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Blargsnarf's Best-Ofs! - 2009 - 2019

Hoo boy. A lot has changed in the last 10 years! Subscribestar only allows 10 uploads, and I wanted to include 2009, so you'll just have to choose your fave 2019 image yourself. Even back in 2009 I was trying as hard as I could to copy the style of the show I was drawing from, but I didn't quite understand things like line width and set building enough to do it.

I'm glad by 2013 I was trying to copy really specific styles, like the end credits to Saints Row III, for instance.

As time goes on I've just tried more and more to stick to the style of whatever I'm copying, be it a comic (Les Nombrils, 2016), cartoons, or even something cut-out and digitally composed like South Park. I get a lot of fun out of nailing styles I haven't tried before.

Of course, I have a long way to go, still. I still shy away from Disney because their backgrounds are sometimes a little too complex. I really need to learn how to paint better, and learn my programs better, rather than relying on the same few tools for everything.

Overall though, I am super happy with my progression over the last 10 years.

Big thanks to the people that've supported me here on Subscribestar! If any of you are having any trouble with any of the rewards, let me know.



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