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Animation - AML6 "Secret Ending" Preview + Super Requests

Hello all! I wanted to start off by saying I hope everyone enjoyed AML6! If you noticed any issues, please feel free to share them here or private message me and let me know. Keep in mind I will be starting on the new series Amys Big Wish on Monday or Tuesday so try to get these in quick to see if I can fix them for the final version of AML6. I also apologize for packing SO MUCH into 1 post but I dont want to push the AML6 release post down too far for new people joining to see that.

If you are here for AML6 you can download it here: 

SO, one thing I was really hoping to have ready for the release was the "secret ending" WELL... it was quite a bit longer than I anticipated so I did not get it done in time but it is ready now so I wanted to share it. This will be a part of the final Version 2 release =)


Also, here are a few requests. I apologize for falling behind, I was just really tied up finishing AML6 and getting things ready for Amys Big Wish!

Folder with all requests from the AML Characters(Sorry its not organized very well but I am going to work on putting something more organized together):



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