there. 
Sunset Shimmer, sweat-licked and exhausted and terrified, raped and used by a massive German Shepherd, simply laid flat underneath her alpha and continued to cry. As he loomed above her like an oppressive behemoth and she started to drift to sleep from exhaustion, Fluttershy’s words once more popped into her mind, and she gave a pathetic whimper. 
“He always snuggles up against me and helps me get to sleep at night!” 
The End.



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