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Zoey project Update #1

As you propably know, Zoey beast short movie won the poll by far to be completed first. Since then I was finishing a few short loops and now is the time to fully commit to finishing this piece. 

I will be working exclusively on this project now, until it is finished and released...maybe do a little loop on the side, since working on only one thing for a long time is exhausting, but mostly I will be working only on this project now, that I promise you.

Also since that means content gap will be present until this  project is finished I will be sharing more updates on it with you, to give you at least some insight into it. This is the first one of these updates.

So how far the production is? That is propably the most important question for you alongside with when it will be released. I am terrible with release dates, but the end of December/first half of January seems doable, depends a lot on VA´s honestly. The production is...ehm...pretty far actually. I have about a 1.5 minute long  of shots rendered and ready to be used, the final movie will propably be about 4-5 minutes long. I am now working on the intro scene, where Zoey is in the truck with two soldiers that saved her after the Zombie dog attack and a driver. They are taking her to their base and she is telling them her story until the point they found her. I build a little forest with dirty cracked road for it. The next scene will be dogs atacking Zoey in the science facillity and then the good parts begin. The dog scenes are mostly done, I have to add a few cumshots etc... but the base animations are finished and rendered. For the climax of the movie I intend to create a scene with some big monster after the dogs are finished with her and then the soldiers show up and save her and then the final scene in the truck will take place.

I also need to find like 3 VA´s for this project, two males and one female for Zoey. As you can imagine, looking for VA´s for this type of content is harder than classic vannila animations and I also need them to be able to record during it this month, so quite a challenge for me it seems. Hope you are looking forward to see this project finished as I am! Share your thoughs with me as I really appreciate your feedback on these projects and have a nice day!



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