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A shot from yesterday's RSB shoot with the latest puppy group. This litter was a very pale tan and in the light they look almost the same as the white backdrop and i was worried they would be lost and we'd lose some of the edge detail which works best with greater contrast.

I would do a couple of tests on a green screen next time as it might be easier to mask the puppies with a distinct outline rather than with the white. 

I underexposed the images because trying to push the background the white produces glare, and you lose contrast and can blow out highlights on brighter areas of the fur and lose detail which you cant recover even with raw. However I should have pushed a little more as images on the back of the camera look much brighter that when you get home and load the images.

I do use a couple of the in camera tools to judge while shooting such as the histogram to see how close to pure white I'm getting as well as the Highlight Alert which flashes areas where the detail is blown out.

Image One: Out of Camera

Image Two: Camera RAW adjustment

Image Three: Final photoshop version

Puppies waiting there turn in the green room. (Credit Leighlan Doe)



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