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[ Personal Update ] Another little update, hope you all are doing well and being safe out there! Wherever you're from.

Now onto the update. Past couple of months I've kind of declined, imo, from a new position at IRL job, a change in my daily habits, and personal stuff with family. My work has suffered from that unfortunately, due to being physically and mentally drained for the past couple months. My work hasn't been up to par as it usually is. So I wanted to say, I'm aware and I'm taking action, going to get the gears turning once again! Thanks for reading and as always thanks a million for supporting. You have no idea how much it means to me! Stay well out there <3

(Don't worry this isn't a 2d Twitter artist rant, boo hoo I hate my stuff. No, I quite love the stuff I make, I'm just aware of whats happened with it as of recently.)


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