American Dream Remixed (Patreon)
In the end I found two perfect people to shoot there, Twerkin Gherkin in her Marilyn Monroe and Vicky-Vic in her American Dream. It was the perfect couple of characters that were so different but perfect for the location. I'll post the BTS reel in another post.
Vicky-Vic wanted to use this image for an upcoming guest appearance and I wanted to make some slight adjustments to the colour, saturation mix, I added the sun glare through the window to warm it up and changed the particle overlay I was using.
It was a fairly hot day and this image was taken in the back of a cargo plane which turned out to be just a big tin oven. We could only spend short amounts of time in there.
I only had my standard Octo-sofbox which is quite large especially when attached to a light so we had a lot of issues getting the light were we needed in the restrictive space.